Plot Point of the "Friend's Mother Violated in Front of Him" Series - What Gives?


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
I like TAKARA VISUAL's "Friend's Mother Violated in Front of Him" series.

(The series has morphed into what Asian Screens calls, "Super Genuine Sensual Family Member Ero Scroll - Young Studs Who Rock the Hell Out of Their Friend's Mother Right in Front of Him." I don't like these new ones as much... they are "nicer.")

Many JAV series stick to the same formula sometimes too unimaginatively, and "Friend’s Mother Violated in Front of Him" is no exception. The downside to the movies is... they break the momentum by having the mother get it on with some "older" man. ("Older" is in quotation marks, because too often the "boys" can be pretty old, too.)

What I want to find out is... who is this guy?

I actually posed this very same question in Stream DOWNLOADS once, although no one responded. Here's how I worded my wondering:

What happens also is a scene between the mother and a man unrelated to the boys. Sometimes this curve is easy to figure, the man is a friend of the boys, and he is allowed to share in the goods. (Or, when the boys show the man the photographs they have taken, the man simply invites himself to have a jolly good time.) But most of the time, who is the man? And why do they always include this scene, when what we really want to see is the mother vs. the boys. (Do YOU know who the man of these scenes is supposed to represent? Please share your thoughts.)

So you see what I'm getting at? Again, sometimes the reason for the man is obvious. One in particular deviated from the formula and began with the man, bypassing the boys at first, leaving the boys for later. We knew exactly what the role of the man was, as we were shown how the mom's son was getting bullied. Thus the poor mother, so dignified and elegant, tries to talk sense to this rough sumo wrestler-type construction worker, and what resulted was absolutely fantastic.


SPRD 90, with Ayaka Miyazaki

Yet that was a rare exception, and most of the time, they throw the "man" in for what seems to be no reason (although, naturally, there must be some reason... for those who understand Japanese). As upset as I get whenever I see this unwelcome intrusion, over a while I have grown curious.

How do they explain the man?


Another strong entry in the series is SPRD-308, and not only because sexy Misuzu Shiratori offers her splendor; the wonderful "bullied son" idea is utilized once more, where the mother feels compelled to reason with the bullies. (Naturally, in these cases, the son can hardly be classified as the "friend" of the perpetrators.) You can see from the screen shots below that the "man" (dressed in a light blue shirt) comes into play around forty-three minutes into the film. He hangs out for a really long time, and then we get the annoying "masturbation" filler scene, both of which waste half of the movie. WHY does this man appear, as he seems to have no relation to the perpetrators. Many of the entries in the series are exactly as this one, in regards to the inexplicability of the man.


If you would like to pick up the above in an easy manner, the painless download link (for 641 MB) is still... incredibly... alive. Ain't Userporn grand?

I'm going to share a caveat with you. I have a fondness for "JAV Plot" questions. Yet I am in a tiny minority, it seems, and this is why I hesitated before posting this thread. The only other time I had asked a plot question here on Discussion was thisaway, and half the respondents offered what boiled down to, Hey, it's only porn, stop analyzing and enjoy the naked ladies. If you would like to take a stab at my other plot question regarding one movie in particular, I would encourage you... because it is still unresolved. (EDIT: Thanks to Member 3nuts, this other question was resolved.)

