after some more thinking i've decided to not look forward to it that much. A Manin Densha that isn't directed by Momoisakura just isn't worthy of that name. Look at what happened to Inyo2, got de-tentacled cause of P-Alan.
btw its been more than a week since Sakun's logged in. perhaps he went to PM to help with the production of SR2.
Woo! Between Helter Skelter 2 and Kimi no na 2 I'm in gangbang heaven for a few months. I just wish they were a bit higher quality. Ah well.
I too am wondering where Sakun is, I'm eagerly awaiting his thoughts on the SR2 screens.

lease: ありがとう![/Densha Otoko]
I'll spare you guys the details for now. Suffice to say:
- life in danger? no
- ill? injured? no
- busy with serious academics? yes
- busy with just-for-fun academics? yes
- busy with serious recreation? yes
- busy with just-for-fun recreation? yes
- busy downloading new hentai? not any more than usual
- busy reading backlogged hentai? yes
- busy playing Shin Ringetsu? no ;_;
- busy working on the screenplay for Shin Ringetsu 2?
I wish!
- busy working on my own hentai screenplay? ... :3 (I was thinking about it earlier today, speak of the devil, but I still haven't sat my butt down to do it. I really should, though. I'm getting sick and tired of reading the same formulaic vanilla plots and it looks like they've begun to take over Comic Unreal, too, from the looks of Volumes 15 and 16, which had almost no good stories with lactation, tentacles, body exchange, or other "weird" fetishes.)
Haven't seen these screenshots you guys mentioned, so if somebody wants to re-link me, that'd be sweet. Otherwise I'll flip back a few pages in a second and try to find the link you guys must have been referring to.