Loli is no longer allowed on Akiba-Online

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Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
To clarify, loli means loli. Very old-skool in this regard. i.e. 2D drawings of "under-18" kids in smut/art (terrorist/freedom-fighter). Lines of ink. No real humans. Imagination plus photoshop. You get the idea.

This is because our host doesn't like it, period. If we were to switch hosts, obviously we'd re-evaluate this position.

I agree that it's horrible, but have you seen the internet today? It's amazing we didn't put this policy in place sooner.

Think of it this way: it's this or close up.


Jun 4, 2013
sad to see this happen. if anyone knows a good board/tracker for loli or shota please pm me.


Active Member
Jan 20, 2013
I'm fine with this since there are more sites willing to host 2D loli/shota than there are willing to host JI content. I will say that if JI is ever removed from AO then the site might as well be shut down since there's no need for another generic JAV site. I think many users will agree with me and leave, so I hope chompy keeps this in mind. There are plenty of well-hosted sites that have lolicon though so I have no idea why this current host can't be told to bugger off.


Apr 13, 2010
holy shit, somebody need to create a backup of all loli on the site and send me torrents of it asap, or i won't stroke this kitten:

i'm serious
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New Member
Apr 1, 2007
To clarify, loli means loli. Very old-skool in this regard. i.e. 2D drawings of "under-18" kids in smut/art (terrorist/freedom-fighter). Lines of ink. No real humans. Imagination plus photoshop. You get the idea.

This is because our host doesn't like it, period. If we were to switch hosts, obviously we'd re-evaluate this position.

I agree that it's horrible, but have you seen the internet today? It's amazing we didn't put this policy in place sooner.

Think of it this way: it's this or close up.

Chompy thanks for your hard work always. This is unfortunate.

But you are the best~ ^-^
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Jan 13, 2007
Wow, even the Japanese government couldn't make the case that drawings were real people.
I definitely think you should find a new host. It's only a matter of time before they decide JR idols or young looking AV stars are child porn as well.
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Akiba Citizen
May 25, 2010
Well, I must say that I did not expect to find at one of the forums that toddler, loli and Shota had as one of the possibilities posts, so early on this art there.
It can be seen that the fingers "Big Brother is watching you" really are long and many "bosses" board which is "not afraid" suddenly worried that the fact that this art not tolerate the destruction of the entire board.Do not have any hope that would be coming sometime in the future this kind of art yet returned.Fortunately, I also elsewhere, where there is not so frightened of it that they threaten "the great American uncle" with the threat of the finger you are.Interestingly left two more boards, where the encounter with this art, one is even toddlercon, lolicon and Shota 3d.I therefore do nothing else than here sometimes look at my friends and me personally, because nothing but this kind of art "does not", so to me these my friends can find where they have no fear.


Active Member
Oct 11, 2009
Overall, I'm satisfied with the switch that made from the old host to this current one. This site looks better and responds much quicker (in my opinion). But I'm a little confused as to why the current host is only now raising objections to the website. Was the current host not fully aware of the content that they were about to assume control over? I'm thinking that this new policy is somehow a result of the recent change in Japanese law regarding "child porn."
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Jul 23, 2008
I'm thinking that this new policy is somehow a result of the recent change in Japanese law regarding "child porn."

You would be wrong. This has to do either with the laws in the country this site is located or more likely, The staff at the site which hosts the server that chompy is currently using for Akiba-Online, (which I believe is in Canada but I won't swear to it). Both Canada and Australia have laws banning lolicon. Canada has actually prosectuted people for anime and manga that depict pornographic images involving images thought to represent underage individuals. Canada has some fucked up laws.


Akiba Citizen
May 25, 2010
You would be wrong. This has to do either with the laws in the country this site is located or more likely, The staff at the site which hosts the server that chompy is currently using for Akiba-Online, (which I believe is in Canada but I won't swear to it). Both Canada and Australia have laws banning lolicon. Canada has actually prosectuted people for anime and manga that depict pornographic images involving images thought to represent underage individuals. Canada has some fucked up laws.
You would be wrong. This has to do either with the laws in the country this site is located or more likely, The staff at the site which hosts the server that chompy is currently using for Akiba-Online, (which I believe is in Canada but I won't swear to it). Both Canada and Australia have laws banning lolicon. Canada has actually prosectuted people for anime and manga that depict pornographic images involving images thought to represent underage individuals. Canada has some fucked up laws.
Then, however, a pity that you did not move its operations to Lithuania.There's probably no one minds.My words are written confirms this board -
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Jul 23, 2008
Actually lolicon is legal, (mostly), in the USA as well.....which is why it wasn't a problem a few years ago when this board had its' server in Colorado. Little Angels Hentai is a good board, or it was when I belonged to it but I haven't been there for years so I don't know who is running it nowadays. I know this hit you hardest Faust, as you took over the posting bug in Loli Land after I quit posting there. I feel for ya bro but there is nothing I can do as I had nothing whatsoever to do with this, I am just a member here like you.


