Perfect Blue, an oldie from 1998


Jul 23, 2008
I just watched this movie, Perfect Blue, with English subtitles. It was very good, I was surprised. I don't understand Japanese but I find the culture interesting, that is one of the reasons I come here. Has anyone here seen it? I did a search but perhaps it was too narrow of a one. Perhaps no one is interested in discussing or commenting on a twenty year old film but it was brand new to me.

I don't download a lot of anime from here, what I have downloaded didn't have the artistic depth I experienced in this film. I really liked it and wonder if there are more subtitled anime of the same or better caliber.

So I opened a thread to see if anyone had any input.


25 star General
Jan 2, 2010
Check out Millenium actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika from the same director, Satoshi Kon. Millenium actress was my favorite of the four, with Perfect Blue as 2nd and Paprika last. All are great films and cheap too.
Perfect Blue is a great thriller, a film that makes you think. I thought I had it figured out, but the ending still surprised me.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
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Sep 25, 2007
Perfect Blue パーフェクト・ブルー by Satoshi Kon / Geneon is a very famous one, licensed in many langauges, not only in English, but for ex in French, Italian, Spanish, German and Chinese. It´s been a movie, broadcasted in cinemas first, before it was released on DVD. It has been broadcasted by TV too in many countries across the world.

One of the first which was re-released on Blu-ray. Here´s the Blu´ray cover...



Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
Come on it's only 12 years old, not 20. Stop trying to make me feel older than I need too. :cry:

I too really enjoyed this movie, it's an nice example of the (overused?) term "mindfuck".


Jul 23, 2008
Come on it's only 12 years old, not 20. Stop trying to make me feel older than I need too. :cry:

I too really enjoyed this movie, it's an nice example of the (overused?) term "mindfuck".

ooops. Sorry.....

I personally suffer from chronic bouts of paranoid schizophrenia, which is a constant source of delusions and an intimate knowledge of the term mindfuck,(or I was thinking 1988, take your pick).

Check out Millenium actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika from the same director, Satoshi Kon.

Thanks snusnusurvivor, I will look for some copies. I am assuming they are unpostable here due to licensing or something but the net is a big place, I can probably come across them somewhere. It is not that I am cheap, just very poor, getting rent paid is top priority, food second and not nearly as important,(you get my drift I hope).


New Member
Dec 31, 2009
Paranoia agent was intense! And the opening theme was great too. I lsten to that song a lot.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
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Sep 25, 2007
And why Ceewan now was worried to start this thread? Of course we are interested in stuff like this and we like to discuss such matter very much, it´s worth doing it...

It´s just an arrow straight into our heart and soul...


Jul 23, 2008
If you like Satoshi Kon's work, check out the TV series he has made, called Paranoia Agent. It's crazy as hell. :beautiful:

hmmm...... seems like the first 13 episides of that are available spoken in english. I guess I can't pass that up, thanks for the tip.


25 star General
Jan 2, 2010
Thank you on the blu-ray update, redrooster, especially the pic. Just googled it and man they're expensive! $60+ as they are out of print...



not even sure if they are region-free. Not that I'm gonna buy it....Speaking of blu-ray, are anime blu-rays really worth it? The only anime/animation blu-ray I have that I can compare is FF:Advent Children and I can't really tell the difference...Maybe I need to take a closer look.


Jul 23, 2008
TPB has an active BlueRay torrent of Perfect Blue. It is where I get a lot of my stuff, one day I really need to get me one of those T-shirts.

When I first started watching that movie I didn't expect to be impressed, I had came across the name of the anime whilst browsing another forum and searched for it out of curiosity. But the depth I found in the movie was a little shocking. There seemed to be so many statements in this film. A Pop-Idol who was trying to further her career while dealing with regrets, doubts and senses of loss from so many directions. Then throw in murder, mystery and well done hallucination scenes. Top it off with a background that makes statements on the people involved,(Pop-Idols, agents, fans, media coverage). The mesh really worked for me.

(Sorry, been practicing for writing reviews for IMDB)


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
I always thought it was just hentai anime, assumed it had no substance and summarily dismissed it. However after reading this thread and seeing it has a 7.3 rating on imdb, I might have judged too hastily.


Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
It's quite far from a hentai. There is a r*** scene, but that would be the only "nudity" in the movie, there isn't even any fan service really.
Think more along the lines of an animated Hitchcock movie than anything else.


赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
perhaps I even manage to get a raw or english subbed version this way, I have to admit that my version is french dubbed only, and my french is not so very good, tendency to not existing...

edit: managed to find a working torrent with eng. subs


Active Member
Apr 24, 2008
Great thread, thanks Ceewan and thanks also to everyone who followed up and again to Ceewan for the great movie review.



赤いオンドリ - 私はオタクです!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Sep 25, 2007
to whom it may concern...

