On the removal of the Jr Idol club

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Sorry to join this conv this late! I used to visit Akiba-online long ago. If someone finally knows about this TG group please let me know.
They will pretty much anywhere or they wouldn't be from here.
I hear good things about Matrix element too. But I'd be happy to join up if there is both classic and modern.
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How many people here have Usenet access? That's always a possibility.
I'm working on reviving alt.binaries.japan.fashion.j-class (there is a group for Akiba Online but it has been abandoned for years). I've been uploading photos and videos to j-class since May 19th.

I hope no one is upset that I am reposting a lot of content I got from torrents here, since that content is no longer allowed at AO and most of the JI industry has ended anyway.
I'm working on reviving alt.binaries.japan.fashion.j-class (there is a group for Akiba Online but it has been abandoned for years). I've been uploading photos and videos to j-class since May 19th.

I hope no one is upset that I am reposting a lot of content I got from torrents here, since that content is no longer allowed at AO and most of the JI industry has ended anyway.
AHA! I uploaded something there a couple week ago too, tying to figure out powerpost. There are a ton of dead groups there, but with 10+ years of posts still available it's a great resource.
Edit: I just did a bunch of loose Jeshika (spelled as I got them) files. I can zip archives if that makes it easier for you to organize when you download.
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How do I access this site? Do I copy alt.binaries.japan.fashion.j-class into my browser?
You have to have usenet access, then go to that group. If you do a web search you can find usenet providers. It started as text based newsgroups but expanded to binaries. I imagine Reddit would have good guides to get you started.
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