So I decided to give it a try and I have mixed results/feelings.
Because sometimes you lose:
Sometimes you almost win:
(Where's her other leg?)
(It's here, she stole it!)
Though sometimes you win, just not exactly the way you imagined:
So I think I'll wait a while longer before I consider using it. I have no idea have to nail down the exact look that I want using the prompts, and trying again and again sometimes comes with terrible results, but sometimes it gets close. It feels like gambling more than anything.
I remixed this anime art image into a real image...
Had to try and cover up the legs on the sides as they merged into one center leg, the bright part of their hair also turned into head covering of some sort.
Also, a little weird boob physics in this one, but it's the best I can do for now...
Edit, a version with somewhat smoother boob physics: