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New Member
Apr 14, 2009
I was looking in the albums and was disgusted to see so many that were showing under 15's, why is Akiba allowing these albums to be included!!

Protect children, don't exploit them, there is enough fully grown sexy women on this site so there's no need to entertain this filth and the sick bastards who like it!
Such a brave soul, you will make yourself a lot of friends here :dunno::petrfied:

Who is the sickest, the people collecting pictures or the japanese/asian producing them ?
I was looking in the albums and was disgusted to see so many that were showing under 15's, why is Akiba allowing these albums to be included!!

Protect children, don't exploit them, there is enough fully grown sexy women on this site so there's no need to entertain this filth and the sick bastards who like it!
You just called these U15's "filth"...these children of god.
I also resent being called a sick bastard...I'm not sick.
You are right in saying that there are enough fully grown sexy women on this site. There is enough room for some partially grown sexy women too!
Now back to your scat,vomit and r*** vids with ya, you crazy diamond.
Great first post! Welcome. :bye:
Maybe he just joined for the JAV section... Anyway, U-15 is perfectly legal in Japan, no exploitation.
Like it or not

U15 models are part of the everchanging and growing Japanese culture.That is just the way it is and you shouldn't be so judgemental of others or another countries culture. It is rude of you to be insulting just because your own moralities are offended.

If you believe every model and actress the world over who is under 15 is being exploited then I can accept that you believe these girls are. Otherwise your statement would be hypocritical. Personally I think there is nothing wrong with it and the girls are getting excellent life lessons and work experience which should help prepare them better for life.

As far as your last sentence goes hbomb I hope you get banned for it. You don't know me well enough to call me a filthy and sick bastard,(only I know me enough to call me a filthy and sick bastard).
I was looking in the albums and was disgusted to see so many that were showing under 15's, why is Akiba allowing these albums to be included!!

Protect children, don't exploit them, there is enough fully grown sexy women on this site so there's no need to entertain this filth and the sick bastards who like it!
Oh hello there.
Good to have such pleasant douchebags around.
Welcome, and bye-bye!
See, all the media brought this on. Now every little home brew moralist is scanning the net actively seeking something to rack down on, no matter what.

IMHO, they can go back to playing their PSP versions of "Tekken" purely for the fun of turning on the "Bouncing tits" feature... That should be more than enough for them to get entertained I believe.

With a name like HBomb, I believe it might be a case of Call of Duty overload too.
There is more significant proof of gamers of the violent games acting out on their "ideal hobbies" than any cartoon readers actually trying to r*** "Ronald McDonald" and other fictional figures. (Then again I think maybe Ronald have to re-evaluate his having kids sitting on his lap now with the recent news too).

So, instead of moralizing about internet users, why don't you just look out the door of your apartment or house, and deal with some local issues to begin with.
Keep your own backyard proper before starting to bash others for not being one smack interested in your idea of asserting solutions to a culture or situation you have no idea about.

...Have a Nice Day! :bow-pray:
It's actually Dead or Alive that has the bouncing tits feature....
And as for U15 idols...keep em comin'
hbomb, that opening salvo had bozo written all over it: after you cool down a bit, enjoy what you like here at AO, but please spare us the litany about what you don't. The members here have hashed out--and continue to discuss--the whole U15 phenomenon, and if you'd like to contribute productively there are plenty of threads for you to peruse and participate in without using such pejorative language. (Oh god, I'm on an alliteration streak! W00T!)
Personally, I'm glad you're here, and very much hope you'll share your perspective in a more civil manner! You'll find that intelligent discourse with our diverse membership is very enlightening! (I do, at least!)
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