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Good question- probably too simplistic an answer, but my guess would be either- A.) To balance out who is doing the deed on these sexy mature women- i.e., young guys and just for a break, throw in an older guy to balance things out- or B.), I don't know what the demographics are on who watches JAV, but I would suspect a lot of older men, so maybe to appeal to that segment of the viewing audience. It could be that these older men enjoy watching these young guys doing things they can no longer do as well, bit they also want to see a contemporary getting in on the action as well. Sorry, a little disjointed, but I hope you get the drift.
I appreciate your taking a stab at this one, Asianbooblover; it's interesting to speculate as to why the filmmakers may have thought including a scene with an older fellow may be advantageous (even though the older men are not always that much older looking than the "boys")... on this point, my guess would be the filmmakers' main incentive boiled down to stretching out the running time in a lazy fashion... but what I'm primarily interested in uncovering is how the presence of the man is justified in the script. It would be strange for the viewers to be expected to accept a generic sex scene unrelated to the main premise, so there must be a reason. (And, again, I suspect only those with the knowledge of the Japanese language would be privy to this reason.)
In preparation for a reply on another thread, I conducted a search for one of my old threads, and this one came up, along for the ride. How do you like that, I thought, because I had just blabbed on another thread that touches on this series and others like it, called "JAV with Mom having sex/getting r***ing by son's friend or bully." So if you don't mind, let me throw this question out again, now that there are some fresh minds around here after all of this time. How does the script explain the older man, in relation to the "boys"?

For the sake of the lord, and I don't care at this point if that lord is not good! Can't anyone come up with even a theory for this question?

All right... I traveled to the link from my last post (you know, the one where I provided very handy lists of other series that specialize in "Mom Having Sex/Getting r***ing by Son's Friend or Bully"), and let me reproduce the entries for this fabulous "Friend’s Mother Violated in Front of Him" series:


Don't any of you guys have some of these titles?

(Heck, the download link I provided for SPRD-308 above is still working. You can have at least one, without any pain.)

Again, in a few of these movies... VERY few... it's easy to understand who the strange man is. (In one, I recall the Bald Thug was shown pictures of the mom, and then after he had his private fill, he and the two "boys" had a hurrah with the lady, at the movie's end. A very rare instance where the relationship of the man was explained. EDIT: Another with the Bald Thug where he was shown pictures was SPRD-527, where his solo scene served as an unusual finale.) Yet most of the time, the man appears by himself with no connection to the boys, and then disappears in an inexplicable "filler" sex scene.

What the heck is that man doing there? In the nearly two years this thread has been up, some of you just gotta have at least an idea.

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Since I recently revived this thread and it's fresh on my mind, I coincidentally opened up a couple of episodes of the "new" version of this TAKARA-VISUAL series which I do not like as much. ("Young Studs Who Rock the Hell Out of Their Friend's Mother Right in Front of Him.")

I was kind of surprised to find this series does the exact same thing.

In [SPRD-735], Reiko Kobayakawa gets it from the "boys"...


... And then, very abruptly, cut to the older man. He seems apologetic to Reiko, for some reason. (Before attacking her.)


Same thing with [SPRD-750]; Maya Keiko is in for it with the "boys" (although unfortunately, she is extremely cooperative)...


...And then, BOOM! Cut to the older man, who also appears to be begging for her forgiveness (as though he has some relationship with the "boys"; his contrition does not last long).


Just WHO does the older man represent..?

(Checking the series page at R18, this is no longer being treated as a different series; previously, the first series had ended with SPRD-679, but now they've combined both into one big series.)

Perhaps the older man is a loan shark/bookie/gambler. He holds the son's marker, sends his crew to collect, and they 'go beyond' orders. Older man 'apologizes' for their behavior. Only guessing.
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Blade Runner, I thank you, and all of my fellow replicants thank you, for venturing your most valuable brain cells on this puzzle.

Your guess may be on the mark; it would explain why the older man came across as apologetic, at least in the two examples I just provided. (Although in many of the other entries, the older man sits across from the table of the mother with no sign of an apology.)

On the other hand, if this was a loan shark crew, there would be no reason for the boss to apologize; for one thing, he's a criminal... but mostly, the son is never shown to be harmed.

Mainly, the "boys" are not hired hands, but "friends" of the son. (As implicit in the title, "Friend's Mother Violated in Front of Him.")

(Again, sometimes the "plot" varies, and the "boys" act as bullies to the son, as with the example in my first post, SPRD-308. Yet this is very rare, especially in the world of JAV, which usually never believes in fooling around with their precious formulas. Most of the time the "boys" are established as would-be pals of the son.)

The explanation is still out there. Where is David Duchovny, when I need him?

