Looking For Jade PHI Videos

Jade Phi P21-06



Jade Omni O29-01


@Benjies, Hope you are feeling better, I know I do after seeing your latest post. Thank you very much. Was searching for Phi P21-06 for a long time already.

@iTwins, "Lambros" isn't the one with 4TB of Jade vids. Well at least not the Lambros I see from time to time.
I have WinMX running 24/7 in WinXP on VMware server and that runs on my Linux server. Goes pretty good as the WinXP machine only runs WinMX and Linux doesn't seem to notice that VMware is running (cpu is almost always 90% idle).
The only frustrating thing is that I have at some downloads complete for over 50% and they don't want to finish. For instance a Jade Kangunn started (3 months ago) and in 1 day downloaded over 360MB (about 50%) but is now only at 420MB. That is 60MB in 90 days. At this rate it will take another 6 months or maybe even more.
Glad you guys approve I will have ETGD-01 up shortly and P52-01 tomorrow
Jade Eleven ETGD-01


Hhmm, Is this really a coincidence? I mean lol, everytime when i am going out for oversea trip, then there is some important discussion and i always miss the chance to talk about lol :joker: hahaha,

Anyway, Benjies, Hope you are doing better now and thanks for the video.

@colweb, winmx world is actually a trading spot for people like us for a longtime already. To be honest, You need to know some fact about japanese before they are willing to trade with you. Like myself, in year 2000, I started using winmx and have the same problem like you are facing now :(, because I couldn't understand what the label is, So i went to do some study for japanese writing and understand some of the important word for us to search in winmx.

One important thing is to use mx_moni, so few years ago like itwins said, My username is (Moni)_交換Damocles. With this name, it's important because
1), they will think you are japanese,
2) they know you have moni active, there is one more word which is the keyword to trade, (something like "installed" or "setting" in japanese, maybe itwins can help me to type it out,)

normally what i do is, I search my prefer genre, there are two search column in winmx,
The first one i type, ジェイド, then second column, either label you like from pjade, shraila, evo, or phi will all work, if you know the japanese word for those lable, you could try but normally they use english, when you found the label you like, then queue, after 30 mins of queing all the file i want, then i will search through all the 100 users who are on my queue with (moni) or 交換, then I will see whether they have the coloured title and do a download in parallel. after that when that's done,
The most important part, send them a message, they are definitely away, but when they come back, if they interested in your file, they will start it,
Remember, they only interested to trade. so don't expect them to start, The more you share the easier to get the file download.

Another important thing is, when you send them a message, be polite, and definitely must be in japanese, I lost my file which included all the sending message and thank you message in japanese. If they saw your message in japanese, they are more likely to start it.
There is time when there is so communication need like speed limit, or some message you don't understand, use the message preset i make like, "sorry I am away, can you start it please and i will start when i come back" in japanese. But do start it when you are really back. or else you will get block.

Make sure you username is not blocked by people, sometime it will be wise to change your username once a month, I use pocs and Damocles in winmx world.

Some setting in the default monimx need to be change and make sure "disconnected when trading is finished" is turn off, I ever trade with a japanese with more than 20 video, which they upload everything to me and I only only one video, because of the trust we build, Don't be shitty when you finsihed gradding people file and you start disconnected them. Even when your trading is done, but he is continuing queue and downloading let them be....that's japanese i guess hahaha.

Remember when japanese browse through your list you have to let them show interested on what genre you are looking for.
to make the file easier to trade, upskirt and shitting is preferable, but I think if you have some sharila will help a lot, although i don't encourage it.
So the more genre you have, the easier to trade, I don't have the problem with genre as I share over 15TB of data since 2000 to 2008. :notagain:

hhmm, so colweb, I hope you can help me to grab more upskirt movie if you can :p

Ultimately, Opennap will also be very useful, if you would like to learnt how to use, there are more and extremely huge list to get the file too :p
Great Bejies! thanks for the vids! specially for phi p21-06.

Hope you are better and merry christmas for all

No problem got that one with you in mind. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Jade Phi P52-01


This is a best christmas gift.....:gayprance:
Thank you,Benjies
and Merry Christmas!!!

You're welcome buddy enjoy and Merry Christmas to you
@Pocs / Damocles:

Your text is a bit to long to quote here. But I will try to explain what I'm doing.

I don't have much problems with Japanese symbols. Used Google translate to find the Japanese for Jade, voyeur, masturbation and so on. And use it also to translate the Japanese file names I find in WinMX. Still don't know how to enter Japanese symbols with a qwerty keyboard.

In WinMx I have changes some settings. "Disconnect when trading is finished" is turned off. I hate it if others do it. If I download from somebody, I usually write down there username and when they come in my queue start them. That is, if I'm at the machine and see them come in.
I don't mind if somebody grabs 10 files from me as long as I get at least one from him.

When I send a message to a user I normally do it in English, unless there are Japanese symbols in the username. Then I send it in Japanese with the English text under it. I still don't trust the online translation.
Once got a message back (from a Japanese) that translated to "why do you want me to stop uploading?". Can't remember what it was I did send to him, but it certainly wasn't the correct translation.
I do copy the text send by Japanese users so my list of correct Japanese is growing.

