New rules allow Japanese adult film actresses to stop the sale of their videos after five years


New Member
Apr 18, 2019
I found this news:

I have some questions to ask you:

From, I read:


Translate with google
"The work before the new rule application can be deleted if the person makes an offer from April. If there is a reason such as "Becoming married" or "Being disturbed in social life", you will be able to apply for deletion. The actress himself offers to the mechanism, the mechanism confirms the identity, and if confirmation is obtained, the manufacturer is notified. If a single person makes a deletion request, the work will disappear even for works with multiple actresses. The work after 5 years of applying new rules is the same procedure."

I did not understand well, these guidelines apply only to actresses who enter into contracts from April 1, 2018 or even to the previous ones?

Sora Aoi and Saori Hara have applied this rule to have their content deleted or is it something else?

The regulations are not government-mandated and under this news there is a user who says that they are not new rules. They are guidelines that no one has to follow and are not enforceable, is true?

Thank you for your time
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we all make mistakes
Jun 6, 2007
the terrorists and bank robbers and serial killers ought to be able to do the same thing. you fill out a form and the government enforces a decree that makes everyone forget your past. if someone accidentally remembers, you pull out your little paper all stamped-and-sealed and say "you see, that one didn't count".

i think of a man, and i take away reason and accountability.
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Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
This has been fully discussed on this forum since before it came into effect.

The short answer is any actress can apply to de-list her video(s) 5 years later. 5 years after what date precisely? I am not sure if we actually figured it out or if we did, I forgot the answer. It might be 5 years after her last contract, or 5 years after the particular video to be delisted? Or 5 years after last contract with the studio that produced the video to be delisted?

The April 1, 2018 is meaningless now, I think it's the date that the delisting application mechanism begins. Since that date, all actress with contracts signed before or after, or contracts expired before or after, can apply.
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New Member
Apr 18, 2019
This has been fully discussed on this forum since before it came into effect.

The short answer is any actress can apply to de-list her video(s) 5 years later. 5 years after what date precisely? I am not sure if we actually figured it out or if we did, I forgot the answer. It might be 5 years after her last contract, or 5 years after the particular video to be delisted? Or 5 years after last contract with the studio that produced the video to be delisted?

The April 1, 2018 is meaningless now, I think it's the date that the delisting application mechanism begins. Since that date, all actress with contracts signed before or after, or contracts expired before or after, can apply.

It seems that Sora Aoi has used this new rule.

Thanks for the reply, where can I find the discussion on forum?

Even before, was there a cancellation process? Or is this the first one?
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New Member
Apr 18, 2019
@ding73ding Then I found the discussion and I realized that the videos bought on R.18/DMM will no longer be visible if the actress stops the sales of her videos, is that so?

the terrorists and bank robbers and serial killers ought to be able to do the same thing. you fill out a form and the government enforces a decree that makes everyone forget your past. if someone accidentally remembers, you pull out your little paper all stamped-and-sealed and say "you see, that one didn't count".

i think of a man, and i take away reason and accountability.
A completely useless rule, with all the information on the internet an search is enough to find out who you "were". It does not protect the actresses and damages fans and collectors.
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Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
Sorry if I am not very engaged in this conversation. Everything had already been fully discussed, investigated and speculated. Every point that you already raised and most likely most of the points you will raised. Feel free to dig into all conversation back up to 2017 and even before (the various events leading to a new ethics board and the board creation of the delisting process. Yes we also fully (?) discussed Sora Aoi's delisting.

If you read what I (and many) wrote in that time, I was absolutely skeptical of the whole ball of wax. BUT last few months have been very quiet compared to the near weekly blow-ups back then. So yes, it seems completely useless. But I have to recognized that the industry managed to not have more bad news. Also it does seem like delisting is exactly what many ex-actresses wants. So it matters absolutely NIL that you and I think it's useless. It only matters that ex- and retiring actresses wants to delist and the industry agrees to their demands, subject to a few qualifications as you helpfully translated.

To answer you that one question, no, there were no delisting process before 2018.

