Well, since I have mentioned Airi Kijima in this thread and I had had one of her titles on my Top 10 JAVs of 2015 list, I decided to do a review of that. I don't think that it came out right, but I said I would do a review, so here it is!
I know that that is a lot of text, but blame Jugulear, not me!

The film starts out with the teacher, Airi Kijima, walking around in class and checking on her students. They are in the middle of writing a test, and she often needs to go up to students who have got some questions regarding the test, slightly bending over so she can see exactly what needs clarification. This and her extremely short skirt allow us and some of the students to take a look at her panties, round little butt and sexy legs. The shots are brief and so is the scene, but it establishes the theme of the film and also also serves as a taste of what's to come.
Scene 01
The students all leave after taking the test, except for one, whom Airi Kijima pulls aside to have a private conversation with. The poor sod is obviously feeling down, and no words seem to get through to him. Fortunately, his beautiful teacher knows just how to cheer him up. She puts his hand on her thighs, kisses him and then sits on his lap, rubbing her butt against his crotch. She feels her student getting harder, so she pulls down his trousers and pants so she can continue with a handjob. She licks his penis a couple of times to wet it, but it's not long before she starts giving him a blowjob. At this point, she stands up just so we can see her legs and butt better, which breaks the immersion a little, but the view and the fact that she goes on to kiss him makes up for it. She then proceeds to use her legs and hands to please the guy in a variety of ways, including a standing pose where she's got the guy's penis between her thighs – a favourite of mine, but poorly done here. She uses her hand to caress the penis, which must feel great, for sure, but her hand blocks the view of the penis and thus makes the scene visually less appealing. This is an issue both when she's facing the guy and when she's facing away from him, and that short interlude between those two positions, where the guy puts his penis on the table and she uses her foot to pleasure him, doesn't fit the scene either. Even though she's got authority over him as a teacher, such a dominant position didn't feel right for the situation and made me think that it was simply there because the director wanted it to be there. So things seem to be going downhill, but the final position, where she goes back to rubbing her butt against the penis, allows the scene to end on a high note, even though her reaction to the guy ejaculating is somewhat strange – I can't decide if it's surprise, confusion, or disbelief, and there's a moment where she looks to the side, presumably at the director, then conspicuously shows her butt to the camera, again at the cost of immersion. In any case, she cleans up her student's penis and has a short conversation with him. One doesn't need to speak Japanese in order to decipher that she has accomplished her mission: the guy feels much better. Honestly, who wouldn't?
Scene 02
The second scene starts out much like the first one did. One of her students seems to be melancholic, but as we know now, she's got a way of cheering people up. She gets on the table and tempts him by spreading her legs. She allows him to get his head between her thighs and take a real close look at her panties. The therapy seems to be working and she lets the guy rip a hole in her pantyhose as she pulls her panties aside, showing off her fanny. The guy gets on his knees and starts licking, but takes the liberty of reaching up to her boobs and starts fondling it without her telling to do so, which doesn't help my immersion at all. The director seems to agree with me on this one, as there is a quick cut after the incident. The cunnilingus ends soon and Airi Kijima begins to undress her student, then gets back on the table to give him a blowjob and to provide us with a better view of her butt and legs – again, at the cost of some immersion. The blowjob is followed by kissing, during which Airi keeps giving him a handjob and the guy starts caressing her down there too. Airi then takes his penis between her butt and the skirt, which eventually leads to the guy penetrating her. We get some nice camera angles and many different poses during this sex scene, most of which should come as no surprise to anyone. There is, however, a brief part in the middle of the scene where, for some reason, the guy pulls out his penis and starts fingering her instead. She seemingly has an orgasm and after some more cunnilingus he enters her again, but it was certainly strange to break the flow of the scene and have that part there; I would have preferred that to happen at the beginning of the scene when he first started pleasuring her. In any case, it's a nice scene, but I need to point out that Airi wears the vast majority of her clothes throughout the whole scene – and the whole film, for that matter –, but she does reveal her boobs. In the end, he jerks himself off onto her thigh and the screen fades out on a smiling Airi. She's got every reason to be satisfied, and she's not the only one.