David Duchovny.jpg

The only explanation I can think of is the old man may be the father of one of the boys who comes to apologise for his son's behavior but when he sees how cute she is decides to do her too.
Of course it may be something else entirely.
That's the best explanation thus far, Electromog... your noggin is as active as ever. I suppose an argument against this possibility is that no son would tell his father that the son had sex with a friend's mother; so the only way for the father to know would be if the friend's mother complains, but what woman would admit she had sex to the parent of the one she had sex with? (If the friend's mother wants to complain, she would need to do so with the cops. Yet a lot of r*** victims decide not to, probably more so in societies where "shame" plays a greater role.)

One would think Akiba-Online would have a healthy number of members who are Japanese with knowledge of the language... I guess that is the only way we will know for sure what role the older man plays. (For lack of that, boy... if only a few of these movies had subtitles.)

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@jugulear: I saw your PM.

I don't watch movies of this genre at all normally, but I looked one up (SPRD-616).
There, the man of the house wants to get his garden fixed and hired some contractors. Naturally he's never at home because of work and the wife and her son are the ones who meet the workers, who happen to be the son's former classmates and bullies.
They end up raping the wife and then the older man comes to apologize, who's supposedly their boss in that movie.

He urges her to not report the incident, then he starts to get physical and gets some urges himself (JAV plots, yo :)).
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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, realizing that the only way we (see how nice I am by including you, as well?) are going to get to the bottom of what has become this great riddle of the universe was to seek out a member who knows the language.

Fruxano, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so kind as to spend your precious time seeking an answer. Moreover, you went really above and beyond, given that this type of movie was not going to be easily found in your collection, and thus you actually went out of your way to get your hands on one. I am truly touched, thank you so much.

I dug up my copy of SPRD-616, and very quickly confirmed what I suspected, after reading Fruxano's description... yes, it had to be one of those few examples from the series where it was not hard to guess what was going on.

As we may get the idea from these screen shots, the movie begins (although we don't see that from these particular screen shots) with two men doing gardening in the lawn. I would not have thought the workers were related to the son (whom we see in the first frame of the thumbs, sitting with his mother), and only someone with knowledge of the language would have known the relation was that the "boys" were former classmates/bullies of the son. (EDIT: I see now a black & white flashback telling us of the relation between the son and the bullies from school days.)

But that wasn't the important part; after the "boys" have their way with the lady, we see the older man (31:43) bowing and apologizing. The fact that he is wearing the "workman's bandana" around his head makes the viewer conclude with ease that he is connected to the workmen crew, most likely serving as their superior.

Izumi Jino plays the mother, by the way; I don't know who she is, but she looks great.

So here those of us who do not understand the language could determine the connection between the "boys" and the older man, but in almost every other one... we cannot. (Cannot!) Especially in the earlier ones, where there is no "bowing" or display of apologizing... if we look at Post #6 above, the apologizing became a matter of course (although the set-up in those particular ones from above don't usually visually lead to the reason why the apology is being made).

To reiterate, this particular movie happened to be the very rare example of, as I put it in my opening post above: "Sometimes this curve is easy to figure, the man is a friend of the boys, and he is allowed to share in the goods. (Or, when the boys show the man the photographs they have taken, the man simply invites himself to have a jolly good time.) But most of the time, who is the man?" Alas... ALAS!!... the jury is out as to what the reason can possibly be, for most of the other episodes.

Naturally, the reason varies from one episode to the next, but I still have no idea as to what the reason could be in the majority of cases where there are no visual clues, and this older man comes into the picture suddenly, with no seeming connection to the boys. An explanation for just one of these episodes may not be conclusive, but will at least steer us in the right direction.

Fruxano has already "paid the dues" by going so out of his way, and we cannot expect him to invest more of his time on this again. (Once more, oodles of gratitude, Fruxano.) The question remains unanswered, and the quest goes on.

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I am taking...

Shot in Dark.jpg

That's right! I can't see anything, people may get hurt or killed, you know, because it's dark, but...

I am taking a shot Shot in Dark2.jpg anyway...

