Offending ads on the site

Sorry about the annoying ads. They are really the only way I can keep this board alive though. I've tried donations in the past, but it just isn't steady enough, and the server costs are high and rising.

"Normal" ad companies will not run network ads here, because the site has adult content so only adult advertisers will advertise here. As they are network ads, I have little control over what kind of ads there are. What ads you see will also vary where you are in the world.

There are various methods of blocking ads, and if you're not clicking them anyway, blocking them probably doesn't hurt the site. But if you are interested, please visit the ads every once in a while.
Yeah, visit the ads.
Who knows, maybe you'll have a change of heart.
Anyway, we've no intention to discriminate against gays. Porn ads are basically our only option to keep the site alive, and gay ads happen to be among them, and that's that.

And if you think gay ads are somehow 'out of place' here, I'm not sure you've been here all that long. Or at least, you fail at paying attention. The JAV section is crammed full of lesbian stuff. In case you didn't know, that's also very gay stuff.
Wow, I totally missed out on an enthralling discission, allow me to join. :prance:

I'd like to put forth that society does not attempt to define "what is acceptable and what isn't" (eg: "right and wrong"), but only what is economical (working together for food, shelter, etc). Right and wrong are only put into the picture in order to manipulate that economic relationship (eg: power struggle). Catholic Church vs science, Imperialism vs The Colonies, American Freedom vs religious fundamentalism, civil liberties vs family values -- these were/are just economic power struggles covered up with the illusion of "right and wrong".

Neither homosexual nor heterosexual relationships are universally right or wrong; sure homosexuality cannot provide procreation, but humans do not live merely to breed, so beyond that everyone should be free to make their own personal choices. The LGBT movement is not about forcing others to accept LGBTs as "right", it's only about treating them as economic equals (getting a job, buying a home, etc -- parts of our lives which really have nothing to do with sexuality, but which still suffer from prejudice). When you understand it from that perspective, "intolerance of that which is wrong" is just a sloppy way of justifying that intolerance. Again, right and wrong really have nothing to do with the equation, and are only brought up by intolerant individuals who believe their lives will be destroyed if gays can get married, become eligible for a home loan, move into their neighborhood, and start sending their kids to the same school (oh the horror!).

The only sort of intolerance that can be justified is pretty much intolerance of intolerance, or less paradoxically, intolerance of ignorance. But even that, along with more traditional intolerance of murder/crime/violence/etc, can be measured economically without resorting to arbitrary definitions of right and wrong: uneducated, prejudiced people just tend to slow down society.

Honestly, a gay couple holding hands in public does not jeopardize your chance of employment or housing any more than a straight couple. You might not like seeing it, but until they inflict a measurable injustice against your liberties, there's nothing implicitly right/acceptable or wrong/unacceptable about their behavior. I say measurable, because economic gain/loss can be quantified while right and wrong cannot.

Let me get straight to the point: you're going to see lots of offensive stuff on the internet, but no one is forcing you to click on anything. If you don't like it, just ignore it, move on. The world does not revolve around you, and no one should be obliged to change anything for the sake of your personal comfort.

Practically speaking, as long as AO is being sustained directly out of chompy's wallet, he gets to call the shots on whether or not ads are part of the site. And I would advise everyone to not be overzealous with ABP/NoScript; it could really undermine chompy's efforts to keep the site running. Of course, if you're willing to donate, then there might be recourse to reducing the ads.

The issue of popups and browser security is legitimate, but please let's start a separate thread for that, because it deserves to not be encumbered with rants about sexual orientation, sociology, and anonymous internet rambling.
We can argue about economics vs. morality in terms of society-building all we like, but I would like to point out that societies were formed around concepts of morality long before there was even a thorough appreciation for / understanding of economic principles. Examples: Moses and the Egyptian Israelites who formed their own society as they wandered through the desert, King Arthur's Camelot, the American Pilgrims, etc. Many colonies and societies have also formed around or because of economic incentives (e.g. the Oregon Trail), far be it from me to deny these examples, but I think it's presumptuous of you to come out and say "Let me say why Sakunyuusha's opinion is wrong, wrong, wrong!" when I think that there are in fact numerous examples of people who formed social contracts amongst themselves (i.e. formed societies) with zero concern for the economic hardships which awaited them.

When the sun sets and the day is done, the most basic of social contracts -- "I forfeit my right to kill purposelessly in order to secure myself against being purposelessly killed" -- has little do with economic reasonings ("If I'm dead, it's not as profitable as when I'm alive!") and has everything to do with the more broad spectrum of utilitarian reasoning ("If I'm dead, I can't enjoy life anymore!") Enjoyment is much broader than fiscal or political comfort (being wealthy, being the lord, etc). Enjoyment simply means being happy. And it is perhaps around such fundamental hedonism that the earliest societies formed their opinions of that which was Right and that which was Wrong. "It's wrong to kill somebody because it deprives them of life" was the law, not "It's wrong to kill somebody because it deprives them of their chance to profit and deprives society of one skilled laborer."
The line between the acceptable and the inacceptable, between the moral and the immoral, between the right and the wrong is not created by a single factor. It is more of a dynamic thing and is not generated by something but somehow generates itself. I don't think it's so meaningful to talk about how we can explain things from one perspective or other.

Why is CP wrong? If you can answer this question, you can be a God. As a humble human being I would only say CP is wrong in the sense CP is wrong. お経みたいにね:attention:
I don't think you'd be a god; or if you would be, then you join a pantheon of deities: because there are many possible answers to that question.

