I believe males are conditioned from an early age to behave a certain way around females. I didn't hang out with guys growing up. I usually spent time alone or around women. I have a different perspective. Because I've been around women so much, I can take sex out of the "equation." So no matter how the woman is dressed, it doesn't mean I'll automatically be tuned on.
Like some guys can see a woman in a particular outfit and they'll automatically think a certain way, because that's what they've been taught.
I believe sex is mental and the body follows.
You have the power to take your sexual energy and use it for something else. That could be the reason why boxers don't have sex before a fight. So it doesn't matter how much a guy wants to sleep with someone else while he's in a relationship. Doesn't matter how bored he is with the relationship. Either break up with the person or be faithful. Unless it's an "open" relationship, I don't see what the problem is.
I'll tell you this, if the penalty for being caught cheating was at the very least, castration for men and gang r*** for women, people would think twice about doing it.
As a matter of fact, they would actually take time to tell their mate that they want out of the relationship, instead of sneaking behind their back.
I don't know about other parts of the world, but in some parts of America, "Crime Of Passion" can be an actual defense. You discover that your spouse is cheating, you become so upset that you kill them and their lover.
That alone should be a reason why people should come clean.
I believed you have been "conditioned" then XD conditioned to think and act like women and you will assess your surroundings with the mental perception of a women since you hung out with women most of the time therefore you will most probably not "objectify" women as a tool to satisfy your sexual desire. That is good and should be adopted by all men but the downside of this is that men will not like you and you'll most probably be rejected by most women because they don't find you wanting for the lack of masculinity.
What worries me a little is that you don't get turned on when a women is dressed in a particular manner. If a women dressed sexily and you are not turned on then you may have an issue because the purpose of that women has just been defeated. You need to address this before it becomes permanent. You are supposed to be turned on and getting turned on does not mean you need to stick your cock in her. Just get, excited. I super dig women in tubes and shorts, it just simply accentuates all their good sides but I don't feel like raping them, i just like to look at them.
Not only boxers but all sportsman are discouraged to have any sexual activity the night before their game because it causes fatigue to the body, not having sex does not give you any "extra power" to deliver a more deadly blow

Men are sensible creatures, at times which is why they masturbate to that "one particular" women and get it out of their system instead of giving into their desires and cheat and though this is still considered as cheating to most women, I find this absolutely ok. Everyone has their own dark secrets and no one needs to know about it. I'm sure women in a relationship do think of other men. It is almost impossible to conclude that women don't drool over Chris Evans. To men, so as long as there is no act, there is no crime but for women, so as long as the intention is presence, you're guilty.
One does not need to break up just because he had a sudden rush of wanting to have sex with a random stranger who dressed sexily unless it is seriously affecting the relationship. If your theory is to be applied then this world would have no marriage at all because trust me, every men no matter how faithful would have that thought.
Your proposed punishment is very archaic in nature and can be seen in the scriptures of the Bible. If you even so lust at another women other than your wife, you have committed adultery. Plus, if that is applicable, the human population will dwindle because there will be no men with a cock left.
"Crime of Passion" is an actual defense but not an "absolute defense". It's something the defense raise to tilt the scales to the accused's favor but not enough to switch the burden of proof. There's a difference between the 2 and you can see how much weigh the courts place in this.
It is not that men do not want to come clean but they fear the reaction that women would give. Sorry to say this and no offences but sometimes, women do overreacted over something minute. You are looking at when a husband confessed to his wife "honey, i oogled at that teenager earlier in the market today and wanted to blow my load over her". Sensible and rational?
Can we also expect such honesty from the women to the men then?
The point is this, you can bend "the law", so as long as you don't "break it".
Have you ever committed a minute traffic offense which you shouldn't have? Did you like went to the police officer and confessed your crime and expect forgiveness?