Picture uploads corrupted


Feb 11, 2007
When attaching pictures via "Manage Attachments", a lot of them are getting corrupted. This has been happening a lot recently--I'd say maybe 1 out of every 5 pictures gets corrupt. Thumbnails look just fine, so you might not notice anything at first.

Also, it doesn't matter if it's uploaded from a local file or trans-loaded from a URL, which makes me think there's some bug server-side in saving the file.

Case in point (until handyman re-uploads the picture):
The picture in handyman post work just fine for me. I been having the some problem it seem to be the download not the upload. Clean your cache and re download the picture seems to fix the problem for me.
Yup, The upload doesn't have any problems so far. The issue you are getting is actually picture download corrupted.

Don't know why it happens though.
Alright, at least that clears that up.

Although it never happened on the old server?
if it's a new "feature" that connections are timing out when downloading attachments (not happened to me though) i may need to change the php settings...

need more to work from though... it might be user-end, or it might only happen when downloading multiple attachments faik.

details pl0rx.
Bandwidth is not an issue for me, and I don't have problems at other sites. Plus on Firefox, if an image gets cut off mid-transfer, it displays an error message instead of a corrupt image:
The image “http://url/to/image” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Anyway, having resolved that a force-refresh can reload the image properly, I don't think it's a big deal. Might want to make a note of it somewhere, though, if other users are having the same problem.
IdolFun was the first to report this a week or two ago. The next day, it happened to me.

It hasn't happened since, but seeing as it still seems to be a problem and as guy pointed out it never happened on the old server, isn't it suspicious?
It also has never happened to me.
Might be because of latency or something.
I sense php fuckup.
I get it also.
The pic that guy used works fine.
But I've noticed quite a few pix with either lines/pixels going straight though or half of the pic is a different color.

It seems to be happening even before I d/l them.
@ 1st I thought it was just a loading error as well so I just refreshed it & it still was messed up.
Then I thought maybe it was made by the user in an attempt to encourage us to support the idols.
I d/l'd it but it was still the same.

I know what guy is trying to say but I can't find an example @ the moment.
I'll do some searching to fond an example.