For me personally, CP is wrong because it 999 times out of 1000 fucks up a child. [/made-up numbers] It's the same reason r*** is wrong. Sure, there may be one time in a million where nothing bad happens "and a fun time was had by all," but most of the time the kid is going to have a very warped image of self, of sex, and of strangers as a result of being r***ing by an adult or consciously enticed to perform sexual acts for the amusement or arousal of an adult cameraman/photographer/viewer. Insofar as you might bring up the argument "who [am I] to judge what is warped and what isn't?", all I'll say is touché and move along. We each subjectively decide what is warped and what isn't. If someone truly believes that it isn't warped for a person to become a sexualized sociopath, then we fundamentally disagree and one or the other of us may force his will upon the other via law or (in a state of anarchy) personal use of force. Insofar as you might bring up the argument "well what if the child is completely unaware? e.g. a CCTV?", my answer would then be "it falls back down to your opinions on privacy, regardless of the person's age." That is to say, I think it's just as wrong to film a child in their sleep as it is to film a grandma in her sleep or a middle-aged man in his sleep when the motive for doing so is entirely, largely, or even only partially sexual.

By the way (as you can see), all of those reasons are powerless against fictional CP (loli) or fictional r*** or any of the other numerous fetishes in hentai which, were they to be enacted in the real world, would be heinous crimes but when enacted in the fantasy world are titillating yet victimless.
If the owner has no problem,here is a link for those who have a problem with offensive ads.If it doesn't block the offensive ads by default then right click on the ad click block image.
If you use this you should be aware that some direct download sites and other sites will not let you access them unless you disabled adblock plus, but you can just click on the disable option.
Yeah i say NO to child pornography! i can accept all except CP! can't agree with u anymore bro!
I don't think you'd be a god; or if you would be, then you join a pantheon of deities: because there are many possible answers to that question.
Yes, there are many possible answers but that just means they are "human" answers. They are all moral values founded blindly on other values. Like CP is wrong because "fucking up a child" is wrong because, in a long run, what is wrong is wrong. God would give one absolute answer including a definition of wrong. Besides more often than not we humble human beings can't even differentiate "we don't like X" from "we consider X wrong".

Yeah i say NO to child pornography! i can accept all except CP! can't agree with u anymore bro!
Who'd say YES to CP? You know or not, however, the stuff which can be deemed as non-nude CP have been winning popularity on this forum and people won't stop demanding more of this kind. Looks like there are acceptable CP and inacceptable CP.:puzzled:
Looks like there are acceptable CP and inacceptable CP.:puzzled:
There is no acceptable form of CP here.
You have a skewed definition of pornography.
Pornography is sexually explicit, and sexually explicit material with kids are strictly banned here.
We've even banned material that isn't sexually explicit but contains too much nudity.
It's as simple as that. Don't try to start a flamewar.
There is no acceptable form of CP here.
You have a skewed definition of pornography.
Pornography is sexually explicit, and sexually explicit material with kids are strictly banned here.
We've even banned material that isn't sexually explicit but contains too much nudity.
It's as simple as that. Don't try to start a flamewar.
Flame war? What do you mean? Everyone that knows me will testify I am a decent member who hates flame war.

As for non-nude CP, you should d/l and watch Secret Junior Acrobat series and some of God and Kingdom DVDs to judge whether I'm saying groundless bullshit or not.
I've been around long enough to know the topic of 'CP' is a veritable flamebait vortex.
Saying crap like 'acceptable CP' is like pissing on a transformer.

I won't say I approve much of the more suggestive films, but I certainly wouldn't call it pornographic.
I see where you're coming from, but you're both overreacting and wording your thoughts it very poorly.
This is all quite off topic though. I recall this being about gay ads.
Proceed with that and drop the CP stuff.
You must be misunderstanding something. I'm not reacting to anyone or anything.

But I agree we shouldn't discuss CP here. There are some related threads in JI forum to go to if you are interested in the topic of "acceptable CP."
i think there is no one wrong or right, acceptable or not as long you are happy and enjoying on what your doing and no one is getting hurt beside you or commit any crimes on the process of your enjoyment....

You can even kill yourself if your happy on doing it lol...

and ALSO theres no way you can involve the morality here... after all we have different beliefs, unless your in the same system of what norm on ones society... so never involve the morality here or push your morals on ones person it only create conflict that is what happen here :P

anyway this thread is already off topic, i think its started with someone saying "not acceptable" inappropriate and not acceptable is two different thing regarding with the gay topic, they aint the same...

inappropriate cuz the majority who visit the site is straight and not all male like to see a man to man sucking each other and banging each other isnt? and its not profitable if they put a gay ads on a straight site isnt?... so the one who started this thread is right

not acceptable i guess your questioning the gay ppl here for them being not acceptable and so on until it goes to acceptable or not topic lol to CP topic :P
chomps have no control over what ads are shown.
And so what if the majority of the users aren't gay?
Of the millions of people who visits this site, I'm willing to bet a few of them are at least bisexual.
And yes, we do get millions of visitors.
That alone 'justifies' the gay ads.

All in all, they're neither inappropriate nor unacceptable.
Suck it up or use adblock.
yeah i know if you read my post on the first page you can tell, after all im in the blacklabelads too and got few complaints on it..

yeah i know that there are bi here and you cant question that.. it just that inappropriate somehow cuz this is a straight site... and this site targets straight.

my comment is for being an owner of one site... and thats why i have never mention of using an adblock cuz its the only way the site can survive on its own....

i guess ppl already mention it and chompy doesnt care i guess just google it on how...
it just that inappropriate somehow cuz this is a straight site...
Nope. It's really not. Then again, it's not gay either.
It's basically for everyone above the age of 18, or whatever your country's age limit for porn is, regardless of sexual orientation.
Let's call it bisexual. Or maybe pansexual? Übersexual? Omnisexual?
and this site targets straight.
Again, no.

Girl on girl action is just as gay as guys plunging each other's asses.
Think about it.