Playstation 3

Yeah, sometimes I feel they are much too expensive. Then again, when I look back in the old days when Nintendo was out . . we were all paying $49.99 for a game!! Dayum!! That was overpriced then! So it's not really as expensive as it sounds. Could you imagine paying 49.99 dollars for an NES game? Believe it cuz we did pay it!

Now i'm waiting on MGS4 for PS3. Got me a copy reserved . . the limited edition too. Can't wait!
I can't morally shell out 500 bucks for a system that only has like 30 games and they all cost 60 bucks!!!:pissed:
Only reason I'm getting a PS3 is because of Disgaea 3 and Final Fantasy CMXXVII
for me its all about Tekken 6, Ima huge Tekken fan. And it makes me really happy that Tekken 6 will be online, so i can kick ass other than my brothers. :evillaugh::evillaugh: