Ordering from Amazon.co.jp


Where are you, Miho =(
Mar 9, 2009
I couldn't really figure out where to post this, so I apologise if it's in the wrong section.

I placed an order with amazon.co.jp a few minutes ago, and then received an e-mail in Japanese, which translate.google.com rendered as such:

Thank you for your order at Amazon.co.jp. 

The number and send payment. The following "how to pay" page of the convenience store, ATM, Internet banking or select Edy, E Please pay this within six days including the day of receiving mail. Once payment is confirmed, "e-mail confirming your payment" is sent. When the shipment confirmation mail "shipping" will be sent to, please wait until delivery of the goods. 

Number is issued and payment, your order can not be canceled until the payment date will be canceled automatically after the deadline. If you wish to change the contents of your order separately, please order the correct content. Also, if the number is divided into several payments, the payment deadline has passed or will cancel the entire order. 

The following "how to pay," Please select a payment method from the page: 
https: / / link3.kessai.info/JLP/JLPcon? code = 6na48Ef0X9b.0ri44Ec0f8. & rkbn = 1

However, when I originally placed the order, I typed in information for a valid credit card. basically, I just want to know if this is the normal thing that amazon.co.jp sends automatically for all orders, or what? I also received a "Thanks for your order" e-mail from them, with a shipping estimate and a delivery estimate.

I figured that of all the people I know and places I've been, akiba-online would have more amazon.co.jp customers than anywhere else. Since I don't know any Japanese, naturally I'm not looking forward to contacting their customer service.
This is pretty standard. Don't forget that Japanese can go to a store, buy a computer with a credit card and pay in up to 6 payments... that means not all at the same time.

At the store: pay 30%
Next month: they charge another 30%
Next next month: pay another 30% or whatever

This is why they said you can pay with other methods, because most people (in the current economy) do not buy items with credit cards [large ticket items] using the 'charge it once' like they can ONLY do in North America.
I checked the order status online, and apparently they want me to choose one of their eight different ways, none of which is a regular credit card. (I did type in my credit card information when I originally placed the order, but it hasn't been charged.) They're saying that I have a few days to pay them, or the order will expire. This is their list of choices; I clicked on each one and each one is some oddball payment system (by "oddball" I simply mean something that I've never seen before); no Paypal, Mastercard, Visa, or American Express logos. I guess that I'll have to just let the order expire, and continue torrenting everything.

I ordered a couple of DVDs from YesAsia a few months ago, and the startling quality reminded me how terrible MP4s and AVIs look compared to the real thing. (I don't really have the bandwidth to download ISOs all the time.) But so much stuff there (at YesAsia) is "unavailable" or "out of print".

Sucks to be me!
I'll be honest, I've never actually made an order on the Japanese Amazon site, but I did want to make a couple points.

The fact that your card hasn't been charged right away isn't an indicator that something is wrong. Its standard Amazon policy to not charge until the stuff gets shipped (I'm pretty sure this applies to all Amazon sites worldwide). If the shipping date in your confirmation email goes by without a charge being applied to your card and without some further notification that there is a delay in getting your stuff out, then it's probably safe to say that there's an issue.

I looked through the English help section on the jp website and didn't find anything that suggests that some alternate or protracted payment method is required for international buyers. It seemed to suggest that the standard "give us a card and an address" procedure would be good enough.

Taking into account what aquamarine said, the other email you got with all the "weird" options might be a courtesy the site provides to "in country" customers and not actually apply to you, an international customer.

They'd want your payment all in one charge. You can't trust a gaijin, y'know. :pandalaugh:

Like I said, I've never actually placed an order with the Japanese site, so I may be totally wrong. I'd still say to wait until the ship date on your confirmation email passes.

If nothing happens by then, you can always take another crack at it. :destroy:

BTW, did the confirmation email list your method of payment? Are you able to log onto the jp site and view your order to check the status? Check it out just to be sure.
If it still isn't shipped in a few more days, you might need to pay by using one of those convenient store methods. Just go to the closest Family Mart, 7-11, AM-PM, Circle K or Lawson and hit up the photocopy machine which also doubles as a payment machine.

Voila, problem solved.

Since your profile doesn't list your location, we can only assume you live here in Japan with us.
For some reason it seems to think that you want to pay by convenience store.

Go to your account page and look at your order information (there should be a way to do this in English). The page info will tell you how the order was placed and the payment method. Verify that first!
I live in the United States. YesAsia and ebay are the only sites that I've been able to use for shopping (jlist has nothing that I want, and most of the other online stores besides amazon.co.jp don't have English interfaces.)

We have 7-11 stores here, but I doubt that they have the same payment arrangements. I should check.

I order from Amazon.com all the time, and they do normally charge my card right away, but that's because my order is usually shipped less than an hour after I place it.

I'll just wait and see what happens. The order confirmation didn't say anything about my credit card information. However, they know it's an international order, because one of the items was flagged as "cannot ship to your country" and so I had to delete it from the shopping cart before I could continue.
Amazon Japan won't ship outside Japan. I might be wrong, but my Japanese gf always had to buy her shit via her parents and they shipped it then to us.

Of course we live in the EU, so it might be that they tread US-customers better. Just like Shit-asia.com that won't ship Japanese PSP nor PS3 games to us. Region-free, my ass.
I asked god Google and she said that you are right, my bad.

I'll ask my gf later why she is doing that way.




>Shipping: We're sorry; this item can not be shipped outside Japan

Okay, someone explain this to me. Apparently, they ship in theory outside of Japan. But practically...
They only ship DVD's and books outside of Japan (AV is excluded).

I've ordered stuff for my gf in Japan with no probs so if you want something, you'll need to send it to someone you know there and get them to send it on to you.