Moving Day (3)


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
So we're moving server again. I've already made a backup of the enormous forum, and all of the attachments.

Anything posted as an attachment on the forum after now will not automagically be on the new server, so keep that in mind.

I figure this is preferable to just closing the site until the move is complete, because it could take another day or more.

If you're lucky MAYBE the mods would be willing to re-attach attachments on the new server, but that's up to the mods.

NB: This is not an April fools, despite the date. April fools are supposed to be funny.

Thanks! Can you let us know when it's safe to add attachments again? :bow-pray:
All the hard work will pay off. Give us a heads up on the attachments please.
Sorry, I've been busy with other stuff for the last couple of days. The forum is almost set up on the new server, and so far so good (still, fingers crossed.) When it's working right, I'll change the domain ( to the new server's IP address, and then it's a case of waiting for your DNS to update.

I'll post more information when it's pertinent.
Sometimes when I click pictures I get corrupted images from the server, any idea what it could be?

CTRL+F5, CTRL+F5, CTRL+F5 usually helps after a few retries.
Hm, that's probably not the right place to ask, but what happened to Leechasd's C73 Doujinshi thread in the doujinshi torrent section? Did it get lost after moving to the new server or did he delete it himself? I just wanted to look up the current status and couldnt find it anymore. :why:
Deleted, as he's nowhere to be found and only he knows the password.
Then again, he probably know what the password was supposed to be, but I wouldn't be surprised if he misspelled it.
Took it off temp. but will be back when the time is right. Slowly organizing it but if you wanted to know, you could've left a PM.
Well, its a common internet phenomenon that people who were active for a long time in a forum just disappear without a trace from one day to the other...a PM wouldnt do anything in such a case.
I also asked here cause it may have been an issue after moving the server.

But good thing you're back.