Pokemon Diamond best way to level up+other cool cheats (action replay codes)


Awesome guy
Feb 19, 2009
:attention:the best way to level up ur pokemon from lv.1 or lv.2 is to either fight weak wild pkmn or double battles (with team battles have the low level in 1st position and the strongest in 2nd (i recommend a pokemon that will attack both targets at the same time like Kyogre's water spout move (with this cheat *note-u must have an action replay or if u don't have one, use pokemon diamond rom on any emulator u prefer to use (i recommend NO$GBA)*

:snicker2:Super EXP Gain (Hold R at the End of a Battle) (wild will get u 9999 exp while fighting a trainer will get u 14998 exp,traded pkmn will get about an extra 7% (i think) which will be over 20000 exp):
94000130 000002ff
62106fc0 00000000
b2106fc0 00000000
100458dc 0000270f
d2000000 00000000

here are some helpful cheats that involves the cheat above:

Max Cash (Press L+R):
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
000002e4 000f423f
d2000000 00000000
this cheat is for buying all the permanent stat enhancers like iron. here is a helpful tip for this cheat: when u level up ur pokemon wait until lv.40 and start boosting its stats that need focusing on (HP should be ur top priority) (10 stat boosters for each stat) that way u'll have all the max stat once it reaches 100.

here is a cheat for those who cant trade via wi-fi or via ds to ds:

wild pkm mod. press L+R before u go in bag.:
94000130 fdff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
94000130 feff0000
00000890 01ed0001
d0000000 00000000
da000000 00000892
dc000000 00024620
c0000000 0000000b
d7000000 00000000
dc000000 00000006
d2000000 00000000
(all these cheats work)

neat cheats:

Pokérus code *After a fight (which you can win, lose, or escape), press A and keep it pushed just before and during the black screen, and your Pokémon(s) will be infected by the Pokérus.:
12069c5e 00004288
94000130 fffe0000
12069c5e 00004280
d2000000 00000000

Any Pokéball has 100% Catch Rate:
9223c1f4 00002801
1223c1f4 00004280
d2000000 00000000

Special cheats:
(these cheats require u to enter any pokemart and talk to a man (u'll know who)
:notagain:Arceus+Darkrai+Shaymin+Manaphy Egg Events:

Member Card: Darkai:
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
0000aa3c edb88320
2000aa68 00000008
d2000000 00000000

Prof. Oak's Letter: Shaymin:
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
0000aa3c edb88320
2000aa68 00000009
d2000000 00000000

Azure Flute/Heaven's Pipe: Arceus:
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
0000aa3c edb88320
2000aa68 0000000a
d2000000 00000000

Manaphy Eggs (Entry Location:Any Pokemart):
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
0000aa3c edb88320
2000aa68 00000007
(if u need me to fix the code, just say so)
(if u need some more help, just say so)
thank me for posting these cheats and thank tho ones who made these cheats.
If you are using a cheating device like an Action Replay, why would you bother with fighting monsters in the first place? Why not just go ahead and edit your PKM files so that your team members have your desired effort spreads and your desired experience points?

If you are playing Pokémon in the first place, why on Earth would you play it on a computer emulator like NO$GBA? I understand that people who do not own flash cart devices (e.g. R4, CycloDS, Acekard 2) are currently using NO$GBA to play the Japanese versions of Heart Gold and Soul Silver, but you're suggesting they use this program to play Diamond and Pearl -- games that came out in Western countries back in the Spring of 2007. The only reason to play Pokémon on an emulator is if you are 100% confident that you will never and 100% cool with never trading or fighting other people with the team you raise. Good examples include playing technologically-outdated versions of the games (like the original Red and Green or like Gold and Silver -- versions which are no longer compatible with current-gen Pokémon games), and even then you'd only want to do this if it's more convenient for you to play Pokemon Blue on your computer as opposed to playing it on your GameBoy, GameBoy Color, or GameBoy Advance.

I dunno. Just my thoughts. Not ragging on your use of an AR by the way. I have a CycloDS and I also use Pokésav. However, I own physical copies of the games on my Cyclo, and I only use Pokésav with certain paks (e.g. Diamond and not Pearl) so that I can honestly present to people "my dream team" (Diamond) and "my team I've gotten through 200+ hours of slaving away" (Pearl).