new releases July + August 2009

I don't know what why you're sitting on the fence instead of just watching it and getting it over with. ^^;

* If bandwidth is not an issue and legal concerns are not an issue, then download it.
* If money is not an issue, then purchase it on DVD.
* If none of these is the issue and you're afraid of the content (my #1 guess), then ...
----- if you watch it and like it, you'll be glad you watched it
----- if you watched it and dislike it, you'll know relatively early on (loli, r***) or you can just fast forward to the end to see the little girl killing herself offscreen (loli switchblade to the wrist), after which point you delete it (if downloaded) or sell it to somebody else (if purchased) and don't give it a second thought.

But if you're the type who's prone to getting a disturbing visual stuck in his head for weeks or longer, then I'd say "Don't watch it, but you're really not missing anything." It's much more offensive psychologically than it is viscerally. They don't show the little girl killing herself -- they show her preparing to and then roll the credits. And as far as being offended by just about any r*** scene goes, it's always psychological repulsion: very rarely does something happen during a r*** scene which, besides the r*** itself, is abnormal and therefore possible grounds for repulsion.

In other words, there's no vomit. No urination. No scat. No gushing blood. There's no racism. No bigotry of any sort. In fact, if you asked me to list the fetishes in it, the list is pretty short:
- r***
- incest (older brother x younger sister)
- adultery
- pregnant sex
- classmate sex
- lactation (1 woman)
- big breasts (imo 2 women, but some may say 3, others 1 or none at all)

Might seem like a long list, but I'm grasping at straws and listing off a ton of non-classical fetishes. In other words ...
- there's no tentacles
- there's no monsters, angels, or demons
- there's no futanari
- there's no physical transformations
- there's no aphrodisiacs
- there's no hypnosis

I mean, on and on with this second list I could go. It's a really tame anime except for two really, really not-so-tame elements:
- a sadistic r**ist rather than hentai's usual goofy, nice-guy r**ist, and
- a r*** victim who kills herself at the end

If those weren't there? Nobody would even be talking about this show anymore. :\
:p You're probably right. It's just weird, I mean take Asagi for example, watching her get bang and r*** over and over and over and it doesn't provoke any emotions, but when a show like Rapex3 add a little realism to the end definitely has an affect on the mind.

I couldn't deal with a lot of stuff with I first started watching hentai but it's a totally different story now. XD
trimax is gonna release Night Shift Nurses 2 - episodes 3+4 in Germany in the near future.
no exact release date given, but some online-shop says its already available.

I attached the covers
If it's being sold, this means it's released somehow.
As there is no precise date with Trimax, I can assume it's their two "fresh" monthly releases for July.

Be patient until it's showing up on P2P.

And what will they do with the fifth episode ?
I'm starting to wonder if Discode will even come out this month. Last time I checked Kitty Media's site it wasn't even listed on there that I could see. I even intent to purchase the DVD when it comes out if I can find someplace online to buy it. But who knows when that'll be *sigh*
The only one on my radar is Bakunyuu Maid Kari Part 2, which comes out some time later this month. The animation quality is really bad, but the plot premise is 1-0-0% up my alley (taking hot young ladies with normal lives and turning them into sex slave maids). Ai (the red-head from Episode 1) was especially hot in her final scene. Looking forward to seeing her again in Part 2.
Well I am H-a-p-p-y:evillaugh:
But from the Screneshoot,I think it will be a really2 short scene around 1-2 minute?
It will be the same with the late 2 EP,watch and del

I prefer 2 wait for Rape3x 03:hero:
When I say animation quality, I guess what I mean is ... Bakunyuu Maid Kari reminds me of H-anime from the 2004-2005 time period but new works like Asagi or the Milk Junkies-character-design version of Ikusa Otome Valkyrie look like the hentai world's equivalent of Code Geass and Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu -- very sharp, very lucid, very expensive-looking animation. (lol @ that last one)

Oh yeah ...

Man, even I'm happy that one of the Twins is getting action in Sara 3. Yet it's futa action seemingly. Remember Sakun's topic about futa where I rambled about liking it for a few thousand or so words? Yeah, forget that for a moment. I would've liked to have seen her (or them) with some guys or monsters. Ah well. My futa love is very situational it would seem. Still, should be a lot better than the previous episode.

MK3 looks great, nuff said.

And yes, that manga is pretty awesome Sakun. I can't remember where I found it (name might've caught my eye on TT) but I've enjoyed that particular book a few times now. Highly recommended.
I dunno, to me there's something dirtier about guys having sex with girls than girls having sex with girls, regardless of the cock. And I guess I just wanted to see some really dirty sex with those loli twins. Can't really explain it, just weird situational taste.
Oh, Mogudan. Cute faces. Big boobs. Now if only you could master the art of drawing busty women with their tops on.
Same, Ben. Same. But it's not too bad, since there's plenty of other Mogudan fish in the sea, and besides: it's pretty funny just how much it does look like he cut-and-paste her head on top of another girl's body. XD
Here Ben replace that image with this image~ XD
Well the first 2 Episode of Rapex3 was found on DLSite
And we know we shouldn't make the anime thread if the anime is from DLSite material
Though I can't find the 3'rd Eps on DLSite(Maybe later...?)

I guess it's still forbidden.
Vanilla/Muse/JVD releases get systematically licensed by american companies, Kitty Media and Critical Mass are sharing the job at the moment. So as you said it's useless to upload it. Anyway the uncensored version would be more interesting to have of course.
The last (and only) Vanilla release to not be licensed in USA was "Shoyonoido Mako-chan", which ended up in Germany instead, thanks to our Trimax friends.