Thanks Guy
The downloads started just after I made the post above! And I did have one red download that turned out to be not what I expected. not a Vir, but just not what the file said. The rating system is cool.
PerfectDark Unity differs from other P2P cache (such as Share) in that the Unity consists of any file being shared on the network, not just the files you are downloading.
I didn't know that, I always thought that Share stored it's cache in the same way, in that remote data from others passes through your client and is stored and accessed. I didn't realize Share only stored "your own" downloads in cache. Off topic; I've never used FreeNet, but from what I've read they have a similar kind of system as you described that they refer to as a (data-store). So essentially it becomes a huge world wide encrypted hard drive. For the longest time I thought this is how Share worked.
What through me off at first was that PD creates a default unity folder in the root of it's program folder, but when you go to assign your own folder, the browse window is label as cache. At first I had the impression that there were two folders for cache: a Unity and a Cache folder, but I guess PD just called it's cache "Unity".
The speed setting is a little odd for me. Because my ISP allows a
download rate of 800+ KB/s but caps the
upload rate at 130KB/s. It doesn't seem like you can set upload and download rates independently. the limiting seems like it would throttle both up and download rates, but still not independently. For now, not knowing what to do, I just set the main bandwidth to 300 and set a daily quota of 1GB.
Once again, Thank you guy! as always, your
support was, and is always appreciated.