
You guys just missed the point. chompy wanted to give some vacation to the staff around Halloween. I think it was successful. :joker:

I think you're right elg

That "storm generator machine" they got in their backyard I think caught a tree root and went out of control on everyone's server.

Great to see AO ticking again!
Why does this site have its own server why not use a hosting company?

And is that why this website is always so slow?

A hosting company comes with red tape.

I do not think chompy is the kind of guy who likes being told what should be, or not be, allowed on his site. I am fairly sure of that actually.
You guys just missed the point. chompy wanted to give some vacation to the staff around Halloween. I think it was successful. :joker:

Then the next vacation should be Christmas, we'll see! :pandalaugh: Thanks chompy :please:
a Christmas break YIPPEE :gayprance: :cheer:

oh but no downloads :scared:
We support to AKIBA-ONLINE!!!


Everytime i'm click BANNER when i visit akiba site.

Akiba onle forever!!!

Thanks a lot for all your hard work guys :exhausted:

Glad to see it back safe and sound but yeah A-O need hardware changes to survive in long run
wow.. is that the pic of AO's server?
cool.. :please: it's like spiderman has visited the server room :pandalaugh:
I need to stop going out of town for a few days at a time. I left the day AO went down, and was thinking it was going to be a pain to catch up and that I would miss a bunch of stuff. But when I got back I didn't miss anything as the site was down the whole time I was gone. And basically the same thing happened the last time AO was down for a few days, that happened when I was out of town too.
I need to stop going out of town for a few days at a time. I left the day AO went down, and was thinking it was going to be a pain to catch up and that I would miss a bunch of stuff. But when I got back I didn't miss anything as the site was down the whole time I was gone. And basically the same thing happened the last time AO was down for a few days, that happened when I was out of town too.

Look Gir633 stop going out of town... it's a pain for the rest of us.:pandalaugh:
