OMG is an understatement!!!

I like the creepy looking fat guy with the big grin on his face.
Those guys have no respect what so ever.
Look @ them blatantly snapping upskirt shots without any shame.

I don't know how to react to this.
I find it some what funny but disturbing as well.
Wow... Utter disbelief isn't the word describe the pictures above. These guys would rather take pictures than get a girlfriend themselves (or just can't). Guess they would flock here as handyman stated :P

Not like I would know their motives, but the girls ARE posing in a way that seems to invite that sort of attention. :\
She's 30 years old, yet claimed to be 22. She also claims to be "the most hated person in Akibahara," which may be true. Here are some articles about the arrest:

Just Google "Asuka SAWAMOTO arrest" to find plenty of blog entries on the topic.
If you ask me, she's butt-ugly. (No pun intended.) :shiver:
She was just the most extreme case of a rash of attention-seekers who have turned Akibahara into a such a freak show that residents have organized demonstrations and protests. The problem is not so much the freaks themselves, but rather the hordes of "kame-o" (カメ男, literally, "camera men") who block the streets and sidewalks in their desperation to photograph the freaks. :sigh:
Maybe she's an attention seeking exhibitionist.

No doubt about that. She's now using the notoriety and media attention she got from her arrest to plug a new DVD titled "Sexy Spiral." :dunno:
That does warrant some measure of respect, however.
She's clawing her way forward using her own strength.
Though it's by more or less questionable means, most people aren't capable of that.
The photo is quite unbelievable, but, how many here would be doing the same if there? Look at the guy in the centre of the photo with the telephoto lens!

I wouldn't.
How would this better any mans chances to get a real date.
I'd rather make a vid after the date.

I guess she's just pulling a Britney.
Except she doesn't need the drugs to encourage her to do these things.
This is "attention whore" to the max.
she is/was a joke. she is a failed hostess who wished to be "reborn" through the fanaticism of the akiba-chan.

zero respect.
Hilarious. I love the hand-written poster giving the cats' names and ages, and telling people to feel free to photograph but please don't touch. The headline reads "Neko desu" (猫です, "I'm a Cat" or "We're Cats"), a reference to Sharp's popular "Ecology Life" TV commercials.

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