Akiba Citizen
May 25, 2010
Actually lolicon is legal, (mostly), in the USA as well.....which is why it wasn't a problem a few years ago when this board had its' server in Colorado. Little Angels Hentai is a good board, or it was when I belonged to it but I haven't been there for years so I don't know who is running it nowadays. I know this hit you hardest Faust, as you took over the posting bug in Loli Land after I quit posting there. I feel for ya bro but there is nothing I can do as I had nothing whatsoever to do with this, I am just a member here like you.
I know Ceewan that can not help but throw me your note.I also know now what i write about a place where their server, both of which I have also found.
A thank you empathize with me in terms of lolicon!


Aug 14, 2010
According to a staff-member: jr. Idols are prohibited, too.
See the IRC-Channel, too!

it's not as i haven't warned you:
AOL won't probably stay up this long.
This hoster is a good one, yes. But there is some content here, that they don't like.
so if s.o. reports it, AOL will be forced to move or will be shut down (we were forced to remove the content, since at that time, we weren't this flexible as we are now)
i can only offer you help, regarding such things (and probably asking your staff would have helped, too)
i would say one can build up akiba on some save harbours and probpably saving money (eg. get rid of the windows-OS) and you can get the advantange to scatter your hardware throughout the world.
Chaning locations can then be done within a few minutes, if neccessary.
E.g. if we at world-of-hentai will get such an request of our hoster, we are able to switch to another hoster within max. 10minutes (approx the time, the DNS needs to update and we need to choose a location - i've got some on my network just waiting to kick in)

you probably will ignore this post again, but it only exists to be able to say: "i've said it" ;)

with a little money and some time, we can bring back loli and jr. idol.
ETA: well, depending on money and co, perhaps 3-4Days with a live-migration and a downtime of about 1-2 h (depending on the size of the DB)
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New Member
Nov 11, 2006
Well, thank god for Deadfrog ( since akiba-online is now going to be just another run-of-the-mill JAV-site...
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Akiba Citizen
May 25, 2010
I do not know why we have to IP addresses registered somewhere in Luxembourg, though, according to Ceewan in the USA where it is registered do not have a problem with lolicon!:(


Loli Collector
Apr 30, 2007
wait... so Jr.Idols are GONE to? or was that just some trolling.. chompy was only talking about lolicon, if Jr.Idols are gone... what do people need AO for? i guess the JAV has a huge fanbase
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2007
I've never been into collecting loli personally,
but what's surprising about all this is how we live in a society where people are ridiculed and punished for expressing their inner ideas though nothing other then drawings and cartoon art. We spend millions of dollars on useless projects, (such as putting a net under the Golden Gate bridge to keep people from committing suicide when there are 50 other bridges for them to jump from) In the mean time wasting money on bullshit rather then spending it on helping people from committing suicide in the first place. Or putting the money towards understanding each other and how the inner mind works. Yet society looks the other way at the smell elite group who lobby to keep people in privet owned prisons @ $60,000 a year per inmate rather then helping them get well. This world is F..ked and so are the 90% of lazy people who let it get that way.

On a side note: I personally wouldn't give this host a dime. But at the same time I realize that there is a cost involved to maintaining a site this large.
One can only hope this is a temporary solution to a high cost of rent, a passing of time to help keep a roof over the community. But sooner or later this host needs to be dropped because if they're banning cartoons and drawings, what is going to stop them from banning Junior Idol content? Once the river flows everything flows with it. If the JIdols go, it will be like rain poring down on Elmer's Glue and all will fall apart.

I feel confident that the mods will find a better solution at some point. We live in a world of sink or swim and I'm guessing the waves might have gotten kind of rough at the moment. Hang in there, everything is temporary - Hopefully not a departure from the best of times, but for the moment of difficult times.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008

last time i checked loli section here it was kinda limited anyways

just go to exhentai or pixiv for that.
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