aw,they really crush my dream:why2:
i was hoping this will be at least a good hens 4 oct:innocence:
ah...,really hoping there's a new r*** series that's good like -saku series:why2:
why aren't pinpai make the new -saku series

ten-saku?(taken from tengiolt:lols

/xeru-saku:lols:/or even red-saku:lols:

gotta escape..................:hurry:
well yeah...,i didn't interested with real lolis.......
but i do interested with them in 2d's mode:why2:
is it because the seiyuus voice:nosebleed:
or is it something wrong with me:crash:
as for eroge...
as they asked 4 regional setting/etc
i'm a total noob with comps...
so i think i'll pass
after all,they only has hcg,and i can found them from e-hentai
so i'll stick on hens/3d hens only