Plot from wiki:

Mima Kirigoe, a pop-idol from the J-pop group "CHAM!", decides to leave the group to become an actress. Her first project is as in a direct-to-video drama series called "Double Bind". Some of her fans are upset by her change in career and persona, not least the stalker known as "Me-Mania". Shortly after leaving CHAM!, Mima receives an anonymous fax calling her a traitor. Mima finds a website called "Mima's Room" that has public diary entries which seem to be written by her discussing her life in great detail. She confides in her manager Rumi Hidaka about the site, however, she is advised to just ignore it.
Meanwhile, on the set of Double Bind, Mima succeeds in getting a larger part. The producers have agreed to give her a leading role, however, it is as a r*** victim in a strip club. Rumi warns Mima that it will ruin her reputation, but Mima accepts the part voluntarily. Though it is apparent that Mima is indecisive, the atmosphere of the scene traumatizes her so much that she increasingly becomes unable to separate reality from fantasy. She can no longer distinguish real life from her work in show business.
Matters take a dramatic turn when several of those who had been involved in the soiling of her squeaky clean image on her are gruesomely murdered. She finds evidence which makes her appear to be the prime suspect, and her increasing mental instability makes her doubt her own innocence.
It turns out that the diarist of "Mima's Room" is totally delusional and very manipulative, and that an intense folie à deux has been in play. The faux diarist and serial killer, who believes herself to be a Mima who is forever young and graceful, has made a scapegoat of stalker Me-Mania.
Mima smashes Me-Mania with a hammer in self-defense when he attempts to r*** her, and runs to her only support she has left alive, her manager Rumi. Mima's world finally collapses entirely as Rumi is discovered to be the false diarist, who believes she is the "real Mima". Rumi is angry that Mima has been ruining the "real Mima's" reputation, and decides to save "Mima's" pristine pop idol image through the same means she has been using all along -- murder. She manages to incapacitate Rumi in self-defense after a chilling chase through the city despite being wounded herself.
In the anime's denouement, Rumi remains permanently delusional and institutionalized. Mima has grown from her experiences and has moved on with her life with new found independence and confidence.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

The theme of dissociative identity disorder is prevalent throughout the film, wherein the nature of characters and events are ambiguous and often cryptically portrayed. Symptoms of DID include among others, the distortion or loss of time, depersonalization, amnesia, derealization, flashbacks and hallucinations[1], all of which are exhibited by both Mima and Rumi at numerous points. The appearance of these symptoms are exaggerated by the director through the heavy use of jump cuts, fantastical elements such as the ghostly floating doppelganger of Mima, and by the foreshadowing or revisiting of numerous plot points through scenes filmed for the drama series Double Bind.
Considering that the Double Bind segments appear to reflect and even presage the various plot points of the film, it can be argued that Double Bind itself is a hallucination and construct; created by and incorporating past experiences from the dissociative personality responsible for creating and controlling the reality of the film's world. Ultimately, because both Mima and Rumi experience the same hallucinations and are present or participate in events that have been foreshadowed or are otherwise shown to be illusory, the case can also be made that both characters are simply two facets of a single individual suffering from dissociative identity disorder. In this interpretation, the audience is made to view events from the perspective of an imagined personality, Mima Kirigoe, created as a coping mechanism by an institutionalized mental patient named Rumi, who began to destroy or kill off the various personalities within her identity state when one defied her control. This interpretation is reinforced by the role of Rumi within the film, wherein she acts primarily as an increasingly marginalized observer—a role characteristic of the depersonalization a dissociative patient typically exhibits—in conjunction with the amnesia, time distortion and the transposing of traumatic real events into the fictionalized narrative of Double Bind by Mima.


Jul 23, 2008
It's quite far from a hentai. There is a r*** scene, but that would be the only "nudity" in the movie, there isn't even any fan service really.
Think more along the lines of an animated Hitchcock movie than anything else.

I have to agree somewhat with the "Hitchcock" type of comparison but I disagree with the nudity.

The photographer scenario must be one you forgot and like the simulated r*** scene I believe that it played an important part in the movie. As a Pop-Idol Mima had and maintained a purer moral image and representation of herself, though at the cost of possible monetary gains and an apparent stagnation of future career opportunities. By pursuing a career as an actress she had to "sell out" or "tear down" her former image, even exploit it, by sexualizing her image and making her more desirable to the masses. (I think this could also be seen as the r*** of her former image or reputation, certainly that view was represented at least). Yet Mima desperately wanted and fought to grow as a person and was willing to accept some personal debasement to do so. The conflicts this caused her and a few of her former fans played a major role in the story. I really think that the "costs of success" are also an underlying and important theme to this movie, as well as that personal growth can be achieved through sacrifice and risk. I think that it not going out on a limb to say the moral of the movie is one about "overcoming others perception of who we are" and "not letting others perceptions of us define who we are".

In retrospect maybe I "read" too much out of this movie. But to me it was much more than a simple "whodunit".


Señor Member
Oct 28, 2008
Yeah, I forgot about the photo shoot, and scenes where the magazine photos are shown later. It's been a few years since I watched it, so I just scanned over the dvd to refresh my memory. And even those were just a few quick shots of breasts, not a long lingering "show us what you got" scenes.
But this is one of those "is it art or porn" where it definitely is art. Those scenes are not put in the movie for titillation, but as you said, for a major driving force behind the plot and character development. And I think your thoughts in your last post are pretty much spot on.


Jul 23, 2008
So I just finished watching the "Paranoia Agent" series and I had to double check with Wiki that there were just thirteen episodes,(not that the 13th episode wasn't conclusive, it was). It was very good but like "Millennium Actress" I can't say they had the same effect on me. Still I would recommend them. The use of humor in drama is a deft art and I didn't feel he always achieved a positive effect. Still sometimes the mix of humor and drama were very ingenious, especially in Paranoia Agent. I am thankful that I was pointed in that direction as I enjoyed the movie and series very much. I have yet to see Paprika or Tokyo Godfathers but I am looking forward to them.