Offending ads on the site

I'll only mention that the user that started this fantastic conversation has had nothing else to say about it. Let alone his one and only post here is this one. Congratulations!
I couldn't help smiling when I saw a following ad on the left of the above post.

*Big Dicks Are More Fun*
We have the biggest collection of free cock on the Net. Get some.

£ ¥ $ €

Sorry about the annoying ads. They are really the only way I can keep this board alive though. I've tried donations in the past, but it just isn't steady enough, and the server costs are high and rising.

"Normal" ad companies will not run network ads here, because the site has adult content so only adult advertisers will advertise here. As they are network ads, I have little control over what kind of ads there are. What ads you see will also vary where you are in the world.

There are various methods of blocking ads, and if you're not clicking them anyway, blocking them probably doesn't hurt the site. But if you are interested, please visit the ads every once in a while.

There is another forum in which I was last year, where a user could pay X dollars and ads would be invisible to that user, while still visible to other users. Sort of a "donation" in exchange for the small favour of not seeing the ads. I don't know if that's possible in this forum, or if it's even a good idea, or what, as I really don't entirely know how these things (bulletin boards) work (from a technical point of view).

Just a thought. I also have no idea what it costs to run a bulletin board like this; but personally, I would pay a couple hundred pounds (better yet, US$) per year in recognition of saving thousands of pounds in purchasing and shipping costs for photobooks and DVD's, ads or no ads.
Notice how none of the girls on here are whining about having to see the lesbo ads, but the guys just can't endure seeing homo ads. LOL

I don't even look at the left side of the forums anymore. Occasionally I'll click an ad to help out the site, but that is about it.
Notice how none of the girls on here are whining about having to see the lesbo ads, but the guys just can't endure seeing homo ads. LOL

I don't even look at the left side of the forums anymore. Occasionally I'll click an ad to help out the site, but that is about it.

Does this site actually have any female members?
in response to ^ and ^^

Group 1: Yes, it does.
Group 2: No, it doesn't.
Group 1: Then what about her? She's a girl.
Group 2: No, she says she's a girl.
Group 1: Oh, not that again.
Group 2: Oh not WHAT again? Don't give me that! You know we're right!
Group 1: Are not!
Group 2: Are too!

Repeat the last two lines as many times as you deem necessary.