It is obvious when searching for Jade vids you use the word Jade or ジェイド. But a lot of the Jade vids have names that you simply can't find this way. So what I do is browse the list of files they have and that way I have found several Jade vids that I wouldn't have found any other way. Even if they don't want to trade/share I at least have a name and hash value. Have downloaded a few files this way.

As you can read, I don't have much problems finding, trading, downloading and uploading in WinMX.

But... I do have a problem with those users who don't want to share and only want to have. Unfortunately they are also the ones who have the most Jade vids we don't have (yet).
There seems to be a "0 of 0" hack, meaning that WinMX will never ever automatically start to upload, but will continue to download. It looks like most Japanese users have installed this hack.
I see a lot of them in my queue and when they have files I want to have I start them. But only a few return the favor and start me to, but most don't.
Even if I send them "ユーザーが起動した、私を起動してください" (hopefully meaning: "Have started you, please start me"), they don't do so. Or they don't accept messages (changed the privacy settings).

I think if you have some sharila will help a lot, although i don't encourage it.
Why not? Because sharila is mostly r***?
I thought I had enough in my share folder already, but will see how many upskirt and shit (always to much, but you know what I mean) there is in my share folder.
I don't have much problems with Japanese symbols. Used Google translate to find the Japanese for Jade, voyeur, masturbation and so on. And use it also to translate the Japanese file names I find in WinMX. Still don't know how to enter Japanese symbols with a qwerty keyboard.

All Asians type their languages using a qwerty keyboard. :) Not a lot like me use a voice recognition program to type for me (I cannot write). You need a Unicode OS to do that OR you install a Unicode language program.

In WinMx I have changes some settings. "Disconnect when trading is finished" is turned off. I hate it if others do it. If I download from somebody, I usually write down there username and when they come in my queue start them. That is, if I'm at the machine and see them come in. I don't mind if somebody grabs 10 files from me as long as I get at least one from him.

Haha. Remember I mentioned sometimes I want to fly over to Japan to strangle some of these people? Now you know. I hate it so much when people disconnect me whenever they completed their files too. I always let them finish even when I have completed my download. I used to write down who do that but they keep changing their aliases. So, instead, I write down their first and last filename AND their aliases.

When I send a message to a user I normally do it in English, unless there are Japanese symbols in the username. Then I send it in Japanese with the English text under it. I still don't trust the online translation.
Once got a message back (from a Japanese) that translated to "why do you want me to stop uploading?". Can't remember what it was I did send to him, but it certainly wasn't the correct translation.
I do copy the text send by Japanese users so my list of correct Japanese is growing.

I never bother to chat with anyone. I used to send them a blank message so to tell them to start trading but I no longer need to do that after I make use of MX Moni. Very few wants to talk to me anyways but when they do they always initiate their chat to me but they write in Japanese and expect me to understand them. All my filenames are English; not one has Chinese/Japanese characters. I'm surprised some didn't get the picture.

It is obvious when searching for Jade vids you use the word Jade or ジェイド. But a lot of the Jade vids have names that you simply can't find this way. So what I do is browse the list of files they have and that way I have found several Jade vids that I wouldn't have found any other way. Even if they don't want to trade/share I at least have a name and hash value. Have downloaded a few files this way.

Browsing is the most common method I used too. I hate to search every single product code. It's the most hassle-free method.
@Pocs / Damocles:
Why not? Because sharila is mostly r***?
I thought I had enough in my share folder already, but will see how many upskirt and shit (always to much, but you know what I mean) there is in my share folder.

Some of the sharila r*** movie is too real for my, I have it only for trading use :p.
As for myself, I started trading after i collect large amount of jade and eleven movie. So i notice my trading power come from upskirt material. I managed to get all the jade and eleven because I have act-net upskirt before. So yea, give it a try.

During my search years back, upskirt is actually the culture in japan, but it is just so normal that upskirt is everywhere. It's part of their life :p
:p still on process hehe
I never bother to chat with anyone. I used to send them a blank message so to tell them to start trading but I no longer need to do that after I make use of MX Moni.

I only send a message if I started the upload and they don't start me. Even using MX Moni doesn't guaranty that all goes well. Many times I have 100 users in my queue (in WinMX) but MX Moni only has a fraction of those users (sometimes not more than 30).
It already happen that somebody started me, was also in my queue but MX Moni didn't do anything (hadn't seen this user) and had to start that user manually.
MX Moni seems to have a live on its own. It sometimes starts to upload for no reason at all. Leaving me wondering why the upload started. For instance, a user is at position 80 in my queue and I don't see that user anywhere else. Upload starts initiated by MX Moni. Why? Or it stops an upload while I'm downloading from that user. Why again?

Anyway, it makes live easier but it is not perfect. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that all these programs are beta versions.

Some of the sharila r*** movie is too real for my, I have it only for trading use

I do collect them because they are part of the Jade collection. Viewing some you really wonder if it is real or staged.
Have used some of the r*** movies to trade and downloaded a few Jade movies that wouldn't have come in otherwise. But I keep the r*** movies in a separate folder so I can turn the sharing on/off (in WinMX library) without disturbing my other shares.
MX Moni works most of the time for me. I think it starts the user on 80 queue because you were on his queue too. that's how mine works.

WinMX by itself is quite unstable. That's why I say you have to be very patient.