New Legend of Zelda (wii)


Awesome guy
Feb 19, 2009
:attention:what do u think based on this pic (this game may be released sometime in 2010) , so far there are no details about this new zelda for wii (for now there is a new zelda for DS called spirit tracks which some of u may know about). by the way, the new zelda for wii might or wii feature the wii motion plus. thats all i know.
they are whoring it out like Metroid. What can we do, we will likely purchase it anyways.
No, I won't. TP was my last one. Didn't buy Phantom Hourglass, didn't care to buy Minish Cap, and won't be buying this one either. It's not that I'm hating on Zelda: it's that Zelda games aren't different enough from title to title to warrant a re-purchase and, unlike some other fairly repetitive RPG-Adventure hybrids, Zelda's plot is rather watery-thin. I mean, it's not Mario Bros. watery-thin, but it's still not the main focus Nintendo has with their Zelda franchise. And frankly, I think a healthy dose of epic central storyline (instead of epically inane sidequests >_>) plus a five to ten-year hiatus would do this franchise some good.

Consider this:
- Metroid = from SNES to GameCube, we got no new titles. One minute it's Super Metroid and the next minute it's 7 years in the future and we're seeing Metroid Prime for the first time. That's why the GameCube Metroid experience rocked so much: it was a very solid game that expertly retooled the old 2D exploration gameplay into a 3D "exploration-FPS" game. Then Nintendo milked it insanely, and we got as a result MP2:Echoes (meh), MP3:Corruption (better, but it didn't wow me like 1 did), and now this retarded "Metroid Prime Trilogy" scheme to make more $$$ off of an eight-year old title. (Metroid Prime was November 2001, right?)

- Mega Man X series = had a long hiatus while Capcom sold their soul to Sony, so by the time they returned to their 2D Nintendo roots with Mega Man Zero, they had a lot of awesomeness built up for us. Then they milked it to death (MMZ2, MMZ3, MMZ4, MMZX, MMZX:Advent -_-; ), and now 2D Mega Man's sort of dying again. (Well, X-series style gameplay, anyways. Rockman-style gameplay was sitting on the bench for over 10 years, so when MM9 came out for the Wii it was like the second coming of Christ for us Mega Man fans!)

- Street Fighter: they milked the series to death in the late '90s so Capcom gave it a much-earned rest after lacklustre response to SF3 and the ill-fated "Street Fighter Tag Duo" (or whatever it was called :P) on the PS2. Then, fast forward 5 years, and we get SF4. Amazing.

Zelda needs a good long vacation. I'm not saying this to be a hater. I'm just saying it as a frustrated Nintendo console owner. Instead of dicking around with milking NES+ franchises, I'd like to see Nintendo really push the envelope with their Wiimote and DS technologies. It's sort of sad when my #1 favorite example of the DS stylus being put to good use is in Ace Attorney 4. :|
I dunno. I can certainly see where you're coming from, but I don't know if I necessarily agree with you. I'll admit Twilight Princess wasn't that great, I mean I liked it to an extent, but there was nothing really memorable about the game aside from Midna. I also didn't like Phantom Hourglass, but I couldn't get past the touch screen controls to really give it a fair shake. I also tried The Minish Cap for the first time about a month ago and didn't really care for that either. So... yeah maybe Zelda could use a break.

However, Mario never took a break, and while I think Sunshine was a pretty terrible Mario game, Super Mario Galaxy is amazing. So I don't know that break necessarily equals greatness.

I don't know that the series needs to drastically change either. I just played Wind Waker again last month and still loved it, couldn't stop playing it. Same goes for Link to the Past, which admittedly I haven't played in a couple years, but could easily go back to it if I wanted to. Sure Metroid Prime was an interesting take on the Metroid series that was super neat. However it still pales in comparison to Super Metroid if you ask me.

I guess I don't really crave change, but something that will make the next Zelda game (not Spirit Tracks, because that will play just like Phantom Hourglass, so not even going to bother with it) memorable. I guess it could be something as "simple" as an epic story or something.

Also, I'm surprised people haven't started fellating Okami in this thread. Seems like whenever Zelda comes up, someone will always be like "Okami is better." Maybe it is, still haven't gotten around to playing it even though I own it.
I own it and hate it. Well, hate's a strong word, but I feel super-lied to.
  1. Okami's artstyle may be pretty in theory but its actual graphics are horseshit. They remind you of an N64 title. Not joking.
  2. Okami has a really, really fucking annoying audio track for dialogue. People just sort of mumble. They don't speak in Japanese. They don't speak in English. And unlike in Shadow of the Colossus, they don't even speak in a made-up language that sounds like it could be real. They just fucking mumble in a high-pitched squeaky voice. Really, really annoying.
  3. The combat's novelty wears off after about the first hour. And then it becomes really annoyingly repetitive.
  4. The game painfully rewards you with very little after so much labor. After any given fight, you earn very little in the way of money or points -- even if you achieve a flawless execution. It takes hours and hours and HOURS of pointless grinding just to even be able to purchase your first move at the Move Tutor's house: never mind the other three or four he wants to teach you! And sadly, the moves are (paradoxically) a step down in gameplay, because they let the game engine now attempt to recognize your control input as meaning "hey I want to do this other move" whereas before you were able to do a control input and 10 times out of 10 get the desired effect. In other words, the more moves you unlock, ironically the more likely Okami is to fuck things up for you in the heat of battle. Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally fucking annoying.
  5. If you know nothing about Japanese mythology, the plot isn't all that great.
  6. If you know a lot about Japanese mythology -- LOL! because here comes the biggest lie of them all that the fanbase spews! -- the game is actually worse, not better! That's right: the plot is a really, REALLY frustratingly self-contradicting one.

If there hadn't been all the hype, would I like the game? No. But would I hate it? No.

Given all the hype, though, I feel really lied to, and it makes it really hard to enjoy the game.

For the record, I made it through the part where you fight the one guy with the four-letter name (too lazy to even look it up, that's how much I disliked this game) inside of the swamp. He's the guy who's an expert with swords, and he jumps down at you from high up in the trees. Think it started with a W. Oh well. The point is, I played the game for a good 6 or 10 hours. It's not like I played it for 40 minutes and then gave up.
I won't complain, I have not had a game worth of buying for my Wii for ages. As far as whoring goes, Zelda is not a main offender really. For those with just a Wii this wll be over 3 years of a wait, which is quite fair. Add this to FF13 and im looking forward to next year. The DS games are crap, and Shadow Tracks or whatever looks crap this could be whats needed.