mother+son non-fake incest JAV?

I don't consider step stuff "real" incest, and by making the step-mom close to age to the step-son takes away the relation AND the ageplay aspect.

It's still taboo, but it's closer to like teacher-student taboo or nurse-patient taboo than incest taboo, if that makes sense.
the step stuff is mostly in American translation, the Japanese mostly keeps out the step out. I love the brother and sister titles like

While Our Parents Were Away, My Little Sister And I Were Having Sex All Day

most of the actors have been in the game for awhile, they looked like sons in early 2010's now they need to move to father and uncle roles
Of course, but with the actor shortage in AV, they can't move.
I wonder does this bothered the studios and what plans do they have to combat the shortage?
Yudzuru, a stable in shota movies, has been aging badly lately.