My story aka finding online girls in japan

Time to get the thread back on track here :) :sadomaso:

Thanks for the nice support that I've been getting through PM's guys. Appreciate it!
1-2% success rate of getting laid... that's actually pretty pathetic.
so you met a japanese girl in shinkansen and get her number,i wish i was in your position right now
do you have any tips for me to get a japanese girlfriend ( meet online first )

I have a feeling this kids girlfriend's real name is going to be Taro... hahahaha
JAV is like a drug, some people can handle it and then some people go completely nuts from it.

Lay off the JAV for a bit wotakaskus
I saw something like this on a similar site, but that guy had all the videos etc to back it up... =/
This thread is such utter bullshit. I travel to Japan regularly for business, speak Japanese and have a few other reasons to know the country well that I will not get into. Bottom line, if you act like a otaku punk with yellow-fever no girl will give you the time of day. You'll be seen as an icky foreigner even by the women who like and want to meet foreigners. OTOH if you act like a normal guy (i.e., don't slobber over every woman you see as if you've never banged one) then you will get plenty of action. Or you can make your life easy and simply see escorts - there are lots and lots of them in Japan (many very beautiful young 20 year olds) - which will cut out 100% of the bullshit.
Gotta share a few things I learned while in Japan. I'm a European in my twenties and went there to study Japanese for some time. Anyway, girl-wise, Japan was everything and a lot more I could ever hope for!

I got invited to dates by 11 girls and I kinda had a relationship going for a few months with one of them, meaning about 10 dates within 4 months. My goal wasn't really to have a lot of sex because the circles in my town were too small and I wanted to be the gentleman everyone took me for. Now I really wished I had tried more but I'm young and gonna go live there so no problems. In my country I'm like a 7. I'm not that chatty or funny either but I smile and I'm the nice-guy. This is usually a bad combination but ohhh does it work in Japan.

The girls I went out with varied a lot although the age was almost always a couple of years younger than me. I had a super-loli type, seriously she was like half of my size with amazing tiny hands and really small boobs. Also went out with a model who appears in TV too. Not a popular channel but anyway, she was really beautiful. I got everything from between those lines and only one of them was not really good looking.

1. When you go to Japan, look for some local cultural exchange groups. You'll meet a lot of girls who usually really like foreigners and these groups organize parties and events too so you'll have something to fill your schedule with.

2. Don't be afraid to be near the awesomely hot girls. If they fall within the 'good-girl' category they haven't been with weird yakuza-people and the normal Japanese guys are too afraid to get close to them. Therefore, they are fair game for you.

3. Almost any city is better than Tokyo in my opinion. The less foreigners they have there, the better.

4. You ARE going to be treated like a Hollywood star if you're even remotely good-looking and are in the right place. I got some serious trouble believing this at first because at Friday nights the hottest girls in the bars came to talk to me and the hostess/gyaru type girls hit on me on the streets. And if you're from the northern Europe I consider you the most lucky. Just my opinion.

5. Find some Japanese guy-friends too. They can get you into interesting boobie-bars and hostess thingies, even soaplands, the good ones you wouldn't get in by yourself.

That's what comes to mind.

In conclusion, before my trip I was kinda sad I wasn't born a Japanese. Now, I couldn't be happier to be a European ;)

* Oh I forgot to mention that I DO speak good conversational Japanese. My skill is about JLPT N2 level, if that tells something. That's where you wanna be at least if you intend to keep the conversation going until the hotel part of your date.
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