New Board Software, New Server

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This board was down for a good long while, only to re-appear as a pretty sad looking imitation of Facebook. In fact that's being pretty generous. I'd call it more like the drippings from Facebook's virtual dick. Now, the new host won't allow loli, so POOF . . . . . it's disappeared. What's next, the whole U-15 section? As time goes by, there is from my perspective less and less reason to come here. And if I want to click "like" on shit I see posted, well I know where else to go do that.
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Let me do a little analysis.On page 5 of this section, I have a question on the possibility of viewing the pictures and "outsiders".I had a week vacation and after the opening of this board Me "hit" in the eye several times repeated message of "liquidation" section lolicon.If this relates to my question on page 5 it is clear that our administrators are working hard to eliminate me "criticized" openness board for "alien eyes".If this is not related to my question was very sad.The most important thing, because I have lived so far is just such a lolicon picture section.If you have not already, puts this board in a long line of boards that this folder erased and become totally unattractive, which is evident in the numbers of members.And I know them really a lot for this step to be detrimental.
Let detrimental.
consider that the subject' loli / lolicon' and similar prurient pedophilically oriented materials are on the chitlist of every pc and progressive county on the planet, the catering to this questionable subset of viewers puts the board at risk and possible legal involvement with said countries...
even hellholes of porn like i******p and p******b are aggressively pursuing posters of said material...
if this is your thing, i am sure you can find a list of shitholes in africa and the middle east were said materials are not criminalised and / or actively embraced and encouraged......
akiba will go on quite happily without 'loli'...
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It is spoiler instead of hide now

Simple spoiler
Spoiler with a title

[B][B][B][B][SPOILER]Simple spoiler[/SPOILER][/B]
[SPOILER=Spoiler Title]Spoiler with a title[/SPOILER]

Can an agent be run to automatically change
[hide] to [spoiler] and [/hide] to [/spoiler] ?
I've changed about 400 of my posts but it takes a long long time...

I do like the idea of the mod in post #220. Looks far more flexible.
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consider that the subject' loli / lolicon' and similar prurient pedophilically oriented materials are on the chitlist of every pc and progressive county on the planet, the catering to this questionable subset of viewers puts the board at risk and possible legal involvement with said countries...
even hellholes of porn like i******p and p******b are aggressively pursuing posters of said material...
if this is your thing, i am sure you can find a list of shitholes in africa and the middle east were said materials are not criminalised and / or actively embraced and encouraged......
akiba will go on quite happily without 'loli'...
A JAV probably not lecherous pedophile "dud" that Master redeux?It finally shows what the address is now "chasing" the Japanese themselves!
consider that the subject' loli / lolicon' and similar prurient pedophilically oriented materials are on the chitlist of every pc and progressive county on the planet

Progressive? I think you mean Repressive! Sheep don't seem to know that they are sheep and are easily herded. No government should have the right to tell you what you can draw, write, read, hear, speak or see. The content is irrelevant. If there are other crimes being committed against REAL PEOPLE then by all means, laws should apply and be enforced for every citizens protection, this is the responsibility of a government. Censorship is suppression however and it is in direct conflict with the basic human liberties that many take for granted. Censorship is a means of control and is a vile and despicable act by any government against the citizens it represents.

What Akiba-Online is going through may be neccessary but it is not something the Chompy I know would see as desirable. The old board and server were not meeting practical standards and changes had to be made and as a result there are consequences. This is something we must endure not relish.
That's not the problem. As M.The Prisoner already said, it's only the beginning... In little time, AO will be a desert.
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[The Prisoner, No_One] Why so negative? people had said the same when imouto/minisuka was banned for dmca, but this forum keeps alive
or when candy-doll was banned or Uncensored JAV. Chompy probably had a lots of reason in the latest years to close his forum but he's very persistent and we should be thankful for that.
loving the new look and feel of entire board! the old board was confusing to navigate for myself to say the least and thus i never really fully took advantage of all the site had to offer. With this whole restart to the site, however, think ill be on here a lot more!!. good job mods and staff!
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Last edited:
BTW It wasn't easy finding the forum again, I kept clicking the old link.....finally tried another search.....there may be some people missing yet.
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BTW It wasn't easy finding the forum again, I kept clicking the old link.....finally tried another search.....there may be some people missing yet.
yes that happens, but unfortunately we cannot help that,

glad to have you back
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I'm confused - was this a reply to the other post about editing? I don't see a history button next to edit, but I did find the <- and -> buttons in the rich text editor for undo. In the BBcode editor the mouse button browser undo works, but in the RT one, you need to use the button.
bugger... google indexed the board when it came back up and every link within a [hide] tag is now clear text.... expect a whole load of deletions. They don't seem to have re-indexed for 4 days. Not sure how often they do.

coolkevin, have you considered using a robots.txt to stop google indexing the board?

there is a good (and recent) article here:

although, having a quick read, the only way of clearing out google's cached data is to fix the tags, let them re-index, and then prevent access.
i've already have posted a hide-hack that will work, when my updated version is used.
unfortionately @chompy hasen't answered yet.
But i'm sure he's working on this :)

to now allow google to index the board is a bad thing. you should avoid this. ^^
there is no real plugin which will do this.
but again, i've written for woh, that does this :D

can also be used here, if wanted :)
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