Scene 03
Let me paint the picture for you: a young, attractive woman enters a room where there are three guys waiting for her. It doesn't take a genius to know what will happen next. Were you thinking blowjobs? Well, you were absolutely right, then! The students must have suspected as much as well, as they start touching themselves even before there is any hint of Airi getting naughty. She doesn't seem to be surprised when she notices, either, and, as expected, starts giving one of the students a blowjob. It's not long before the other two join their lucky classmate, and Airi gets to work. We get some nice shots of her butt and legs, and some of the students rub their penises against her ass, but they eventually surround her for a blowjob. You would think that they'll end up blowing their loads onto her face, and yes, it could have ended like that. In most films, it does end like that. In this one, however, one of the students asks for a footjob. At first, Airi reacts a tad more shyly than I would've liked, but she complies. The other two linger for a while, but eventually leave so Airi can focus on the footjob. I prefer the one-on-one scenario, so I welcomed this decision and also the camera angle at which the director chose to shoot the final position for the first guy: you could not only see the footjob, but also Airi's legs and face. It doesn't take long for the guy to ejaculate, and I can't blame him. She gently caresses his penis a bit before he leaves and the two remaining students go up to Airi, asking for their turn. She gives one of them a buttjob while simultaneously giving the other one a handjob before she is once again left alone to focus on the guy under her. After he ejaculates, she treats the last guy to a footjob as well, working his penis in different ways than the first guy's. Even though she looks more like an enthusiastic amateur rather than a professional during the final position due to her chaotic technique and seemingly unsure grip on the guy's penis, she doesn't let it escape from between her feet and the scene comes to a happy end for everyone involved.
Scene 04
I won't pretend to understand how Airi comes to have sex with the guy in this scene. They start kissing after a brief conversation, and while they're at it, the guy starts fondling her butt. She doesn't seem to protest and so the guy pulls aside her panties and caresses her down there before moving on to her boobs. At this point, she starts groping his penis and he returns the favour by caressing her fanny once again. After some fingering he starts rubbing his penis against her butt, and she goes on to give him a long blowjob, during which we get shots of her butt and legs. In return, he starts eating her out, but he shortly ends up penetrating her. And then comes the best, although rather short part of this scene: he puts his hands behind his back and lets Airi move her ass as she wishes, and oh, does she move it! Then, the guy takes over again and they proceed to have sex in many different positions, during many of which the guy pulls Airi's skirt down so it covers most of her butt. I didn't particularly like this decision as not only did it make her ass less visible, sometimes it even blocked or obscured the action. An another criticism of mine would be that during one of the poses the guy seemed to be playing with Airi's legs by holding them in different positions all the time, which makes it seem like he's not into having sex with her and it sort of ruined the immersion. I can't really describe it properly, but I'm sure you'll know what I mean if you decide to watch the scene. In the end, he blows his rather modest load onto her tongue and the film concludes with Airi happily talking to the guy. It's not a bad a scene, but it's probably the worst out of the four.
Additional Thoughts
(Feel free to skip this paragraph if you're only interested in the film itself)
IPZ-644 is definitely the best title in this series despite being an entire hour shorter than the rest of the lot. Why? Because the director wasn't afraid of completely embracing the butt/leg fetish aspect of the film. If you look at other titles in the series, the equivalent of the first scene usually ends with a blowjob instead of a buttjob. In what is the third scene here, the guys usually jerk themselves off onto the actress' face or, best-case scenario, onto her butt. Sure, all of them feature some footplay, but out of the six titles currently available in the series only two have scenes where the actress makes a guy ejaculate with her feet, and buttjobs are just as rare. Now, why do those sex acts matter? Why aren't blowjobs and sex enough? Because it is a title revolving around butts and legs – that is its entire theme, its focus, its promise –, so it needs to deliver on that and those sex acts are something that I, as a fan of the genre, would love to see but rarely get, contrary to the rest of the film. I can fire up pretty much any title and see blowjobs and sex, but how many of them include a full footjob or buttjob? Not many, not even amongst the titles that are focused on those body parts, and this scarcity just makes it that more exciting to watch one. What's rare is usually valuable - just think of gold or diamonds. So when a top shelf studio decides to go that extra mile and include two footjobs and two buttjobs in a title starring one of my (current) favourite actresses I can't help but feel like it's Christmas. And don't get me wrong – I know very well that those (especially footjobs) aren't for everyone, but there are still two sex scenes in this film that should be a great watch for everyone. I would have loved it if Idea Pocket had stuck to this or a similar distribution of sex acts when it comes to their films in this series as I think it's well balanced. Unfortunately, it looks like it was just a one-time thing as the upcoming IPZ-715 seems to go back to the series' roots based on the sample video and the screenshots – which, in the end, only makes this little detour that much sweeter.