...Because that's the kind of daring and courageous man I can be. (Please! No autographs.)

So does anyone have fresh ideas on resolving this two-year-old mystery?

Hey. I just had an idea. If I might add, it's brilliant. (Brilliant!) You know how I privately pestered Fruxano, as you may find from what went on above, because I knew he knew Japanese? Maybe you can help by revealing fellow members (but not moderators, such as Desioner... I wouldn't want to bug the moderators) who know the language. I can then PM them, and hold my gun to their heads. Whether they will be as helpful as Fruxano will remain to be seen, and maybe they will ignore my plea, but I think it would be worth a shot. A shot in the dark.

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We are all aware that maybe... I don't know, fifty percent, fifty-five percent?... of the Akiba-Online community is looking for closure on this two-and-a-third-year-old burning question. And because I am a savior in the ranks of... well, I am not the type to exaggerate, so shall we say a notch or two below... Jesus Christ... I figured I ought to rescue everyone from this torturously built-up anguish.

No one took me up on the terrific idea I presented in the "EDIT" from my post above, that is, to approach members who know the Japanese language. So I took my own advice, and contacted one of our friends whose name has been tossed around in the Translation threads, EroJapanese

He very kindly analyzed two movies from the series, and came upon the same conclusion that Fruxano had arrived at: the "boys" who are supposed to be the "friends" of the son are workers for the household, and the older man who comes by is the boss of the "boys." His reason: to apologize for the boys' behavior.

As @EroJapanese put it:

"In movie SPRD-432 the old guy tells her she may have seduced the young guys and the only reason why she asked him to come is because she also wants to have sex with him.

In movie SPRD-633 the old guy apologizes for the young guys' behaviour and offers his assistance while the lady's husband is on a trip. He, of course, ends up massaging her shoulders, getting horny and also abusing her."

So we may see in the former example, the old guy is turning the tables on the woman, accusing her of being the aggressor, which puts her on the defensive (it's good). But I just HATE the idea that the older man is the boss of the "boys." It's a real cop-out plot ploy, because I wanted the movies to be true to the title... that the "boys" were the friends (or pseudo friends) of the son. It's too much of a stretch to accept that the "boys" have been hired by the household as workers.

(There is usually a quick scene establishing that the son and the boys have had some sort of prior relationship, back in their school days, or whatever... usually getting harassed, so with friends like the boys, who needs enemies?)

From the posts above, we can get the idea the way the older man is explained is not always as the boss of the "boys," so I was still clinging to the idea of a more satisfying way to explain the role of the older man. I had also written that Fruxano had already "paid the dues," and that I couldn't go back to him for help on this matter again... but when push came to shove, who do you think I turned to?

There was a movie from the series where the "boys" did not appear at all to be workers, and this was my big chance to get a more sensible explanation. (That is, the boys were simply friends of the son, and what was the reason that the old man came out of nowhere?)

In SPRD-539 the older man is played by Tubby; when we first see him, he offers a shopping bag, apparently a conciliatory gift, and he seems very apologetic.

SPRD-539-1.jpg SPRD-539-2.jpg
Before Tubby has sex with the mother, he fantasizes about having sex. Never noticed this before, but the fantasy element was utilized in a number of titles. In fact, with a few of the entries, we get solely a fantasy sequence with the older man without any realization of sex.

Fruxano confirms what seemed obvious: "At the start the son... brings the other 2 guys home. He says they're his friends (read: bullies) from middle school and happened to run into them. They want to come in to chat, mom invites them in. Stuff happens, mom gets r***ing."

So far so good. Here is how Tubby is explained:

"Later the older guy comes to apologize (either he's omniscient or the 'boys' bragged about their deed). He is their boss and he wants her to let the kids off, saying the usual about how they're just kids, they have a promising future, blah blah. In the next scene in the living room she's talking on the phone to her lawyer and discussing what she should do. She doesn't want to settle it outside of official channels and is considering filing a report.
The boss wants her to let the boys off but she won't take his gift and just wants him to leave.
Then he gets physical and grabs her, which is what we do in crazy JAV land, and you know the rest."

