Sakurazawa Rui (桜沢るい)
Released in 2018-10-23.
ISO is 3.63GB
MP4 is 1.25GB
Screenshots picture folder is 2.42MB
Movie's name Final –ファイナル– seems to mean simply: Final –Final–
Maybe it's her last movie then? At least it has some nudity this time, yay!
And a message for the moderators of this site, please let me know if you're going to delete my torrents without any noticeable reason or warning, it's annoying to share stuff that gets taken down immediately without any given reasons.

Released in 2018-10-23.
ISO is 3.63GB
MP4 is 1.25GB
Screenshots picture folder is 2.42MB
Movie's name Final –ファイナル– seems to mean simply: Final –Final–
Maybe it's her last movie then? At least it has some nudity this time, yay!
And a message for the moderators of this site, please let me know if you're going to delete my torrents without any noticeable reason or warning, it's annoying to share stuff that gets taken down immediately without any given reasons.