new releases May + June 2011

Red, check WOH i up フォルト!! 第三話. Also i have all releases in realy godd AVC version, but can't share.
Red, check WOH i up フォルト!! 第三話. Also i have all releases in realy godd AVC version, but can't share.

far too late, already picked...
hard to believe Platinum Milky recycled an entire ero scene. That's supposed to be Milky's top of the line brand. Even SH2 spent some time going over some of the previous episode.

argh all damn h18k releases have annoying watermarks. and the SH2 one had weird borders at the sides. we really need better versions.

@pila13 - is that 436mb version of Fault 3 one of the better avc versions?
all 3 wmv files posted today by pila 13 haven´t got any watermarks. (You won´t find them here at AO though).

all 3 other files posted today have hk18 watermarks, except the [Carbon] raw 720p of KanojoxKanojoxKanojo 3.

So picked 7 files instead of 3...
watermarks ??? HAHAHAHAH that sick b***h saho or what is his name, not stop share rips with a "watermarks" ?
i'm not post on AO because i'm tooo lazy w I'm bored post on site ero ero, to day was exeption, friends ask post fresh becosue he simple can't
I have フォルト!! 第三話 avc rip, but i cna't share this rip on any open p2p ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ
it´s no Soho, it´s another guy...
I have no Idea what you guy are talking about, but are the links posted good 2 go? Does this watermark thing mean there bad?
thee just are small watermarks in the upper right, so loss in quality.
Never wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Next, if some one want find clean VC-1 rips (wmv) use google, to find -> user pila13 last 3 topics, or find hongfire - > user voron = last 3 topics
Done w

if any one, don't care hwo. repost this. this is will be my last post here, i dont' need any more any site e.t.c. i post here because like ao.
also i have not only dvdiso, i also have real covers of this title, scanned covers send me pm if someone want.
Since I can't read Kanji
Could somebody translate it...?

Wild Guess: Is it the 3'rd EP is Isuka??
It's about Pixy schedule, for エルフ姫ニィーナ - Elf Hime Nina and 魔法少女イスカ - Mahou Shoujo Isuka

Elf Hime Nina vol.02 on July 2011
Mahou Shoujo Isuka vol.03 on August 2011

pila13, it will be sad if you don't communicate anymore in this forum. :notagain:

Yes, in this month erufu hime nina 02, ◆
I want nina hime (´)ε(` )

isuka must be interest too, because in vol 02, last fwe mins, isuka see her sister.
I don't like when some one re-post anything. I'm never do this. Even with cover, if i post but on hongfire already, i;m not re-post i use pixy- site private zone where pixy post covers / preview for big sites, like dmm / amazong e.t.c.
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it's only if someone reposts that particular pic right? it should be ok. the info providers at HF seem to post links instead.

sure hope Pixy's new style catches on. Suzuki Mirano really needs that. The voices of the girls are completely being overpowered by the guys.
はい ^ω^
only if someone re-post. I hate "reposting"
Pixy new style ? www
りりス Change HP style / DVDmenu / add preview of next vol, that's all What ririsu change ^^
suzuki...well this is crap, i like only two titles, sure わなと虜姫 was very ok, I rarely watch full title, usual i watch only fresh ririsu ero, and last 2 -3 mins of title whati like, ran ⇒ sen 二 simple kill me, crazyyy うんこです。
"At last, i'm win"
WTF is this ? ww

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apparently you didn't watch Haramasete Seiryuu. the male character is finally completely quiet in the ero scenes. his lines were all in subtitle mode. Elf hime Nina 2 definitely needs that style. the guys were too noisy back in ep1.
apparently you didn't watch Haramasete Seiryuu. the male character is finally completely quiet in the ero scenes. his lines were all in subtitle mode. Elf hime Nina 2 definitely needs that style. the guys were too noisy back in ep1.

I think it only works on the Pixy future release
Elf Hime/Isuka will have the guys sound:notagain:
Yes, i'm not watch ryuma. i don't like drawn style.
Mhe i now check ryuma 01, whee don't like subs, i send my review on pixy site.
nina hime will not have same, all depends on a director, ryuma not bit rinkan and tentakle & witch, to be sure, not very interest title, and get low sales. lilith have 80% of all money on DVD, people who buy DL version usual buy dvd, but because of pirace lilith stop sale dl version on a one week faster than DVD, ryuma was something like "test"
nina hime i want because, that mystery character in final of vol 01. Plush she get convert in がんくろwww
this is big plus )
Well, I guess I should add that I didn't like the subtitle thing they used in Haramasete Seiryuu. I knew that reing would though as soon as I saw it. To me it just seems unnatural not to hear the guys, and the subtitle itself is distracting (don't ask me how it's any different than English fan-subs on stuff, which I obviously like).

I respect that Pixy is always trying to do something "revolutionary" in their shows. It's why they're my favorite studio at this point. But I really hope this trend doesn't catch on. That's just my two cents though.

Aside from that, not much lost in this experiment anyway, Haramasete Seiryuu wasn't all that interesting to me anyway, the art style, or the content. It was pretty tame for a Pixy release.