new releases March + April 2009

that´s my FastCGI error avatar, it´s only used until we get the server running well again, the other (last) one will stay my standard atm.
HLL - i won't post about releases in TT cause i know everyone already checks there. an S2 torrent might take awhile to appear. u should start using Share too. btw Onna kishi yuko is pretty good, what did u not like abt it? i like how they made one of the ogres transparent in order to not block yuko but it could've been better had they used more positions.

MasoX ( seems better than futaruel hehe ) - u haven't gotten the iso yet? u should just get the sukebe version as there's probably no difference.

red- what's with the avy? got tired of girls? hehe

I mean is Tifa look a like & Miko Girl attack by Tentacle
That's the 2 i didn't like and will not DL....

Onna Kishi Yuko?
Ah i think u mean this right?
Quite good,but the size just 2 big...
Can't DL at the moment
Must burn some Anime/Jap Drama first

I think Red got tired of girls......
Hope he recovers soon:attention:
@ 10giolt
I already got the iso but I'm going to trash it now, the 192 mb quality is acceptable, furthermore the content is superb so I'm going to treasure it :XD:

the content about the tifa look alike and the other one, located inside the nakadashi bible torrent link.... and all three 3Ds died by my standards :hero:
red- what's with the avy? got tired of girls? hehe

I kind of "lol" for a sec, but I think Rein is on to something. XD Time for Red to relax a bit and try something new. lol. >:D

Don't hurt me Red~ :petrfied:
? wherd u c those? they're not in TT

red- gud idea. i can finally use an avy that i've been wantibg to use but can't hehe

Omg, now is Rein turn~ :defeat: I feel lame ;_; I need to find a new avatar now. Everyone got new avatar, I want to join in on the party~
take this one...
Omg, now is Rein turn~ :defeat: I feel lame ;_; I need to find a new avatar now. Everyone got new avatar, I want to join in on the party~

yes u should. hehe even MasoX quickly changed his morrigan avy. the site seems to be doing fine though . we myt end up changing them ryt back up.
@ 10giolt
I already got the iso but I'm going to trash it now, the 192 mb quality is acceptable, furthermore the content is superb so I'm going to treasure it :XD:

the content about the tifa look alike and the other one, located inside the nakadashi bible torrent link.... and all three 3Ds died by my standards :hero:

Onna Kishi Yuko looks better than the last 2
But yes it's still not as Great the Futa Maid:XD:

How about Kaiki Ero2?
Beastial but i like it:evillaugh:
And Iori look a like from I"S

huh? Kaiki Ero2? where do u keep seeing them?

Iori is a char from I's

U hadn't Kaiki Ero2?

Yup,Iori look a like that is
But i must say,it quite a well done

As i mention b4
Click on Sukebe,than U'll find many 3d/doujin hens:XD:
wait were u talking abt the one with a gorilla?
As for the iori one i'm guessing ur talking about Doreipu the animation.
yeah i frequently visit SN but these 2 weren't uploaded this week.

Sakun- which do u mean ? the avy changing or the talk abt titles which u do not know cause they're all in 3D?
wait were u talking abt the one with a gorilla?
As for the iori one i'm guessing ur talking about Doreipu the animation.
yeah i frequently visit SN but these 2 weren't uploaded this week.

Sakun- which do u mean ? the avy changing or the talk abt titles which u do not know cause they're all in 3D?

I guess the 3D one
Since SRnmSK didn't really like 3D with the long reason he type,when someone mention Umemaro 3D

Nope,not the Gorila
But the lizardman and the girl who done some gymnastic

Sukebe's named it DRAPE
I guess from the title match with yours Doreipu
Just everything in general: it seems like chaos overtook the discussion what with the crazy avatars, the tidal wave of abbreviations, and like 5 different conversations going on at once. lol :)


I saw a 3D title the other day that looked interesting were it not for the fact that it was a 3D title: .

Speaking of which, I don't like that these H-Share people use our forum to share stuff but they don't let you see what you're downloading (except for one tiny picture) unless you sign up for an account on their forum. I have no intention of signing up for an account. In fact, the one time I even clicked on one of their links, I did not like the look of the site at all. (Seemed, like so many hentai sites these days, to be not all that trustworthy.) If H-Share is trying to get its membership up, it's going about it the wrong way by not letting guests see basic pictures. And the whole practice of cross-posting their torrents on our forum seems sort of underhanded and one-sided to me. :\ It'd be like if McDonald's said that anyone was welcome to come and advertise at McDonald's and so guess who shows up but Burger King! And McDonald's has no problem with this, but Burger King then says "Hey guys! Come to BK!" What a rude thing to do!

A good way to think of it is, what if people cross-posted threads from HongFire to Akiba-Online but they only posted the sample pictures on HongFire? and the only way to see them was to have a HongFire account? I mean ... it doesn't make sense. Most people are not going to sign up on 10 different hentai webforums if all 10 copy each other's threads. They're only going to sign up on 10 different hentai webforums if each of the webforums has something to offer that no one else does. If that's what H-Share is trying to do -- offer people something that HongFire and Akiba-Online don't have -- then that's fine, but I don't think they should cross-post on those forums unless they're going to cross-post equally. I think it's rude to post 10% of the thread on every board but your own: either post 0% or else post 100%.

There seems to be Shion 3 in the web already, but that must be a fake, it cannot be a Pixy release as it is containing normal sex only, no monsters, no tentacles, no pregnancy, just nothing. So still I´m waiting for the real release...

And reviewing the cover my opinion should be correct, the contents of this video has nothing in common with the cover front...
There are two re-releases of Schoolgirl Ninja Harlem dt. 03-27-2009 too.

titles: くノ一学園忍法超 魔界忍術編 and くノ一学園忍法超 魔界秘技昇天編

under the cherry label = = イー・マーケティング
There seems to be Shion 3 in the web already, but that must be a fake, it cannot be a Pixy release as it is containing normal sex only, no monsters, no tentacles, no pregnancy, just nothing. So still I´m waiting for the real release...

I already found two versions of Shion 03. One has wrong aspect ration and resolution but they are both identical in contents. I would say that doesn't seem a fake but probably Pixy decided to have a break with extreme hentai.
We'll see if another version will appear but I have serious doubts.
No idea (haven't seen it), but I can't imagine it'd be possible for a fan to produce a fake release of a hentai anime that has NEW FOOTAGE, that lasts for over 20 minutes, and that has the look and feel of a high-budget anime production, so ...

... if it looks like a real anime, and if it says it's Shion 3, and if it has the exact same characters from Shion 01 and 02 but the only thing "missing" is the hardcore stuff, then my guess would also be that it's real. If on the other hand the women are totally brand-new, then sure, it could be a fake release but of a genuinely new hentai anime, e.g. it could be some other studio's anime but with the "Pixy - Shion 3" name attached.

This is why it's nice to have seen the preview video for Shin Ringetsu 2: 'cause I know what I'm in for and what I'm in for is going to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
What's happening? anyone knows why no raw in wmv9? only ISO ><

please be patient, just now there are ISO files only, and not even all, it will take some time to rip the ISOs...

ref. to my previous post: I was only joking about Shion 3 as I was shocked to see a normal h-anime only instead of a "normal Pixy" monster tens release. Eps. 1+2 were like that and ep. 4 be be this way too viewing the last scene of ep. 3...