To answer you one more question, YES, if you buy DRM-protected digital contents from DMM or in fact anyone else, you really don't have a realistic expectation that you can guarantee access (playback) that contents forever. Delisting is only one of the many ways and reason you will lose access to it. not IF, but WHEN. And yes this has also been discussed fully somewhere on this forum.
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New Member
Apr 18, 2019
@ding73ding Thanks for the info. In practice, in order not to lose the contents it is necessary to purchase DVD / Blu-Ray or digital contents without DRM.

So did Saori Hara cancel its content in 2018? Because I remember that already in the past it was unavailable or maybe I remember not well.


Jav is love... Jav is life...
Jun 29, 2012
Most of my favorite actresses have a a large body of work and many of have retired and so far their movies are still listed. The actresses I admire are the ones that do all the hardcore stuff I like and leave it all out there. I am not too concerned with this guideline as I tend to avoid basic bitches that only do basic vanilla stuff for a quick pay day anyway.


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
Yes. That's why physical copies are still big in this day and age. All you have to do is keep very good care of your physical copy and playback devices. It's still unrealistic to be able to playback say 50 years from now. But at least not a 5 years sunset which is too short for a "purchase". Digital without DRM is best bet, you need to make backup and archive of your downloads and to be seriously anal about it, you might want to re-encode it to something up-to-date every 10 or 20 years.

Most of my favorite actresses have a a large body of work and many of have retired and so far their movies are still listed. The actresses I admire are the ones that do all the hardcore stuff I like and leave it all out there. I am not too concerned with this guideline as I tend to avoid basic bitches that only do basic vanilla stuff for a quick pay day anyway.
To be realistic, delisting affects almost none of us (except for DRM digital plan customers). Seriously how often we want to get something more than 5 years old? Like the lovely lady of my avatar. She retired 10+ years ago, and she is still my all time fav, but my gods, I can't watch her vids for more than 3 minutes. Some of those are 360p or even 200p. No thanks. I just play back her vids inside my own head and have a happy fun time. Even later vids with HD version in my collection... It's odd, when I watch something older, it seems not as good as how I remember it. LOL maybe I'm getting older, in reverse.


New Member
Apr 18, 2019
@ding73ding Reading the discussion in JAV gossip, a doubt came to me, can the actress request the suspension of sales 5 years after her first film or 5 years after the last one? For example, if an actress makes her debut in 2017 and her last film is from 2019, can she request the suspension of her entire catalog in 2022 or 2024?


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
I already explained (or hinted) that I don't know the answer to those kind of questions. We were thinking that only a small minority of ex-performers would exercise that right and generally they will be doing it for a life event, e.g. Sora Aoi delisted her vids when she is becoming a mother. So we didn't expect many ex-actresses will be exercising the delisting at exactly 5 years mark. It's fair to say we overlooked that seemingly important question.

If an actress career extent from 2013 to yesterday (in 2019) it doesn't seem to make any sense she can delist the vids that were released yesterday. The question is can she delist her vids from 2013 (5+ years before today). It doesn't make sense to delist only some of her vids, it only affects the studios/retailers but doesn't help the actress to gain anonymity. So it makes sense that to delist her 2013 vids, she has to wait until 2024, 5 years after her last vid.

But just because something makes sense doesn't mean it is the reality. The answer is still I don't know.


New Member
Apr 18, 2019
@ding73ding Thanks for the reply.

We were thinking that only a small minority of ex-performers would exercise that right and generally they will be doing it for a life event, e.g. Sora Aoi delisted her vids when she is becoming a mother. So we didn't expect many ex-actresses will be exercising the delisting at exactly 5 years mark. It's fair to say we overlooked that seemingly important question.

I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm not a native English speaker and I don't understand this passage very well, you want to say that there have been many ex-actresses who have asked for the cancellation of their works after five years or you want to say they will be few ex-actresses will request cancellation after exactly five years?


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
they will be few ex-actresses will request cancellation after exactly five years

Yes I think we can assume that. Of course I am willing to accept a different view if there are actual evidence to prove or disprove the assumption.