Look how cool i am thread


New Member
May 9, 2007
so we all know, we be the coolest of them all

i be cool cause i like sharing what i download


i also have a small H-Manga collection of ~70gb (no lose images)

so show your coolness here too (especially bandwith monitors heh)


i like your avatar miyaw

pew pew
woah so much hdd space :<
my 80 + 80 + 20gb is nothing compared to that heh

i dunno where i found my avatar but its like, meow pew pew!
high powered rifle VS pew pew pew paws... the fight of the decade


MSPaint bitches. Pixel by fucking pixel. :hero:
damn.. i dont think i have the skill or the patience to do that
i would be like :destroy:
Is this sufficiently cool? My upload rate fluctuates wildly, depending on such factors as network activity, solar flares, the alignment of heavenly bodies, the DOW-Jones Industrial Average, and the performance of the Miami Dolphins. But I think it averages about 1 MG/s. The highest I've ever seen it go is something like 2.67 MG/s.

The above screen dump was made about ten minutes ago. An hour ago the upload rate looked like this:

EDIT: Just after I uploaded this, my upload rate surged again:

Maybe the Dolphins lost another game or something.

I'm getting bored with my avatar. But I haven't seen anyone else with a Noguchie avatar, so maybe I'll stick with it for a while longer. The kitty avatars are cute. I was trying to think of a clever pun combining "cat/kitten/kitty/feline" and Golgo 13, but I got nothing. Golgo 9 Lives?
Okay, forget I said that. :silence:
This thing plays everything at a very high framerate.
I love it and call it Rozy.

Yes, I name my computers.
It amuses me.
indreamsiwalk, you are not as cool as i am! heh


seriously, loads of people download h-manga's :goodboy:

i have to say that my pc is crap though :<
I don't think I'm that cool. I don't like to presume that much.
But since being cool has something to do with torrents... Here's a screenshot of my Azureus statistics. Not that impressive, but... sharing is caring.


Other than that, maybe I'm cool because of these guys? :goodboy:


Their names are Hip (the brown one) and Hop (the white one). They're my babies.
Your "downloaded" to "uploaded" ratio makes you plenty cool in my book, but the bunnies are the real clincher. I can't top that. Those are some serious cute bunnies.
indreamsiwalk, you are not as cool as i am! heh


seriously, loads of people download h-manga's :goodboy:

i have to say that my pc is crap though :<

:wait: Curse you, miyaw!!