Most Women Are BI or Lesbian: Can I say 80 percent?

I think it was coolkevin who said, in response to another of josolopSon3's posts, that "this is one of those threads that just keeps on giving".

Well, here we go...

(an apology if I've gotten the author of the quote wrong)

The thing I can't get my head around is whether he sits and thinks specifically about the topics he posts on or if he's in the middle of doing something completely unrelated--like, say, doing the dishes--when all of a sudden, like a thunderbolt/lightning flash in a humid night-time summer sky a fully-formed thought like "..."Most Women Are BI or Lesbian: Can I say 80 percent?" just pops into his head and seizes him.

So, which is it, "Rain Man" or "Inception"?
Seems like most women are BI or Lesbian. You see it time and time again in real life, and in dating sitess.

Seems most Japanese women are also bi and lesbian(most hide it though).
But we've never had numbers.

From my research and what i see outthere, it seems 80 percent of women are are BI/Lesbian.

I'm willing to pay 1000 dollars that this is true.

And yeah some of you will say "no women are just more emotional and they can be touchy touchy even with girls but that doesn't mean they're lesbian"
But no matter how you see it ,they still like girls.

The only reason Women stop themselves from pursuing a lesbian relationship is cause they're scared of society.

Like I've seen tons of Japanese girls in AMerica who get married in America or advertise it freely, while when back in their country they were totally closeted.

Dear god, you have watched way to much porn…

I would actually say that the number of lesbian/bi women are considerably lover than than most males think (again, we probe by have porn to thank for that).

I'm more of the notion that a lot of women acts as if they like other girls to make themselves more attractive in the eyes of men since most of use finds women kissing for an example extremely attractive.

In all honesty i think the percentage of males and females who are pretty much equal across the sexes but being a lesbian is generally more accepted in society than being gay.

So in short, there's way fewer lesbians/bi women than you seams to believe there are and also considerably more gay/bi men than is generally perceived.