New smiley set


Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
There are new, slightly more interesting smilies on the forum now, discovered by fhc in this thread. For now I'm going to assume they're public domain.

They appear to be korean or japanese in origin..

coooooool!!! XD

heh heh heh :glasses:
I love these smilies...XD

There, uploaded them all now.


edit: for some reason, using too many at once fails somehow. I'll look into it at some point.
ther awsome:tears:
:evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evil: XD :love: :whisper: :???: :oy: :wryyy: :dies: :hero: :stops:

Thanks for the link.

I never know about this site.

Then, the name of this character is "onion" ! :hehehe:

He really seems like a onion ! XD

This smile (emoticon) package is alread used in a LOT of chinese foruns.

I guess, shibuyabashi forum is the first english language forum to use this smiles (emoticon) package.

Really, not have in the whole world a smiles (emoticon) package better than this! :love:
:beautiful: the site even has larger non-animated versions that can be used as avatars :cute:

EDIT: the little guy's name is ONION TOU
looool Onion Tou :evillaugh:
I really like these smileys :inlove: XD
I didn't visit a lot of forums, only AO :nosepick: and an another one :think: then dunno :dunno: if AO is the first english site for this smiley package, I laugh a lot when I see these smileys :goodboy:
I really don't use often smileys but here I abuse them :oy: