not sure why i get this all time 503 Service Unavailable (1371607114)

Happens to me at anytime day or night. Have tried Internet Explorer 9 and Opera, same results with both.
Getting so fed up with it that I'm considering not even trying to log in anymore and going to look for another forum.
Only started to happen after the sight came back on line after it had been hacked.
This is getting annoying real fast. Like other users said, this stupid 503 thing happens even when I'm logging on to the forum, so if the reasoning is to prevent users from opening multiple pages it makes no sense.

In this topic alone:
Click on topic on main page: 503, keep refreshing until it loads.
Click to page 2: 503, keep refreshing until it loads.
Click Post Reply: 503, keep refreshing until it loads.
Click Preview Post: 503, keep refreshing until it loads.


I strongly suspect something went wrong when the site was brought back online.
This is getting annoying real fast. Like other users said, this stupid 503 thing happens even when I'm logging on to the forum, so if the reasoning is to prevent users from opening multiple pages it makes no sense.

In this topic alone:
Click on topic on main page: 503, keep refreshing until it loads.
Click to page 2: 503, keep refreshing until it loads.
Click Post Reply: 503, keep refreshing until it loads.
Click Preview Post: 503, keep refreshing until it loads.


I strongly suspect something went wrong when the site was brought back online.

I agree, in my case this often happens when trying to login, and then I cannot even check the forums as a guest but get that annoying red screen.
This never ever happened since I'm a member here before the site went down last time, and I'm a member for 2,5 years.
I have none of these problems, the site can get real slow but all the pages loud for me.

The only time i have got the error message is when i was trying to open 20 thread at one time.
I have none of these problems, the site can get real slow but all the pages loud for me.

The only time i have got the error message is when i was trying to open 20 thread at one time.

That's great, but that doesn't change the fact that alot of people DO have these issues.
Have you tried accessing this forum, or even logging in at ANY time of the day, because it seems time related. And then it still doesn't make any sense that this all started to happen after the last downtime of Akiba.
I just made a change that may help you people suffering from frequent 503 errors.

If the problem has not been resolved for you, please login to Akiba-Online and answer the following:

1) Do you have cookies enabled?
2) Do you have a cookie present in your browser called "bbngvrnsig"?
I just made a change that may help you people suffering from frequent 503 errors.

If the problem has not been resolved for you, please login to Akiba-Online and answer the following:

1) Do you have cookies enabled?
2) Do you have a cookie present in your browser called "bbngvrnsig"?

checked on FF browser
yes there is cookies called bbnvrnsig


edit :
A-O connection is better now :exhausted:
I will have to wait till the time of the day when I normally would get the red 503 error screen whilst trying to login. And yes I do have that cookie as well.
It's now 2:45pm GMT+1 where I'm at and it took me roughly 15 mins to login.
Strangely enough the homepage loads always without an error, other sections of the website load without error, but as soon as I visit the forums all hell breaks lose especially when I try to reply to a thread.
Logging in is the worst part at the moment. last few days I wasn't even able to login at all at this time of the day, so being able to login after 15 mins of trying is what I consider lucky.
I really wish to know what's going on here.
It's now 2:45pm GMT+1 where I'm at and it took me roughly 15 mins to login.
14:45 GMT+1 is the weekend, is evening time in Japan, and there were hordes of Japanese anonymous browsers hammering on our door. Our CPUs were completely overloaded.

Strangely enough the homepage loads always without an error, other sections of the website load without error, but as soon as I visit the forums all hell breaks lose especially when I try to reply to a thread.
"An error" is not specific enough. Whatever... some pages are cached and served direct from memory. The home page, popular threads, the Torrents and Downloads pages, etc. Other pages are not cached.

Logging in is the worst part at the moment.
Click the "Remember me" checkbox next time, and stay logged in. I have repeatedly warned that anonymous visitors have a much harder time browsing the site. That is on purpose.
Click the "Remember me" checkbox next time, and stay logged in. I have repeatedly warned that anonymous visitors have a much harder time browsing the site. That is on purpose.

That box has always been checked at my end, but will that work when all my cookies are cleared after each time I close my browser?

The login error that I get is simple, whole red screen with this text: " 503 Service Unavailable (2174056458) "

That number between brackets changes each time with each attempt.
What still baffles me is that this has never ever happened before the last downtime Akiba suffered, so in my opinion it seems almost certain that it has at least something to do with it. Because I cannot believe that since the downtime suddenly alot more people, especially from the far east, are trying to login.
Will that work when all my cookies are cleared after each time I close my browser?
No, the site keeps track of logged in users through cookies. Deleted cookies means that you are effectively logged out and treated like a second-class citizen by the webserver.

this has never ever happened before the last downtime Akiba suffered
Before the downtime, the webserver treated guests and members equally. After the downtime, the webserver limits the total allowed concurrent connections for guests.

What this does is redistribute 50x errors and slow loading pages to the guest visitors (which are unavoidable), and gives members a higher priority.

Don't be fooled by the fact that some guest pages load extremely quickly, even during peak hours. Those are the pages served from a memory cache to guest visitors. It's always better to remain logged in.
... It's always better to remain logged in.

Well, that's a problem since it's popular that people never wants the "Remember Me" in anything. That's why there are lots of option to "Clear cookies" or Clear History when closing the browser" in most browsers nowadays because people do not want their credentials saved in their personal computers. I always manually log in in anything (emails, online banking, etc).
Took me two occasions to reset my password to even login this time :( Certainly affected me as well the last two days. :scared:
So it's either keep all cookies on your computer after each browser session and problem solved, or stick with a more secure and safe situation and let the browser delete all cookies after each session and live with the current Akiba login issues at certain times of the day?
Well I'll stick with the more secure and safe way and let my browser keep deleting cookies, that is not a difficult choice in my opinion.
and so I know why I still logged in to A-O after several times inactivify
usually will automaticly logged out.

But in my opinion, saving password in browser are dangerous as there are many cookies stealer in the internet
I've only been seeing the red screen of death sporadically (I stay logged in at all times), but right now I am trying to upload images to go with a reply that I made to a thread. The thread reply is there, but each time I try to upload the images, I get a red screen of death, ONLY in the little pop up window for uploading images. I guess that I'll keep trying.
Just want to report that the situation for me is better now. I still get that 503 thing, but only when I am logged out. Keep trying and refreshing until I can log in, then that 503 thing is gone. But the site is slower than before. don't know if it's related to the problem. Thanks!
was on at 9am usa east coast time and was getting errors all time. even when i went to log in would not load up. made it looked like i did not use right password or user name. all i got is that red screen of death.