So once again, the puny excuse of "boss" was used. The reason of his visit is absolutely ludicrous, but that's not our concern... we just wanted to find out what justified the visit.

(I do like the idea, at least in this one movie from the series, that the mother is looking to call the cops. At least that is a notch toward reality. 'Course, once the older man r***s her, we have no idea why she did not follow through on this plan.)

Well... we have examined only four of twenty-sex movies, so I am still clinging to my belief that the script writers had come up with a more plausible explanation. As it stands, based on our investigation thus far, the way the older man is explained is that he is the boss of the "boys."

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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, realizing that the only way we (see how nice I am by including you, as well?) are going to get to the bottom of what has become this great riddle of the universe was to seek out a member who knows the language.

Fruxano, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so kind as to spend your precious time seeking an answer. Moreover, you went really above and beyond, given that this type of movie was not going to be easily found in your collection, and thus you actually went out of your way to get your hands on one. I am truly touched, thank you so much.

I dug up my copy of SPRD-616, and very quickly confirmed what I suspected, after reading Fruxano's description... yes, it had to be one of those few examples from the series where it was not hard to guess what was going on.

As we may get the idea from these screen shots, the movie begins (although we don't see that from these particular screen shots) with two men doing gardening in the lawn. I would not have thought the workers were related to the son (whom we see in the first frame of the thumbs, sitting with his mother), and only someone with knowledge of the language would have known the relation was that the "boys" were former classmates/bullies of the son. (EDIT: I see now a black & white flashback telling us of the relation between the son and the bullies from school days.)

But that wasn't the important part; after the "boys" have their way with the lady, we see the older man (31:43) bowing and apologizing. The fact that he is wearing the "workman's bandana" around his head makes the viewer conclude with ease that he is connected to the workmen crew, most likely serving as their superior.

View attachment 643001
Izumi Jino plays the mother, by the way; I don't know who she is, but she looks great.

So here those of us who do not understand the language could determine the connection between the "boys" and the older man, but in almost every other one... we cannot. (Cannot!) Especially in the earlier ones, where there is no "bowing" or display of apologizing... if we look at Post #6 above, the apologizing became a matter of course (although the set-up in those particular ones from above don't usually visually lead to the reason why the apology is being made).

To reiterate, this particular movie happened to be the very rare example of, as I put it in my opening post above: "Sometimes this curve is easy to figure, the man is a friend of the boys, and he is allowed to share in the goods. (Or, when the boys show the man the photographs they have taken, the man simply invites himself to have a jolly good time.) But most of the time, who is the man?" Alas... ALAS!!... the jury is out as to what the reason can possibly be, for most of the other episodes.

Naturally, the reason varies from one episode to the next, but I still have no idea as to what the reason could be in the majority of cases where there are no visual clues, and this older man comes into the picture suddenly, with no seeming connection to the boys. An explanation for just one of these episodes may not be conclusive, but will at least steer us in the right direction.

Fruxano has already "paid the dues" by going so out of his way, and we cannot expect him to invest more of his time on this again. (Once more, oodles of gratitude, Fruxano.) The question remains unanswered, and the quest goes on.


So here is my take it on it.....

Aside from the whole storyline of the movie, look at the sexual aspect of it. The two boys r*** her, yes, but they make her orgasm multiple times. Hence, making the female addicted to orgasms. (Females apparently have an ability to orgasm multiple times, and yes their body does shake due to a violent orgasm).
Thereafter, the father or the boss of the those two boys comes to apologize for the 'shameful' acts, is an alpha male. He could smell the hormones in the air (multiple orgasms have some affect after all movie ? Eyy ...) . He decides to r*** her.... But What is the ROLE of the MAN??? He is a SPECIALIST. That is there to make the female an addict of heroin orgasms (Orgasms given in that style and duration, you could actually see the female feeling it all times.). Thereafter, the Specialist has done his job, and the female is willing to do anything for some dick).

Hope this answers your query?