Mayumi Yamanaka 山中真由美

cover for upcoming DVD


Also my favorite photo from the latest set

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I never really held her in high esteem due to her sister's goddess-like status; but I have to admit, she is growing on me. Or I'm growing on her. Take the pun as you will.
I think the last few DVD's Mayumi has released have been relatively tame compared to the sexcellent BGYU-009 ... which was AMAZING and is still a frequent watch.
Since her sister is still pretty much MIA I've found myself following her twitter more closely in vain attempt to get information on the Yamanaka household, she recently posted this titty-tastic photo which I'm assuming will be an outfit on an upcoming DVD ...

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So hopefully Mayumi will continue to give us cheesecake while we wait until Tomoe has a grand return under a new agency ... :terharu:
pls, where is this from?