Scene 01
The students all leave after taking the test, except for one, whom Airi Kijima pulls aside to have a private conversation with. The poor sod is obviously feeling down, and no words seem to get through to him. Fortunately, his beautiful teacher knows just how to cheer him up. She puts his hand on her thighs, kisses him and then sits on his lap, rubbing her butt against his crotch. She feels her student getting harder, so she pulls down his trousers and pants so she can continue with a handjob. She licks his penis a couple of times to wet it, but it's not long before she starts giving him a blowjob. At this point, she stands up just so we can see her legs and butt better, which breaks the immersion a little, but the view and the fact that she goes on to kiss him makes up for it. She then proceeds to use her legs and hands to please the guy in a variety of ways, including a standing pose where she's got the guy's penis between her thighs – a favourite of mine, but poorly done here. She uses her hand to caress the penis, which must feel great, for sure, but her hand blocks the view of the penis and thus makes the scene visually less appealing. This is an issue both when she's facing the guy and when she's facing away from him, and that short interlude between those two positions, where the guy puts his penis on the table and she uses her foot to pleasure him, doesn't fit the scene either. Even though she's got authority over him as a teacher, such a dominant position didn't feel right for the situation and made me think that it was simply there because the director wanted it to be there. So things seem to be going downhill, but the final position, where she goes back to rubbing her butt against the penis, allows the scene to end on a high note, even though her reaction to the guy ejaculating is somewhat strange – I can't decide if it's surprise, confusion, or disbelief, and there's a moment where she looks to the side, presumably at the director, then conspicuously shows her butt to the camera, again at the cost of immersion. In any case, she cleans up her student's penis and has a short conversation with him. One doesn't need to speak Japanese in order to decipher that she has accomplished her mission: the guy feels much better. Honestly, who wouldn't?

Scene 02
The second scene starts out much like the first one did. One of her students seems to be melancholic, but as we know now, she's got a way of cheering people up. She gets on the table and tempts him by spreading her legs. She allows him to get his head between her thighs and take a real close look at her panties. The therapy seems to be working and she lets the guy rip a hole in her pantyhose as she pulls her panties aside, showing off her fanny. The guy gets on his knees and starts licking, but takes the liberty of reaching up to her boobs and starts fondling it without her telling to do so, which doesn't help my immersion at all. The director seems to agree with me on this one, as there is a quick cut after the incident. The cunnilingus ends soon and Airi Kijima begins to undress her student, then gets back on the table to give him a blowjob and to provide us with a better view of her butt and legs – again, at the cost of some immersion. The blowjob is followed by kissing, during which Airi keeps giving him a handjob and the guy starts caressing her down there too. Airi then takes his penis between her butt and the skirt, which eventually leads to the guy penetrating her. We get some nice camera angles and many different poses during this sex scene, most of which should come as no surprise to anyone. There is, however, a brief part in the middle of the scene where, for some reason, the guy pulls out his penis and starts fingering her instead. She seemingly has an orgasm and after some more cunnilingus he enters her again, but it was certainly strange to break the flow of the scene and have that part there; I would have preferred that to happen at the beginning of the scene when he first started pleasuring her. In any case, it's a nice scene, but I need to point out that Airi wears the vast majority of her clothes throughout the whole scene – and the whole film, for that matter –, but she does reveal her boobs. In the end, he jerks himself off onto her thigh and the screen fades out on a smiling Airi. She's got every reason to be satisfied, and she's not the only one.

