Don't Forget To Add This 1 As Well! It's From: Platinum Milky
Don't Know The Name lol
Don't Know The Name lol
Sorry, larcx, Pixy´s release for December is Ikusa Otome Suvia ep. 3, you still have to wait for Armoured Knight Iris...
who want's 2 go 2 Church if you can stay watching many good hens at the same time:nosebleed:
i think we should call it PervertMast:lols:
JK,we should go to it afterall it's once a year:damnit:
at least 4 us who celebrated it
I believe in god (+ J.C.), not in church, we are celebrating someone born in a stable. You can find god everywhere you want...
Too many bad things have happened in the name of the church during many centuries...
...but sorry, that´s beyond topic and does not belong here (I mean my post, not yours!)..
Suvia and not Iris? That's like saying we get coal for Christmas this year instead of a PS3.
why do u guys prefer Iris over Suvia? is it cause of the chars? for Sakun i know it's cause of JJ hehe
it seems only me n Larcx are xcited for Inyo2
I enjoy Suvia's superior animation budget. Even if they do come from the same studio and both are leagues beyond most hentai, Iris seems to have one of the weakest Pixy budgets I've seen all year which is really quite a shame.
For all intents and purposes, Suvia's plot is nothing new. We've seen the whole "Odin's angels turning against him" numerous times in various productions of Ikusa Otome Valkyrie. Iris's story is at least relatively new to the world of H-anime: the idea of a girl being abducted on an alien world, sold into the sex slave industry, and surgically modified à la Star Trek to be part-human female part-alien. It's interesting! Then you have the elf who seems to be Jabba the Hutt's henchman but who Iris recognizes as an ally from the war, which raises a whole bunch of questions: was Iris sent into the lion's den deliberately by her superior officers? or is the elf girl here to help Iris escape after all? or is it something else?
The sex scenes in both series have been very disappointing. Iris has Jabba, and that's a big boner killer. But Suvia has the blue ogre dude who is an even bigger boner killer. And it has gremlin babies. And it has a woman being turned into a futa. Since Iris's only crime -- besides being dull -- is Jabba the Sex Slave Trader Hutt, that perversely puts Iris ahead of the multiple-crimes-committed Suvia. Then we have to consider, Iris had one pretty good sex scene (in Episode 2, when Iris was having sex with one of the last customers). Suvia had a scene that went nowhere with Suvia getting really horny in the bathtub but doing nothing major with Loki. And what the hell is up with Loki, anyway? Maybe I should go watch it again, but I seem to remember that at the end of part 2 he seemed to be indecisive about something. Indecisive about what? Having sex with a beautiful valkyrie who wants you badly? [size=+1]Are you gay, Loki?[/size] Is that it: are you gay?
Yeah. Suvia upsets me. Maybe Episode 3 will be different. Probably not.
Suvia and not Iris? That's **** saying ** get **** *** Christ*** **** **** instead ** * ***.
wait until you see G cup teacher rei :shiver:
hell Larcx, I play Suikoden II and still don't know what you mean :lols:
"but i think budget is not all that important 2 the result as long the staff put their pervert's heart into their work and do it properly" wait until you see G cup teacher rei :shiver:
I'm not too fond of pixy products, they have too many tens on the line and the only decent one was ane haramix, they have yet to release one that can be my favorite, even vanilla have some thats became my favorite
but what red said is true hence the strong protection of pixy dl material
oiy: nani ga tenstard? nani sore?
lol so much hatred for pixy, i still consider them above current Vanilla releases though. i wonder if they will ever release another angel blade series....
sakun- would u consider Pixy as ur least fav company? given that pretty much all their series, with the xcption of Ane, hav boner-killer monsters..
i just saw the prev movie for Dokyuusei at the Milky main site. what were they thinking not including any sex scenes in it?