No, I'm not referring to the first time the japanese characters got those characters that are now wrong, was wrong in vb and it could not revert them back to original format (I agree it sucks, no angry smiley yet)
No, I'm not referring to the first time the japanese characters got fucked.
I made that post in May 13, way after japanese characters got fucked up. Now with this new move, the posts japanese characters are now gibberish.
All the posts that were recent are now gibberish, the japanese characters are gone.
@__@ , the japanese characters were there before this new change.I knew what you was talking about, that still happened in vb, it did happen more than once
we will have to look into it
that was what happened on vBulletin, that is another reason why we changed boards
it is fine now
I just changed the title of one of my threads (the one with the "h" pose) and it worked perfectly, so it's apparently possible.can we change our thread title (as OP) as before the upgrade ?
to fix the missing kanjis ourselves
and welcome back again
btw my previous post and few others has been deleted :/
MAYBE GOING BACK IS THE BEST CHOICE....we will look into it, yes I think we all want some smileys
well we did our best with vb, and we are still trying to improve things, but please feel free to make suggestions
no those characters that are now wrong, was wrong in vb and it could not revert them back to original format (I agree it sucks, no angry smiley yet)
we are still learning as much as you are and it will be looked into, and by the response many want it
another one we are looking into
Yes, it's was only way I looked at torrents. There's no way I'm going to open every single torrent thread, when nearly a thousand are made each month. I'm sure it's even worse on the server side for people doing the latter.I'm missing the 'today's downloads' where you can get an overview (inc screenshots) of what's been posted: jav. idol, manga, etc..