Holy shit, Gakuen Saimin Reido is good. :tea:
I think this is something you can figure out just from the visuals, but all the same:
(partial plot summary follows)[hide]
Satou: the main character. Satou is an otaku. His father sends him a special invention: a cell phone which is capable of hypnotizing people when it takes their picture. Satou has the following initial relationships with the following characters:
Sakurasawa Yuuna: she considers Satou to be a friend, but just that. She has a crush on the asshole, Akira.
Aihara Akira: he beats Satou up and extorts Satou for money. This has started to become a regular thing, much to Satou's frustration. Akira is Nagisa's boyfriend. Despite this, he is often found chatting up Yuuna. Between beating Satou up for $$$, quasi-cheating on Nagisa, and quasi-stealing away Yuuna from Satou, Akira earns Satou's hatred. And in all honesty, Akira is a big douchebag. For instance, in front of Yuuna, Akira claims that Satou is a precious existence to him (i.e. inferring that Satou is his friend when in fact Satou is only "precious" to Akira because Satou provides an easy cashflow).
Nagisa: a phony whose good looks betray her demonic personality underneath. She plays innocent in front of the teachers and thereby earns their trust, allowing her to manipulate situations to make Satou seem like the bad guy when in fact she's the bad guy and he's the victim. Nagisa later tells Satou that she has never kissed a boy, let alone had sex with one, because she has decided to save herself for marriage. However, she is currently dating Aihara Akira. Nagisa can't stand Satou's existence and tries to make his life miserable enough to force him to quit coming to school period. She never refers to him by his family name (Satou) when the teachers aren't looking, instead always calling him Debu-chi (or "Fatty" / "Piggy" / "Fatass").
Himeno: the stereotypical rich priss. Can't say much else about her since I only saw her in the opening scene. (Haven't finished the episode yet.) From the scene we do see, she orders her butler to prepare a new blouse for her to put on since (in her opinion) Satou falling face forward onto her boobs has dirtied the garment. Hard to tell whether her blushing is a sign of tsundere characteristics or if she's just blushing because of the impropriety of any man being nose-deep in her cleavage.
Kaoruko-sensei: I also can't say much about this character, having only seen her briefly in the opening scene. She seems to have a quasi-parental concern for Satou. For example, she believes Nagisa's story that Satou was looking up Nagisa's skirt, and she scolds Satou for this. But she does so gently, her tone one of disappointment, not of anger nor of disgust.
Satou's neighbor: well, see below, lol.
Satou sets to work using his dad's gift, making the following changes in his relationships with people:
- His first victim is his next-door neighbor, a smoking hot adult woman with purple hair. At this stage, he's just testing the phone out to see if it even works the way he thinks it does. He hypnotizes her to want him -- and to want him badly. By the end of their fuck session, she is moaning for him to impregnate her and is in orgasmic ecstasy after he ejaculates inside of her. (Suffice to say, I really liked this scene. XD)
- His second victim is the pink-haired girl, Yuuna. He doesn't view it as victimization but instead as protection. He thinks he's protecting Yuuna from Akira, since (as we know and as Satou knows) Akira is a total scumbag and therefore the kind Sakurasawa-san shouldn't have anything to do with him. That stated? Our main character is still pretty crooked: because instead of simply hypnotizing Yuuna into no longer liking Akira, instead Satou hypnotizes her with the further instruction to fall in love with him! Or, more specifically, Satou tells Yuuna that she has an unquenchable thirst; and the only thing that can satisfy it is his semen. Talk about wasting no time with this new toy! And sure enough, no sooner does he return her to full consciousness than does she beg him to let her suck him off. And so she does. After this, he gives her some perverted DVDs and gives her further instructions, basically to corrupt her into the pervert-hottie he wants her to be.
- The third victim is the blue-haired bitch, Nagisa. This is the first person he's truly out to get revenge on, and boy does he ever. He tells her that she's going to see him as Akira and that she is going to give up her first kiss to him. After this, he'll reveal his true identity; and despite her revulsion of "Fatty", she'll find that with each touch of her body by his hand she is increasingly turned on. And this is exactly what ends up happening. During this scene, Nagisa keeps denying that she's getting turned on. This gives Satou the bright idea to hypnotize Nagisa for a second time. This time, Satou tells her that whenever she wants to deny things like being a pervert or a masochist, instead her body will of its own free will admit to such things: and furthermore? He instructs her mind that when this happens, what her body says for her will actually become truth. So, for example, he addresses Nagisa as a slut and she thinks to herself, "No! I'm not a pervert!" but her body says "Kya-hah! ;D I am such a dirty girl! ;D" And as he continues to fuck her, this ends up becoming the truth, i.e. Nagisa does become a slut starved for his cock.
And that's as far as I've gotten. I briefly saw the next scene (where Yuuna masturbates at home with the recorder [musical instrument] that Satou gave her); and after that I noticed that he sees the blonde-haired priss, but I haven't watched anything beyond that. The scene with the blue-haired girl was my breaking point, lol.[/hide]
umm sorry im new here... can i ask where can i donload this anime?
thanks for the answer..