This is more or less for Hentai Ben. Click "hide" if you want to read it as well.
[hide]Around 24:57, the guy asks her, "Does it feel good, Ichikawa? You dirty whore!" She responds, "N-no. I'm being forced to do this. You're making me have sex. That's why--" and she cuts off, moaning. The guy angrily replies, "That's why you've become a bitch in heat!" (These aren't exact translations because saying "And that's why you've become a lewd woman who derives pleasure from this" just doesn't fit the tone. XD) She says, "You're wrong! There's no way I'm cummi--AH!" and again trails off, moaning.
And that's when he makes the bet with her. Get all four of them to cum before she does and they'll let her go and quit calling her a slut/licentious woman (the word "inran", 淫乱, you keep hearing a lot throughout this scene). She says, "Really?

" (
hontou ni?) and he says, "Well, it's not like you're going to win," and gets his guys started on her.
"All I have to do is get them to cum," she says, and she sucks off one guy while grabbing another's dick in her hand. He says, "Wow! This is the first time she's given us a handjob of her own free will!" She thinks, "Everybody ... please, cum quickly!" Keeps sucking. The part where you see the two dicks inside of her (anal, vaginal), she's thinking to herself (1) about the feeling of the dick in her ass (how it's rubbing against her rectum), (2) the dick right below in her vagina and how it's creating a sense of fullness/pressure in combination with the top dick, and (3)
how good it feels. ("kimochi ii!")
The first guy to cum says, "Sorry!" and cums. Second guy blurts out "via handjob" (lol) before he cums, from which we can infer "I'm about to cum from your handjob!" She obviously already looks like a bitch in heat, all smiles. I can't really understand the next line she says, though. =\ [hide]Starts off with the obvious "Semen!" (seieki), but from there I can't make out what she's saying for any sort of intelligible meaning. (I'm hearing
konna ni yoi karu to omanko wo suichau yo, but I have no idea what "karu" or "yoikaru" could mean, and likewise no renderings of
suku or
suiru (which would grammatically give rise to suichau) make any sort of sense in this context. Maybe -- and this is going out on limb here, but -- maybe she's saying that since so much semen just came out, it means they'll regrettably be running low by the time they fill up her vagina. In this case, she could be using any one of several variants of
suku which is synonymous in part with
tarinai, "in short supply, not enough".) [/hide]
Next line, "Hot semen is pouring into my ass-pussy!" Then, "Oh no! If you squirt out something hot like this into me, I'll--" and then she moans "IKUUUUUUUUUUU!" ("I'm coming" in sextalk. Literally "I'm going.")
When the main dude starts talking and is shown vigorously pounding her from behind, he says "Kore de kimari da!" ("And with this, it's decided!") "Omae wa yappari inran nan da yo!" ("Turns out you were a whore, after all!")
And her response? "Yes! I'm a whore! I'm a dirty, slutty whore!"
And they back-and-forth on this exchange again in the next few lines, he repeating that she's a whore and her lustily accepting her new role in life.[/hide]
I forgot to mention, earlier in the episode (when the main villain is fucking her at school), he's doing her up the butt and she uses the word "oshiri" ("butt"). He breaks her of that habit and has her adopt the term "ketsu manko" instead ("ass-pussy"). Ketsu is more vulgar than shiri, and in hentai the various bodily orifices can be relabeled to "____ manko" (___ pussy) to make the woman seem like more of a cumdump. Hence you'll sometimes hear "kuchi manko" when a woman is sucking off a dude. It's literally "mouth pussy." So I guess the original pussy would be "manko manko."

(I kid!)