Persona 3

Probably... But a lot of people other than me have experienced the problem after Junpei was dunked in the water....
I had this problem about three times.

Junpei is putting Ryoji's head under water, and then nothing happens during one minute or more... Poor Ryoji, he'll drown like that ;)
I have to ask since this is the first time i've tried manufacturing an item from a fusion... Is it random?

Meaning... If I registered the persona then have it learn all its skills will the item be given to you by random?

I kept doing this but all I get is the ultimate armor for Aegis... Should I fuse again?
Hmm... Seems you're speaking of Persona 3 FES. There is no items fusion in the normal version of the game.
Nope... Was trying to get the Omnipotent Orb from Messiah...

I accidentally fused a messiah with a heart and remembered that I can get a Omnipotent Orb from it... So far its always Aegis armor v0

(and I managed to get Null Dark, Victory Cry and Die for Me! in this registered Persona... Damn it...)
Nope... Was trying to get the Omnipotent Orb from Messiah...

I accidentally fused a messiah with a heart and remembered that I can get a Omnipotent Orb from it... So far its always Aegis armor v0

(and I managed to get Null Dark, Victory Cry and Die for Me! in this registered Persona... Damn it...)

yes that is random, there are other items you can get. the omnipotent orb being the hardest to get due to its 1% probability. You should have registered him just as he is about to level up for the last time before you get an item so it'll be easier.

btw regarding the glitch i never encountered it during the 5 times i went through that scene just to see everyone's reactions
Hm...since no one's that far into the game yet discussion is limited. However tartarus really gets old after some time, its not exactly my favorite dungeon style..
Anyone here managed to get FES?

Yeah i got FES it comes with a new story line where you use Aigis.
Finished Persona 3 FES a month ago; great game. I even went and downloaded the soundtracks for it (which I haven't done for a game in like, ever).

Helel, Satan, and Orpheus Telos were my fave Personas to use. I cheated though to get all my characters and their Persona to Lv99 <.<
I love the background music for the dorm, its got this laid back 'I'm just chillin ma house' kind of beat to it.
I love this game, the characters are so memorable, I felt like I was saying goodbye to old friends when "The Answers" credits started rolling =(.
It's fine, but still doesn't compare to innocent sin, or even the first persona (not the dummied down/cut english version) really.

The real smt games ("nocturne" is freaking SMT 3) are the absolute best by miles though. Along with soul hackers being pretty damn good also.

Didn't care a lot for P3/P4 (p4's almost the same damn game) while they're fine, they're pretty basic and lacking in everything that makes the megaten games great.

Digital devil saga's are also praised a lot over here, and just don't get it. The games felt more out of place then those "Jack brothers" puzzle games. But that one just drove me nuts with the story (especially the end of the first one and it's "oh freaking come on... not again.." revelation, especially after star ocean 3, hah..) and characters.,huge. I'm actually playing it again,after beating it for the first time not too long ago. I got the FES edition,so worth the money..I will most surely get P4..I also hear that a P5 is in the works for the PS3...