Need software that can rename multiple files at the same time


hypocrite critic
Dec 9, 2006
I'm looking for a software that can rename multiple files at the same time.

Particularly when renaming manga, huge work when it comes to thousands of chapters when extracted will become a huge mess making me renaming all the file one by one. It's driving me crazy people!!!

So please is there a free software that can rename multiple files at the same time? Anything would be appreciated.
Awesome, better than ACDsee and free to boot. Thanks Chompy
I CONCUR WITH MAO. Total Commander RC5 works wonders. Good for renaming mutiple files/folders. Now if they had an app where you can take files from sub folder to main folders on a multiple of selected folders, it would be something I need ^^
Looks like a heavy duty software considering what it can do.

Alot of function aside from renaming files.

Thanks mao.