Mayumi Yamanaka 山中真由美

ok, I need to stop right now, I'm so tired, I'll post again the next days
ok, I need to stop right now, I'm so tired, I'll post again the next days
Do you know of any way of getting those rapidimg pics in an easier way? Is there some add-on to grab those, without having to open each one, wait for the advertisements to load, click on a different link to the picture, and closing two pop-up tabs/windows?
Do you know of any way of getting those rapidimg pics in an easier way? Is there some add-on to grab those, without having to open each one, wait for the advertisements to load, click on a different link to the picture, and closing two pop-up tabs/windows?

I also like to have the whole set, but I think some people like the option of picking only the ones they want.
Do you know of any way of getting those rapidimg pics in an easier way? Is there some add-on to grab those, without having to open each one, wait for the advertisements to load, click on a different link to the picture, and closing two pop-up tabs/windows?

I haven't seen any Ads (might be my AdBlocker), but if you don't mind opening each image, I wrote a simple script that will automatically forward you to the actual page that has the image on it, so all you have to do is "right-click -> Save Image As.." on each one. Slightly faster anyway.

If you use GreaseMonkey (or Chrome) and know how to install user scripts, here's one I just wrote:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Auto-Load Image
// @namespace ImageLoad
// @description Loads image without need for extra click
// @include http://**.html
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

var getBtn = document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
if (getBtn.value == "Continue to image ... ") {; }

There might be some formatting issues with that, Akiba doesn't have a simple way to post code chunks as far as I know. I think simply copy-pasting should work, but if you have any questions, let me know.

Beyond that, short of an actual program or script that can skim AO and grab the image links directly (not sure if that violates site-rules or not), due to the way rapidimg works, it might not be possible to auto-download each image. At least, if it is, it's beyond my current ability (which isn't saying much).
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