new releases November + December 2010

Ask shockwave, he have dvdbox - iso. I see hes post on 2ch. But i don't think that he share

名無しさん@ピンキー:2010/12/01(水) 21:30:43 ID:uxSy4tti
    シオン DVD-BOX Bonus Scene Screenshots
    宇宙海賊サラ DVD-BOX Bonus Scene Screenshots
Stupid bonus scene, twins die.
Same crap like with shion - she die, but in bonus she is alive? WTF?

argh HF is still down. hm..did he make any posts in HF about whether he was gonna share them or not?
Don't know, i'm rarely use hongfire. But i think he register on akiba, or no? Not remember. Maybe better ask him in pm.
ShocWave has got exclusive uplaoder status here at A-O. And he is posting all his new releases (except the boat ones) here.
yay :yahoo: please let it be Sara's special :please: the Shion one just seems so vanilla. Actually now that i think about it, most of the dvd box specials are quite tame compared to the contents of the actual series.
Great new after August


I think that after august, nothing happens what can make me "worry". But fuck, how i mistake!
On C79 butcha will sale his new very-very special book.
Why this book so special? This book based on illustrations by Kagami
Simple - Two my favorite characters Oboro - Sama And Ingrid - Sama plus other characters from lilith game.
But bad, Butcha_U nothing say about digital version of this book, i alredy write @Mail to Butcha woth question about this. He must sell this manga on DL site.
I'm already close my visa...i'm very rarely use credit cart, but i must open new, special for this manga.






Butcha_U massage in blog -
お久しぶりですっ(`・ω・´)ノ ンバッ





This was a realy fast, Butcha alredy answer on my @mail. I love this artist ^_^ He allways spend time on fans. Like Umemaro and Usa.

Kangoku Senkan 4 is Pixy's dec release. it's entitled jigoku (hell) end. ep 3 really was the end. this seems to be an alternate ending.
Maybe cerrent say - "End of the hell"? not just jigoku, thay add "end" after jigoku.
And i'm not remember any pixy animation with "end" in title.
It could also last to 6'th EP like Lilia

Talk about bonus scene
Where usualy U guys have it?
DL/Buy the DvD Box?
Was there any Iris bonus scene?:grassdance:

Uh just like I thought,wasn't really like Hitou Meguri new ver
I prefer HHH so far/Isuka ep 2 for Nov release:joker:
Mmm, no one uplaod in p2p any pixy dvd-box, if i cerrent remember shocwave up two bonus asagi and otome?
Reingiolt find in pd iris bonus, but this is "site - rip" - some one uplaod on online-porno site, and in pd this bonus with site logo and in flv.
I'm don't have any bonus ^_^
Any video "supplement" - hardsub / logo or same crap for me = bonus not out. But sure, if some one realy like any pixy work, this is not a problem buy it.
Mmm, no one uplaod in p2p any pixy dvd-box, if i cerrent remember shocwave up two bonus asagi and otome?
Reingiolt find in pd iris bonus, but this is "site - rip" - some one uplaod on online-porno site, and in pd this bonus with site logo and in flv.
I'm don't have any bonus ^_^
Any video "supplement" - hardsub / logo or same crap for me = bonus not out. But sure, if some one realy like any pixy work, this is not a problem buy it.

It's hard to buy it "here"
The biggest 2 import Hobby Shop here doesn't accept any DvD request(wonder why)
Mostly they only take Preorder on Figurine/Figma/nendo/SIC/ETC Toys/Gunplamo(Gundam Plastic Model)
And I don't even have CC

Oh well......
yeah, animation quality may best among Mary Jane releases. but it was so damn short. and even though Momoi Sakura produced it, his "touch" simply wasn't there. not much good angles and the guy wasn't that quiet. weird how ep 2 is still topping the rankings.

end is after jigoku .「監獄戦艦 Vol.04 地獄END」. i should've used "".
there´s a torrent around too for the ISO, yet it is rather slow... (I´m not dling it!)

btw.: where did Trimay get the word Plaisier from? Either they use the french "plaisir" (if I am right) or at least the german "Pläsier", but not a Plaisier whch does not exist...
btw.: where did Trimay get the word Plaisier from? Either they use the french "plaisir" (if I am right) or at least the german "Pläsier", but not a Plaisier whch does not exist...

The typesetting was performed by a trainee. :pandalaugh:

And yes the correct word is "plaisir", like in this cover title (with a wonderful artwork) :grassdance:
there´s a torrent around too for the ISO, yet it is rather slow... (I´m not dling it!)
And this torrent download Jan, from bithq. Upload made shocwave / omnihani.
Yes in share already someone up rar with password. But this is nice, jp-boys tto gread, Thay stop pos fresh iso. So why they must get dvdiso for free?)