Scene 03
Let me paint the picture for you: a young, attractive woman enters a room where there are three guys waiting for her. It doesn't take a genius to know what will happen next. Were you thinking blowjobs? Well, you were absolutely right, then! The students must have suspected as much as well, as they start touching themselves even before there is any hint of Airi getting naughty. She doesn't seem to be surprised when she notices, either, and, as expected, starts giving one of the students a blowjob. It's not long before the other two join their lucky classmate, and Airi gets to work. We get some nice shots of her butt and legs, and some of the students rub their penises against her ass, but they eventually surround her for a blowjob. You would think that they'll end up blowing their loads onto her face, and yes, it could have ended like that. In most films, it does end like that. In this one, however, one of the students asks for a footjob. At first, Airi reacts a tad more shyly than I would've liked, but she complies. The other two linger for a while, but eventually leave so Airi can focus on the footjob. I prefer the one-on-one scenario, so I welcomed this decision and also the camera angle at which the director chose to shoot the final position for the first guy: you could not only see the footjob, but also Airi's legs and face. It doesn't take long for the guy to ejaculate, and I can't blame him. She gently caresses his penis a bit before he leaves and the two remaining students go up to Airi, asking for their turn. She gives one of them a buttjob while simultaneously giving the other one a handjob before she is once again left alone to focus on the guy under her. After he ejaculates, she treats the last guy to a footjob as well, working his penis in different ways than the first guy's. Even though she looks more like an enthusiastic amateur rather than a professional during the final position due to her chaotic technique and seemingly unsure grip on the guy's penis, she doesn't let it escape from between her feet and the scene comes to a happy end for everyone involved.

Scene 04
I won't pretend to understand how Airi comes to have sex with the guy in this scene. They start kissing after a brief conversation, and while they're at it, the guy starts fondling her butt. She doesn't seem to protest and so the guy pulls aside her panties and caresses her down there before moving on to her boobs. At this point, she starts groping his penis and he returns the favour by caressing her fanny once again. After some fingering he starts rubbing his penis against her butt, and she goes on to give him a long blowjob, during which we get shots of her butt and legs. In return, he starts eating her out, but he shortly ends up penetrating her. And then comes the best, although rather short part of this scene: he puts his hands behind his back and lets Airi move her ass as she wishes, and oh, does she move it! Then, the guy takes over again and they proceed to have sex in many different positions, during many of which the guy pulls Airi's skirt down so it covers most of her butt. I didn't particularly like this decision as not only did it make her ass less visible, sometimes it even blocked or obscured the action. An another criticism of mine would be that during one of the poses the guy seemed to be playing with Airi's legs by holding them in different positions all the time, which makes it seem like he's not into having sex with her and it sort of ruined the immersion. I can't really describe it properly, but I'm sure you'll know what I mean if you decide to watch the scene. In the end, he blows his rather modest load onto her tongue and the film concludes with Airi happily talking to the guy. It's not a bad a scene, but it's probably the worst out of the four.

Additional Thoughts
(Feel free to skip this paragraph if you're only interested in the film itself)
IPZ-644 is definitely the best title in this series despite being an entire hour shorter than the rest of the lot. Why? Because the director wasn't afraid of completely embracing the butt/leg fetish aspect of the film. If you look at other titles in the series, the equivalent of the first scene usually ends with a blowjob instead of a buttjob. In what is the third scene here, the guys usually jerk themselves off onto the actress' face or, best-case scenario, onto her butt. Sure, all of them feature some footplay, but out of the six titles currently available in the series only two have scenes where the actress makes a guy ejaculate with her feet, and buttjobs are just as rare. Now, why do those sex acts matter? Why aren't blowjobs and sex enough? Because it is a title revolving around butts and legs – that is its entire theme, its focus, its promise –, so it needs to deliver on that and those sex acts are something that I, as a fan of the genre, would love to see but rarely get, contrary to the rest of the film. I can fire up pretty much any title and see blowjobs and sex, but how many of them include a full footjob or buttjob? Not many, not even amongst the titles that are focused on those body parts, and this scarcity just makes it that more exciting to watch one. What's rare is usually valuable - just think of gold or diamonds. So when a top shelf studio decides to go that extra mile and include two footjobs and two buttjobs in a title starring one of my (current) favourite actresses I can't help but feel like it's Christmas. And don't get me wrong – I know very well that those (especially footjobs) aren't for everyone, but there are still two sex scenes in this film that should be a great watch for everyone. I would have loved it if Idea Pocket had stuck to this or a similar distribution of sex acts when it comes to their films in this series as I think it's well balanced. Unfortunately, it looks like it was just a one-time thing as the upcoming IPZ-715 seems to go back to the series' roots based on the sample video and the screenshots – which, in the end, only makes this little detour that much sweeter.
I know that that is a lot of text, but blame Jugulear, not me!
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