Photos from Japan

I want to go, I figure it can't be worse than the way I'm treated here or at least I won't be spit on (plus it'll be nice to be as tall as everyone else there). Probably won't hurt that I look like trouble (well except for the whole not being able to get in places thing) and am as patient as the mountains.
Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing. :please:

What was your experience (racism)?

I apologies for making such a racist statement, I was insulted by japanese before long time ago, so I am terribly sorry to any I offended, please forgive me. But I will keep the pictures here, there funny as hell.


Geisha, or I like to called Glorified Ho'


I went to there ballgame with this family, this chick can really gulp I removed her eyes cause she didn't want to be seen online


the end.

That is just.......

I really cannot think of a word for those.... cocksicles??! Perhaps really fucked up is appropriate.

Imagine what must be going through that little girl's mind (the one watching), "mmm that's chocolate, I want it. But it looks like Daddy's willy. Why does it look like Daddy's willy? That's weird. I don't want it anymore...."
Great pics, handyman. Since I live here, I never think of taking pictures, unless there's a nice sunset or a monkey appears.

Anyway I also heard that when a woman gets molested on trains/buses no one does a thing to help?

That has never really been true, but both victims and bystanders used to be more reluctant to speak up. These days molesting has become less common, because perpetrators are much more likely to be caught, and when they do their names are published in the press. The kind of guys who do that kind of thing are invariably cowardly little losers who choose victims based not on their looks but on whether or not they look like they might protest. I don't have much sympathy for the asshole who died of a heart attack.

As for the racism, Hakodate is a port town, and most of the Caucasians you're likely to see there are Russian sailors, who, surprisingly enough, are not famous for their good manners. :evillaugh: Unfortunately, in small, rural port towns like that, a few bad apples are enough to make the local populace hostile to anyone who doesn't look Japanese. Bigger port towns, like Yokohama and Kobe, are a completely different story. In the umpteen years I have lived in Japan, I have never been refused service anywhere, but maybe it helps being fluent in Japanese. Then again, maybe it's my saintly appearance and good looks. :lols:

D.W. clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, or maybe nothing he wrote was mean to be taken seriously. (His photos are all taken from the Internet.) "zion-loving, nazi-Worshipping"? What the fuck is that? "chink pics"? It sounds like you're the racist. Geisha are not and never have been prostitutes, moron. And though I suppose most of you figured it out yourself, the ice cream cones in the last photo are Photoshopped. :sigh:
...And though I suppose most of you figured it out yourself, the ice cream cones in the last photo are Photoshopped. :sigh:



Well it's very good photoshopping..........

<nervous laughter>

I got refused at bars. Wasn't even allowed through the door. "No, no, no. Japanese only. Sorry". After a couple of beers, the "sorry" really rubbed salt in the wound, but I wasn't about letting that ruin my time there...

I only experienced it in Hakodate and Sendai. But I was told by my Japanese friends that it was more likely them being worried you would talk to them, meaning they would 'have to' speak English. Apparently many Japanese avoid Gaijin for that very reason in everyday situations.

Oh and a porn shop told me to get out too...

Thats lame that you had to go through that. I have lived in Japan for several years and never had problems getting in to any places. I think they key is to act modest and reserved when out in public. When in Rome do as the Romans do right.
Are you sure they were photoshopped? You guys do know about the penis festival, right?

Here's the wiki link:

Regardless, the OP did not take that picture because it's a famous internet photo.

As indreamsiwalk said, geisha were never prostitutes. It was a mistake made by american soldiers; an error in translation.
Very interesting thread, and nice pics handyman. The molesting of girls on trains is very disturbing. I can't imagine how the poor girl must be feeling while it's happening. I think it just goes to show, there's good and bad in every country.
P.S. I hope Saaya Irie never rides the train! ;)
Well, while drunken groping does occur (called chikan), it doesn't exactly occur all the time. Plus most trains have designated "women-only" cars (if you mistakenly get in one, you will quickly feel very awkward). During the day, it's interesting to watch all the men on a train hold both hands up on the handrails so they don't get falsely accused of groping someone.

Anyway, here's a photo from Japan. Most people can recognize Kinkaku-ji right away because of it's irradiant gold gilding, but they almost never get to see the incredible walnut floor that has been polished so much that it shines like a mirror!
nice picture thanks...^_^hopefully i can go to japan coz its my biggest dreams since i was a little boy.....
Are you joking? I was petrified of fighting in Japan. Well more accurately, scared of what the police would do to a trouble-making gaijin... One of my friends, a gaijin, beat up a guy on a train cos the guy was molesting a young girl, but everyone on the train told him to run away because what he did was 'very bad'....

what do u mean..? helping a helpless girl is bad..? dat's not gud.. so d muvi "densha otokou" is a lie after all then..?
what do u mean..? helping a helpless girl is bad..? dat's not gud.. so d muvi "densha otokou" is a lie after all then..?

In the movie Densha was brought to the police station, remember? They probably questioned him but when the grandmas and Hermes confirmed he was a hero they let him go. Also, all he really did was speak up and get thrown around. He didn't even throw a punch. It was the security guard in Densha Otoko who ultimately restrained the old man, and if you recall he didn't beat the perv up either. He forcibly restrained him and escorted him out of the car.

What handyman described is very different. Handyman's friend performed an act of vigilantism. I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure that what he did is technically illegal in most countries. I'm not saying what he did is wrong! (Go handyman's friend!! ^_^) I'm just saying that in the eyes of the law he took it one step too far when he beat the pervert up instead of contacting authorities and asking the man to stop what he was doing.
In the movie Densha was brought to the police station, remember? They probably questioned him but when the grandmas and Hermes confirmed he was a hero they let him go. Also, all he really did was speak up and get thrown around. He didn't even throw a punch. It was the security guard in Densha Otoko who ultimately restrained the old man, and if you recall he didn't beat the perv up either. He forcibly restrained him and escorted him out of the car.

What handyman described is very different. Handyman's friend performed an act of vigilantism. I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure that what he did is technically illegal in most countries. I'm not saying what he did is wrong! (Go handyman's friend!! ^_^) I'm just saying that in the eyes of the law he took it one step too far when he beat the pervert up instead of contacting authorities and asking the man to stop what he was doing.

i see.. thanx 4 making it clearer.. i was really thinking back then dat japan is not so gud after all.. hehe.. i'm a man of justice so i'm very sensitive 2 dis kind of thing.. :hero:
Vintage video game, clothing, audio ETC heaven, and at the most ridiculous prices in the world (no, sorry... I can't tell you where!)



The "jerk off booth" on the side of the mountain in Nagano, Ueda, there was cum and shit everywhere, there was also pictures of a real girl in there (which you know I took!):



Tokyo, Shibuya, clothing is MAD expensive in Tokyo:






Sorry for big size, I thought this forum automatically resized.