My HCH (hot, categorized, hentai) Doujins (english, updates)

English hentai doujinshi update 57

The first one is a great true to anime h-doujin, while the second one is just full of r***, dildo, etc. The third one is a nicer one featuring all the flatness of Zero's Familiar - Louise and Tabitha.
Kenichi - Leopard Book 10 (English) - Download - Mirror
K-On! - Shojo!! Sotsugyou!! (English) - Download - Mirror
Zero no Tsukaima - Makulost (English) - Download - Mirror
Fight Ippatsu Juuden Chan hentai doujinshi 1

Here are the doujins i have based on one of my favourite series. For a pity only one is translated (the futa one), however the rest is good as well or i would say even better.
Fight Ippatsu - [P-FOREST] Charge de Alesta - Download - Mirror
Fight Ippatsu - [P-FOREST] Charge de Plug - Download - Mirror
Fight Ippatsu - [Behind Moon] Fuck Bang Juuketsu-chan (English) - Download - Mirror
Fight Ippatsu - [Asaki Blog Shucchousho] Plugin! (Juden chan) - Download - Mirror
English hentai doujinshi update 58

The Asobi ni Ikuyo doujin is a bit overboard with the heat the nekogirls feel, but otherwise is ok. Baka to Test is weird. Bricola has two very hot girls and two Ichigos.
Asobi ni Ikuyo! - Angel's Stroke 48 Nekomimi Shibori (English) - Download - Mirror
Baka to Test - Iron Finger From Hell (English) - Download - Mirror
Bleach - Bricola 4 (English) - Download - Mirror
IMPORTANT NOTICE: terminated my account with all the files(((
Luckily most uploads are located or have mirrors on other services.

Toradora hentai doujinshi 4
The first one is nice and full color, while the second one is wincest and just simply freaking awesome!!
Toradora - Amatou 4 (English, Color) - Download - Mirror
Toradora - [G-Power] Mamadora (English) - Download - Mirror
K-On english hentai doujinshi 18

K-On english hentai doujinshi 18
A-Yon - full color - the members of K-ON decided to graduate from their virginity. Hot Dog - Azusa getting things on with her boyfriend. Kiss Suru! - very nice yuri story (no futa).
K-ON! - [ryoma] A-YON (Color, English) - Download - Mirror
K-ON! - Hot Dog [Gyotaku] (English) - Download - Mirror
K-ON! - Kiss Suru! (English) - Download - Mirror
The first one is adorable yuri in full color!!
K-ON! - [Heaven's Gate (Andou Tomoya)] Samui Hi no Taishohou (English Color) - Download - Mirror
K-ON! - [Maniac Street] Don't Say Piggy (English) - Download - Mirror
K-ON! - [milkberry (Kisaragi Miyu)] GOURYELLA (English) - Download - Mirror

Recently fixed up 4 Toradora, 2 Bleach, 4 Bakemonogatari, 3 K-ON and one Toaru doujin, please let me know if you see other dead links (except Naruto doujins - i know about those).
K-ON english hentai doujinshi 20

The first one is hawt yuri action! In the second one after Mugi "negotiated" the price for Gitah Ritsu and Yui are accused of shoplifting... Third one is somewhat a "bad/realistic ending" for the anime...
K-ON! - Jumping Now (English) - Download - Mirror
K-ON! - Mambiki JK Sei K-ON Bu (English) - Download - Mirror
K-ON! - Reqiem 5 A Dream (English) - Download - Mirror