Miu Nakamura (仲村みう)

Dayum... judging by the shower scene and this cover things will be getting more revealing as it goes along. I for one cannot wait! Of course then I'll be depressed thinking about her retiring.
Few more days til the new DVD.... hope it makes a swift leak onto here as the wait is killing me!
My goodness... she's so miutiful...

why she must leave? :donotwant:

Btw, maybe she gonna cosplay as Misa from Death Note? :
Friday 11-13
yaa vol.12
While looking for the latest release, I came across this commercial-like vid with Miu on share. Can someone translate or verify what it is please? I can post it if anyone is interested.

浜ちゃんが! 20091029 「新発見 芸能人丸秘私生活」仲村みう(未編集)
While looking for the latest release, I came across this commercial-like vid with Miu on share. Can someone translate or verify what it is please? I can post it if anyone is interested.

浜ちゃんが! 20091029 「新発見 芸能人丸秘私生活」仲村みう(未編集)

If I am not mistaken, it was a variety show called "Hamachanga!", where they invited celebrities to show their own stuff in their private life. Miu was the guest in the episode of 2009/10/29.

I found the related links in japanese bbs, but I am not sure whether the content is the same as your screenshot (since I haven't downloaded it yet).:grassdance:
