After pinkslave´s try to post this has failed due to the non seeded torrent in the meantime I downloaded and watched the anime myself.
Although pinkslave ment. the entry in ANN as Hentai as wrong classification, this for me is critical, there´s too much violence and blood included, and reg. the "sex"-scenes at least it is ecchi.
Size of the file is 793.53 MB, format is AVI, it is english subbed by Baka Fansub [BF] - and: it is worth looking.
The file is available in eMule and is well seeded, file name is: Outlanders_-_1_-_OVA_-_[BF](37bf1f8a)
Hash is: ed2k://|file|Outlanders_-_1_-_OVA_-_[BF](37bf1f8a).avi|832071680|D2972DCBBA441D6F74BCC147FB2BE067|/
Although pinkslave ment. the entry in ANN as Hentai as wrong classification, this for me is critical, there´s too much violence and blood included, and reg. the "sex"-scenes at least it is ecchi.
Size of the file is 793.53 MB, format is AVI, it is english subbed by Baka Fansub [BF] - and: it is worth looking.
The file is available in eMule and is well seeded, file name is: Outlanders_-_1_-_OVA_-_[BF](37bf1f8a)
Hash is: ed2k://|file|Outlanders_-_1_-_OVA_-_[BF](37bf1f8a).avi|832071680|D2972DCBBA441D6F74BCC147FB2BE067|/