Agreed, the Ai Haneda one had tonnes of potential but fizzled out quickly. I really like the part where the bad guy digs out the microchip from her vag as she squirms...that was kinky

Moses you gotta help us out on obtaining that Sally Yoshino classic, now that even good ol Jug can't pull it out from his magic hat.
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SERO-063 starring Reika Aizumi
Reika rocks a bob cut looking really like a tough as nails investigator of some sort. The first and second act consists of her pleasuring some random guys with some office fucking and a blowjob at a stairway. Both were very well shot and would have sold the film by themselves. The third scene on the other hand has her being held at gunpoint, and first forced to blow off a hostage, then to strip naked for some fornicating with the baddie. The last scene started brilliantly with every reluctant movement of hers accompanied by a look of disgust as they began fucking. However a few minutes into the action the bad guy puts his gun aside, and Reika decides her best option is to pleasure him so he'd lay down his defences, and it becomes regular porn. Disappointing, but I still hold the first two scenes in high regard. Fans of Reika might also wanna check out ATID-193; there's not much toughness here, but the finale has her forced to strip, chained up in a dungeon and fucked like a toy. She doesn't give in at all but responds with moans and cries instead of looking defiant, which still works for me.
SHKD-373 starring Rei Aoki
Rei sets off to rescue her colleague but falls for the good ol hostage routine. She is handcuffed and manhandled by two men and is defiant throughout (look at that face on top of the back cover), and moans in pain intermittently. She also fights from start to end, trying to break free from her attackers as they strip her, and even in the midst of being r***ing by one guy from behind, shrugs off the other one trying to hold up her pretty face. This scene would have been top notch had it not been for the poor camera angles and terrible lighting, the shadow is distracting and prevents you from enjoying the action in full. Rei also isn't the most consistent/enthusiastic actress, so it leaves something to be desired. I'll add another recommendation in SHKD-255; she is routinely captured and r***ing, but there's a nice after r*** scene where 3-4 guys hold her up so the semen would flow out from her pussy, before taking turns to ejaculate on her. Needless to say she isn't very pleased about that, and once again her acting is a little wooden, but her lack of emotion kind of works as an expression of defiance.