Megaman's Hentai Quest - Free MMORPG *Currently Active*

Sep 23, 2008
Hello everyone out there scrounging the Akiba-Online Forums for games to check out :hypno: I'm here to promote "Megaman's Hentai Quest - MMORPG". It has it's "Hentai" elements, such as consentual sex with players of the opposite sex. Also, depending upon the completion of quests, allows for access to a number of "Hentai Flash Games" when you earn them.

This game may have it's "Hentai Elements", but it is indefinitely credited as a solid MMORPG. There are multiple assortments of Equipments, Classes, Items, Activities, and Clothing/Apparel to please any normal MMORPG enthusiast, Hentai-Oriented person, and Fetishist alike :nosebleed:

This is a primarily 2-D MMORPG that is consistently being updated. There are many different locations to explore, including but not limited to:

Multiple Towns and Villages

Numerous Secret/Hidden Locations

A generous amount of available Quests (Soon to increase in numbers.)

A grouping of already Active Players who are readily available to aide you in your journey with plenty of experience.

Guilds that are already present, and the availability to create your own.

A PK System that is working well, but will indefinitely be improved upon as more updates come to fruition.

Guild Wars/Events are readily available upon request by the leaders of respective Guilds.

3 Available Classes (Fighter, Mage, and Ranger), not including available Hybrid opportunities.

Multiple Job Classes (Currently Fishing, Cooking, Mining, Smithing, Thieving, and soon to be "Ninjutsu" :nou: )

And many, many more that are already present, and soon to be implemented.

So anybody who is interested in joining our community of players, feel free to download the Client from the web address provided below. Register your "Account" first, then you are able to create up to 3 characters with the Gender of your choice. All of these availabilities are 100% Free thanx to our dedicated Game Creator/Server Megaman :relax-bath:

There is also a forum available for players to get to know one another better, share interests/hobbies, and many more "random" availabilities :snicker: So join in the fun and get it on and poppin', peace :goodmood:

Official Website:

New Updated Client Websites:;11905792;/fileinfo.html

Forum Address:

Beginner's Guide (Made by yours truly :cool:), enjoy :full:

The download locations of the Updated Client and Beginner's Guide have just been added to the First Post in this Topic, enjoy :þ