Most Challenging Game?


Jun 22, 2010
:hi: everyone, I would like your thoughts on the most challenging game which you have played and could recommend for me. I personally love a challenge, but I haven't really encountered a game (since SMT: Nocturne) which really has posed a real challenge.

I have played Demon Souls recently (they finally released it over in the UK!) but I found it far too easy. After all the hype of it being 'the hardest game ever', I must admit I was a little disappointed on that front. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game and the PvP can prove a challenge; but overall I find myself playing with a lack of conviction.

Any game on any system would be greatly appreciated - Although I have played an exhaustive number of games in my time, so the more obscure the better.


Sorry if this request seems a little selfish and thank you in advance.
Battletoads on NES. A hell of a platform/action game. The 2-player game is even more insane. :scared:

Of course playing on emulator without quicksaves is recommanded to enjoy the game as you would own the original cartridge (as I do :joker:).

If you're not into retrogaming, well too bad. :sadomaso:
Thanks for the reply, I do appreciate it. I have no problems with retro; I still own many of the older consoles and still enjoy playing them.
A challenge? Retro gaming? Milon's Secret Castle, hands down. Even with save states enabled I had one HELL of a difficult time with this game. lol

Another challenge would be to beat Embodiment of Scarlet Devil on the hardest difficulty. I saw that you replied to the Touhou thread, so I trust that you've either done this already (!!! o_o) or you've not but know what I'm talking about.
Milon's Secret Castle; I'll have to look that up, thanks. ^_^

And yes, I have played on 'Lunatic' and done the Extra mode! Thanks for reminding me of this by the way; I think I'll have to find it and have a play. XD

Added: ...O_o I watched the video in the link and...What can I say? I can see why you have a problem with it lol. I'm still going to get it and have a play though :)
Guardian Legend for the NES is pretty tough just because all the clue for how to advance are so cryptic. The game plays like a shoot 'em up, mixed with over world exploration like the original Zelda game.

Also, if you want a long term, and I mean HUGE long term commitment to rising difficulty, you can try Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, on PS2. It's an RPG that has a feature where each time you beat the game, you can start over at twice the difficulty as the last run, up to 50 restarts. As far as I know, no one has ever done all 50 extra levels of difficulty. That's mainly due to lose of interest whenever someone gets to about 39 or so (from what I've read on forums at least). The problem with that game, is that you won't get some of the story if you haven't played the original.

Honestly, you might get tired of the second game before it gets to some of the extremes of it's difficulty. And the first time you raise it, it only makes the leaders of enemy parties have twice the HP. But every time after, it changes more at once, other than Leader HP.

I know those aren't the toughest things in the world, but I'll try to think of something else and come back to this.
It depends what kind of challenge you actually means.

I'm pretty sure you already know this game:

It's out for the 360 and region-free.

I don't have a Xbox, because I'm a poorfag and can't afford it. I'm getting my Bullet Hell-Fix from Mame using a ghetto tate and arcade stick. Cave are pretty famous for their BH-games. Try some DoDonPachi and ESPrade on Mame. But there are also tons of other excellent non-cave-shooters that you can play with Mame.

I think it's pretty safe to say, that 1cc'ing an arcade game (any arcade game) is the most challenging thing you can do gaming wise.

The other thing or gaming genre that I love and I think it's fucking challenging is 4X.

When I talk about 4X, I'm speaking about the Paradox Interactive games, not the Civ-Serie. Europa Universalis III is definitely the most complicated game I've ever played (never tried X³), it took me literally days, just to understand the basic mechanics and after that I'm still finding out new things. The manual has over 150 pages and you really have to read them first, if you want to accomplish anything in this game. This may sounds like work at first and it really feels like work at the beginning, but when you finally understood the gameplay and possibilities... damn, you can play this game for years and still don't get bored.
Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll take a look at all of them some time this week. :tea:

And nreisvu, by 'challenge' I mean anything that takes a certain amount of skill and more often than not patience to complete fully. It's anything which you feel a sense of accomplishment from completing, rather than a dull undertone of ' that it?'

Thanks Rollyco, I'm not such a big fan of PC platformers (prefer console versions), but I'll still give it a shot. I can always remap a control-pad for the assigned keys.
if you still have a working PS 1 better give Einhander a try. it's a shooter,scrolling type. i might've been just a kid when i played it but i still remember it being extremely hard.

As for something more modern try Mass Effect 2 on Insane difficulty and playing either the Vanguard or Engineer class. i played it 1st on Veteran and it was like normal difficulty for me. i tried Hardcore on my 2nd playthrough and i can see a drastic change in difficulty so i can just imagine how difficult Insane is.

you might also wanna check this out. it's a list from Sankaku complex
I'm surprised no one said Alien Homonid so far; that game was CRAZY HARD but fun.

Hope that helps. :bow-pray:
Touhou is what jumps into my mind..

Yeah - I've been through quite a few titles, and I would agree - They are challenging and some are frightfully annoying until you get the hang of it.

Armored Core 4, it pissed me off for ages that I gave up!

I personally don't find that game all too challenging. Then again, I have played many similar titles (like A.C.E. 1,2,3 etc.) Mecha flight-sims are a fun experience, but not quite what I look for in a challenge. Thanks for throwing it out there though - I appreciate any and all (serious) suggestions.
I haven't played many mech games and thought I'd give it a go and I found it pretty tough as you have to be quite quick at moving around and shooting at the same time and with some weapons you have to be stationary I kept dying lol.

Also the last boss on [Prototype] I found hard as you're on a small area over water and he knocks your health off quickly and you also have soldiers firing rockets every few seconds.
Also the last boss on [Prototype] I found hard as you're on a small area over water and he knocks your health off quickly and you also have soldiers firing rockets every few seconds.

lol - Got to love [Prototype] - Wanton destruction, carnage and blood; what a great combo. :pandalaugh: That aside, the last boss on the Aircraft Carrier is actually pretty fun - The main problem is ensuring you kill it before the countdown (although this only happens when you lower it's life to ~1/4.)

Well, if you don't have anything against primitive graphics or roguelike's, try beating Nethack. Bonus points for not looking up any spoilers on it.

Thanks for the suggestion - I'll have a look into it. To be honest though - I have never really been into 'roguelike' games too much, but I have nothing against graphic-lite titles.